Combo fields: why aren't we using them?
Because the best premades rarely play each other, so they don’t have to.
Because the best premades rarely play each other, so they don’t have to.
We play eachother all the time… Infact every paid tourny It’s Premade vs Premade.
Necro – Team U S A [USA]
There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.
There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.
Speak for yourself bro
There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.
But, could the use of combo fields make a team better? I know they’re being ignored, I’m asking why we think there’s no use.
There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.
I disagree, combo fields are IMO one of the best implemented parts about the combat system. They are potentially extremely powerful, yet needing very good coordination to gain those powerful benefits. If utilized right combo effects can be like an extra utility slot to the users. Instant stealth, condition removal, swiftness and others. Now… you will never see these utilized much in SPVP for obvious reasons, the coordination is just not there. Combo fields add a completely new level of micro management to the game. Personally coming from Age of Conan, playing a bear shaman, I love the micro management aspect to achieve great results. It adds a new level of player skill.
Our guild just started deliberately using combo fields in practice, and trying to work that into game time scenarios can be a little hectic. Out rangers always call out anytime they place a water field down now which helps for blast finishers available and so forth, now timing between saving that field and that blast skill for the right moment, instead of using the ability regularly in combat is a completely new Area in itself.
I feel once people get more comfortable with TPVP and GW2 combat in general, we will start seeing these being utilized more. I feel as of now teams are too busy working on strategy, and builds, for the combos to get much attention now. Once these previous areas are ironed out I believe combos will be next.
They can provide extremely strong scenarios to allies, but require good coordination to work, it’s a very good model for Risk v. Reward —- I mean good model for the concept not specifically risk v reward.
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)
…i might be an spvp only player (mainly discouraged because no one wants a ranger in tpvp). but i always put combo fields down (from traps, i go troll ungent which is a 8.5k heal over time -for my build), and i always melee burst in a trap.
even if i’m the only one using it, i’ll take extra damage where i can.
Because the best premades rarely play each other, so they don’t have to.
We play eachother all the time… Infact every paid tourny It’s Premade vs Premade.
Sorry, that was a bit trollish of me. I realize paids are all good teams, but paids are a relatively small number of teams, relatively few times per day.
The issue is that blast finishers are really the only useful and reliable use of combo fields. Most abilities that are projectile finishers have only a 20% chance of activation making it not really a skill to use them with projectiles but something that you just hope you get lucky with when fields are down. Also, since fields are often place in the middle of the battle area to act partly as area denial, moving into the fields to use a combo will often expose you to a lot of damage.
Leap and blast finishers have the strongest effects but leap and blast finishers are often found on strong abilities which are often not worth using for the short lived effect of a combo field. Water fields have the largest effect and are obviously worth blasting in and I think its worthwhile blasting in fire fields for 3 long stacks of might but I think the other fields are a bit lackluster in comparison.
I wish after 5 shots/hits that you would get a guaranteed projectile finisher rather than leaving things completely random.
The issue is that blast finishers are really the only useful and reliable use of combo fields. Most abilities that are projectile finishers have only a 20% chance of activation making it not really a skill to use them with projectiles but something that you just hope you get lucky with when fields are down. Also, since fields are often place in the middle of the battle area to act partly as area denial, moving into the fields to use a combo will often expose you to a lot of damage.
Leap and blast finishers have the strongest effects but leap and blast finishers are often found on strong abilities which are often not worth using for the short lived effect of a combo field. Water fields have the largest effect and are obviously worth blasting in and I think its worthwhile blasting in fire fields for 3 long stacks of might but I think the other fields are a bit lackluster in comparison.
I wish after 5 shots/hits that you would get a guaranteed projectile finisher rather than leaving things completely random.
What about group chaos armors, condition removals, stealths etc. What would make these more appealing to use? A banne/hammer warrior with stomp is just one class that could really bring a lot to the group with finishers.
The co-ordination required is simply too much for most players. Serious players should know all the combos, how to set them up and make the most out of them but for 85% of the players they’re just another fancy thing to cycle through.
Personally my take globally (across the entire spectrum of the game) is that they need to take a deeper look at the simplistic combo system in place. To expand on that the system can be altered in two ways…
a) Field priority – Certain fields should take priority over others, ground placed fields should override fields from weapon chains. Positive and negative fields should cancel each other out eg. Healing Rain (water) cancels Choking Gas (poison), Light field cancels Dark field etc. I’ll leave the heavy balancing up to Anet as I’ve not dedicated copious amounts of time to this.
b) All fields combo’d in result in all effects granted but at a diminished return. e.g Fire and Water field are combo’d instead of resulting in 3 stacks of might you get 2 stacks of might and half the healing.
In concept I love combos but the implementation is too simplistic and tied in with extremely short durations resulting in extreme amounts of co-ordination and/or skill to utilise to the fullest potential.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
ask your team why u dont use.
as thief i use them everytime i can find one. if none is found. sometimes i use my poison to aoe weakness. usually it works against guardians.
ask your team why u dont use.
as thief i use them everytime i can find one. if none is found. sometimes i use my poison to aoe weakness. usually it works against guardians.
How many blast finishers do you have
I am and I like them.
Requires actual thought and planning, hence under-utilized by most players.
Simple as that.
They don’t usually last long enough and tend to apply redundant effects.
While combo fields can be useful, using the relevant abilities when needed rather than looking for combo possibilities is better 99% of the time.
the hell is this? we constantly stack might and swiftness outside of fights and chaos armor inside of fights :o
Unpractical to use, they require too much team coordination which is often impossible in the heat of battle, and the effects are honestly not game changing at all, considering the buff they give is either irrelevant or lasts too little time to actually make a difference.
As an Engineer, I blast my own fields when I can to give myself a little edge, but that’s about it. I hope using combo fields will be easier and more rewarding in the future, to actually make them worth the trouble.
1) They’re underwhelming. 2) The best case scenario for their use would be 2v2 pvp or if you have a team that absolutely knows they will have two people at one point regularly. Otherwise, it’s a shot in the dark as to whether or not you’ll be able to fully benefit from them at any given time.
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Personally coming from Age of Conan, playing a bear shaman, I love the micro management aspect to achieve great results. It adds a new level of player skill.
Sorry, that was my main too. FFA PVP server (damned if I can remember the name at this moment). Loved the intense micro and positioning the BS required. Manifest weaving. God I miss mechanics like that and aura molding (WAR-Chosen) or stance dancing (Prot warrior and AoC-Guardian). Of course we have eles but they’re dress wearing spell chuckers so it’s just not the same.
Yaks Bend
the hell is this? we constantly stack might and swiftness outside of fights and chaos armor inside of fights :o
+1 … even while pugging.
I pay huge attention to combo fields?? Can’t relate to this post AT ALL.
ask your team why u dont use.
as thief i use them everytime i can find one. if none is found. sometimes i use my poison to aoe weakness. usually it works against guardians.How many blast finishers do you have
by myself i can spam 3 blast with a pool of initiative.
engi can spam a kittenload of blasts.
ele have a quite few.
guardian and necro have a lot of nice combo fields as holders.
go gw2 wiki and try to learn combo effects.
Personally coming from Age of Conan, playing a bear shaman, I love the micro management aspect to achieve great results. It adds a new level of player skill.
Sorry, that was my main too. FFA PVP server (damned if I can remember the name at this moment). Loved the intense micro and positioning the BS required. Manifest weaving. God I miss mechanics like that and aura molding (WAR-Chosen) or stance dancing (Prot warrior and AoC-Guardian). Of course we have eles but they’re dress wearing spell chuckers so it’s just not the same.
While playing an undergeared Conqueror, Bear Shamans just looked like they had the best of every world: tankability, heals, and damage. I’m sure there was micro involved, but after having to put so much effort into playing in order to lose duels gracefully instead of terribly, I don’t exactly miss the fact that something like a Bear Shaman doesn’t exist.
Of course, AoC depended a lot on when you came into the game. I touched on several different points of its unfortunate life (it’s still potentially my favorite MMO of all time due to several different factors), and the game changed drastically over the years. Once gear became such an incredible factor, I had a huge sad.
But anyway, it sounds like some teams DO utilize combo fields, though I’m sure there will be interesting combos that develop over time yet unexplored to their fullest. I think part of the problem is the inability to watch pros/others in competitive matches. The amount of information spread conversationally from watching top teams (who earn their place at the top via sponsored/third-party/widely advertised official “winner is the best” tournaments and not the current mini-tournament format) feels minimal, though maybe I’m just not in the right place to find it all.
I’ll wait for some of the major competitive infrastructure pieces to fall into place before wondering about things that are/aren’t happening in top level play.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
Ah, fond memories of plucking the heads off of people with my… bear… hands
Combo fields are great, and an incredibly important part of the combat system, but from my experience as well, they are rarely intentionally used (at least amongst PUGs I’ve played on and premades I’ve played against).
So the question is, are players not using them because players are bad, or because the combos themselves don’t offer sufficient benefit?
To use an MMO example:
In FFXI, there is a combat mechanic known as skillchains. Essentially, by using weapon skills in certain orders with proper timing, groups would do massive bonus damage. In addition to the skillchain damage, casters could time another effect (Magic Burst) for even more bonus damage.
At lower levels, players often didn’t have the knowledge or skill to use skillchains. They didn’t know which skills to use, or which order, or how to time the use, so they didn’t use them. That’s a failure of the players, and not an indication of a broken system. The system worked great, and players just needed to get better and use it properly.
Later in the game’s lifespan, at higher levels, the composition of groups changed. WAR/NIN x5 + RDM axe burns became prevalent. BLM almost completely disappeared from groups. Other changes like that led to situations where setting up and completing a skillchain just wasn’t an efficient use of time. If you didn’t have a SAM or BLM in your group, the extra damage from the skillchain didn’t outweigh the costs of coordinating its use. This is a failure of the combat system. Players stopped using skillchains because they didn’t make the group better off.
So, getting back to GW2 here, why aren’t combos used very frequently? Are they just not worth it? Dropping a cluster bomb into a fire field gives you AoE might, but the duration on that is ridiculously low. If they’re not worth it, Anet should balance them to be stronger. They could (for example) double the duration on might from combo fields and make it grant 2 stacks instead of 1.
Personally, I think it’s mostly an issue with player behavior/knowledge and how the current meta works. Right now, there’s not much focus on synergy. It seems (at least outside the real top end scene, where I haven’t played at all) everyone builds for themselves, and wants to be a self-sufficient player who does their own thing rather than actually coordinating with their team. How do we get players to actually be aware of, and to utilize teamwork and synergies like combo fields?
Combo fields are great, and an incredibly important part of the combat system, but from my experience as well, they are rarely intentionally used (at least amongst PUGs I’ve played on and premades I’ve played against).
So the question is, are players not using them because players are bad, or because the combos themselves don’t offer sufficient benefit?
To use an MMO example:
In FFXI, there is a combat mechanic known as skillchains. Essentially, by using weapon skills in certain orders with proper timing, groups would do massive bonus damage. In addition to the skillchain damage, casters could time another effect (Magic Burst) for even more bonus damage.
At lower levels, players often didn’t have the knowledge or skill to use skillchains. They didn’t know which skills to use, or which order, or how to time the use, so they didn’t use them. That’s a failure of the players, and not an indication of a broken system. The system worked great, and players just needed to get better and use it properly.
Later in the game’s lifespan, at higher levels, the composition of groups changed. WAR/NIN x5 + RDM axe burns became prevalent. BLM almost completely disappeared from groups. Other changes like that led to situations where setting up and completing a skillchain just wasn’t an efficient use of time. If you didn’t have a SAM or BLM in your group, the extra damage from the skillchain didn’t outweigh the costs of coordinating its use. This is a failure of the combat system. Players stopped using skillchains because they didn’t make the group better off.
So, getting back to GW2 here, why aren’t combos used very frequently? Are they just not worth it? Dropping a cluster bomb into a fire field gives you AoE might, but the duration on that is ridiculously low. If they’re not worth it, Anet should balance them to be stronger. They could (for example) double the duration on might from combo fields and make it grant 2 stacks instead of 1.
Personally, I think it’s mostly an issue with player behavior/knowledge and how the current meta works. Right now, there’s not much focus on synergy. It seems (at least outside the real top end scene, where I haven’t played at all) everyone builds for themselves, and wants to be a self-sufficient player who does their own thing rather than actually coordinating with their team. How do we get players to actually be aware of, and to utilize teamwork and synergies like combo fields?
Ah, setting up Freeze bursts while leveling on crabs in Kuftal Tunnel.
Those were the days, lol.
Its a cost of opportunity as mentioned above. In many cases its not worth setting up a combo as the rewards of comboing are less than those of using the skills at more opportune times.
Also, most multi-player combos are finished entirely on accident with skills that just happen to be used in conjunction to one another.
Making combos require more deliberate use and providing stronger effects such as stability/invuln/ae imobilize et cetera would deepen combat and encourage inter-player coordination; something which is distinctly lacking.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
Combo fields are great, and an incredibly important part of the combat system, but from my experience as well, they are rarely intentionally used (at least amongst PUGs I’ve played on and premades I’ve played against).
So the question is, are players not using them because players are bad, or because the combos themselves don’t offer sufficient benefit?
To use an MMO example:
In FFXI, there is a combat mechanic known as skillchains. Essentially, by using weapon skills in certain orders with proper timing, groups would do massive bonus damage. In addition to the skillchain damage, casters could time another effect (Magic Burst) for even more bonus damage.
At lower levels, players often didn’t have the knowledge or skill to use skillchains. They didn’t know which skills to use, or which order, or how to time the use, so they didn’t use them. That’s a failure of the players, and not an indication of a broken system. The system worked great, and players just needed to get better and use it properly.
Later in the game’s lifespan, at higher levels, the composition of groups changed. WAR/NIN x5 + RDM axe burns became prevalent. BLM almost completely disappeared from groups. Other changes like that led to situations where setting up and completing a skillchain just wasn’t an efficient use of time. If you didn’t have a SAM or BLM in your group, the extra damage from the skillchain didn’t outweigh the costs of coordinating its use. This is a failure of the combat system. Players stopped using skillchains because they didn’t make the group better off.
So, getting back to GW2 here, why aren’t combos used very frequently? Are they just not worth it? Dropping a cluster bomb into a fire field gives you AoE might, but the duration on that is ridiculously low. If they’re not worth it, Anet should balance them to be stronger. They could (for example) double the duration on might from combo fields and make it grant 2 stacks instead of 1.
Personally, I think it’s mostly an issue with player behavior/knowledge and how the current meta works. Right now, there’s not much focus on synergy. It seems (at least outside the real top end scene, where I haven’t played at all) everyone builds for themselves, and wants to be a self-sufficient player who does their own thing rather than actually coordinating with their team. How do we get players to actually be aware of, and to utilize teamwork and synergies like combo fields?
You’re right, some combos are a bit underwhelming. But we do still have good ones(chaos armor AoE for example). I think that once a few teams in the lower bracket use them more, people would start thinking about them more. Guilds that run frees could start taking it into consideration. I really think that some fields, when utilized effectively, could make a huge difference winning a fight and losing it.
While playing an undergeared Conqueror, Bear Shamans just looked like they had the best of every world: tankability, heals, and damage. I’m sure there was micro involved, but after having to put so much effort into playing in order to lose duels gracefully instead of terribly, I don’t exactly miss the fact that something like a Bear Shaman doesn’t exist.
:) Yay another combo weaving player. w00t.
Actually we do have something like the bear shaman, if you ignore the visual aesthetic (being a spell-chucker and all). A well-played D/D ele. No joke. All the same capabilities are there, requires the positional and ability management micro. It’s just that it’s a friggin’ spell chucker instead of a brutal armor wearing kitten driving a huge slag of metal into some poor smoe’s dome. le sigh
Oh and I feel ya on the Conq. but towards the end of my playtime there, right around the time they released the whole asian themed expansion, Conqs were in a good place FINALLY. I had fun playing mine as a 3-tree hybrid focused on lumbering hulk (and improved so you could actually run instead of waddle like a lame duck), fears and regen. A big part of it though was micro with the shield mechanics though which allowed you to both ignore all CC through LH and then mitigate spike damage through shield stacking on combo finishers.
Yaks Bend
This thread clearly highlights the difference between mastery focused players on a competitive level and new players entering the fray. Even Heartseeker can’t close this gap.
IMO, as already mentioned by some, combo field benefits are too weak and you are often better off using your skill at the right time, then using it prematurely to get a combo field effect. ALso you should be able to trait for increased combo chance on ranged autos (maybe double to 40%)
There is no real teamplay or necessary team composition. There is no need to use combo fields, it’s yet another fail from Anet. Combo fields are just ignored.
Well, that may be true for you and your Team, but our Team heavily relies on Combo-fields in various different ways:
- Buff/Stealth-Stacking at the beginning
- Stealth-Stacking when collapsing on a Point
- Teams of Chars runnig together that utilize each others combofields well
- With the recent Weapon-Swapping change, it also gets more important for certain Chars to give others swiftness, so Swiftness-Stacking, even during games, is very useful.
- We also use certain builds, that only work well on their own, because they have good combo-fields AND good finishers on themselves: try running a tanky Ranger with Ice-trap and Healing Fountain and a Leap-finisher every 10 seconds and tell me the Frost-Aura from the ice-Trap und the added Healing you get from the Fountain isn’t just awesome and a big part of why the build works!
- I even have a Ranger-build I use quite often in tPvP where one huge Aspect of the build is to constantly put down Combo-fields (fire, Ice and Water) und we use Chars in the Build with enough combo-finishers to utilize the combo-fields.
It’s not like the abilities with combo-fields or finishers in them are inherently weaker and only good when you use the combo’s, so it doesn’t restrain your build in any ways – it’s just a quite sizeable cherry on top and you would be stupid to pass on that cherry.
@BowerBottom: Could I persuade you to post that build somewhere? I am starting a new ranger and desperately looking for some well reflected builds … and yours sounds awesome
if you steal a ranger and use F1(the blue tree), hitting blasts do aoe healings. tell me it is not usefull-
Why don’t we see the utilization of fields with a ranger/pistol thief etc to stack burning, remove conditions, poison on targets we are burning down? Why aren’t we using ethereal fields and blast finishers to give our team chaos armor in a pinch, to aoe blind to ensure a stomp or kickback? Or, using multiple blast finishers on water to give an extra bitofhealing for the fighters at point? Or, a leap finisher on a smoke field when a teammate is being targeted? What about using the area weakness combo to give an edge to your team at the beginning of the fight?
Perhaps I’m overlooking something here, but it seems to me that teams have not fully tapped into a mechanic that can give a lot more depth than we have now. Opinions, or an explanation as to why we don’t talk about combo fields would be great.
Dunno others but i actually use fields, poison, smoke…also in hot join i’m always running into guardian’s and ele’s fields to use them with sbow…
Combo fields are a good idea. I think they would have seen better use in guildwars 1 though.
I also think there should be larger combo fields, I actually have a long thing written about how to implement smite monks and psychics that would both use what I am talking about.
Something like a ray of judgement that is a combo of light and fire that is nearly twice as large of the normal fields, that shoots something like a beam from the sky that burns the ground in a circle similar to the ring of fire but bigger but is actually two combo fields in one (light/fire) and is an ELITE skill.
You know when you play some of those card games whether its like magic or yugioh there is these field cards. That is how I see combo fields kind of. Then like say you have a water field card, and a land field card, there would then be a swamp in later releases or something like that.
The pvp in the game just isn’t worth putting any more effort into it. They need to make a guildwars 3 maybe. Even if they were to put the same exact skills and formats of guildwars 1 into this engine it would clearly play nothing like gw1, be an entirely new game, and be on an entirely different level than guildwars 2. Guildwars 2’s whole concept of pvp, blow your load kill someone go on cooldown for a few minutes, it’s just bad. I can’t really think of anything good to say about guildwars 2 pvp really. Other than it has the title guildwars in it.
I was going to post the long post that would really improve this pvp but I ran out of kittens to give a long time ago. If I want to pvp I will play guildwars 1. I’m not even going to bother with gw2 anymore, the devs don’t seem to care about the game or the fans, biggest thing here being their FANS, or they would have given them something of more resemblance to guildwars..
A team in this game is nothing more than having someone else who is 1v1ing someone else who happens to be standing beside you, maybe a 2v1 but there is no real teamplay feeling, no real feeling of of being a unit together. It’s very hard to explain the way it feels in guildwars one, but you definatly feel as a team in that game, not like 8x 1v1’s in an 8v8 matchup.
Another huge disappointment for me was the races. They should have had more to do in the game to make it more complex, asura should be your class that has slightly more intelligence etc, while a charr has more toughness or something, you get the idea. This would have replaced secondary professions but instead they are dam near useless, and could have all been human. It would have opened up more build diversity, while asuran elementalists would have been used for your glass cannons, something like a human elementalist would have been more of your tanky or balanced ele.
The more I think about it this partially has to do with in gw1 you have to somewhat rely on other people for certain things connecting you guys as a group, to do group things, TOGETHER. Fly while messing around even went as far as making the necro bleed a target, to have the warrior be able to then gash it, and the warrior not carrying his own bleed. This required communication of the warrior and necro together separately aside from the rest of the communication the team required. The game is on an entirely different level, an entirely different level. Gw2 is probably the biggest letdown of 2006-2012 for all gw1 players.
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
@R E F L H E X: If you ran out of kittens, why did you post such a long post describing all of your disappointments? This PvP isn’t worth putting any effort into, but posting on the forums is? Even after claiming that you’ve run out of kittens to post about how to improve GW2’s PvP. Followed by grandiose claims that it’s the biggest letdown for the past 6 years.
So much bark around here, and absolutely no bite.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
@R E F L H E X: If you ran out of kittens, why did you post such a long post describing all of your disappointments? This PvP isn’t worth putting any effort into, but posting on the forums is? Even after claiming that you’ve run out of kittens to post about how to improve GW2’s PvP. Followed by grandiose claims that it’s the biggest letdown for the past 6 years.
So much bark around here, and absolutely no bite.
I logged into guildwars 2 to talk to an old friend once for php help, I can’t remember when but that was the only reason i logged in.
If you think that’s all of my disappointments you couldn’t be farther from the truth. This game has too many to even start to go into detail. My forum posts are even spread out far and few between because I barely come here also, but found this thread to be one to post in when I did come here.
I don’t understand why you would reply to me saying no bite/bark, there is no context for that to even make any sense. What does that even mean, we take guildwars two and turn it into a playable game to have bite? Hand over the coding. The game is undeniably bad in so many ways including format and core gameplay.
It’s easily the biggest letdown in the past 6 years, for GUILDWARS 1 players. You call that a grandoise claim? You must not have talked to any gw1 players.
If this were a guildwars 1 release, let’s just say gw1 wasn’t released, and this was gw1 released. I probably would have barely eaten anything this past week from playing the game and being so addicted to it. I may even be sleeping a few hours and then being awake for a few hours from being so addicted. I wouldn’t even goto the bathroom from being so addictive, however, in guildwars 2 I’d goto the bathroom during the actual pvp game. There would barely be any time I’d be off the game compared to being on the game is what I am trying to say, however that is not the case. The game just isn’t up to guildwars standards.
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
I probably would have barely eaten anything this past week from playing the game and being so addicted to it. I may even be sleeping a few hours and then being awake for a few hours from being so addicted. I wouldn’t even goto the bathroom from being so addictive
So because you aren’t displaying signs of a completely psychotic and unhealthy addicted state the game is bad? If anything that the game isn’t feeding into your unstable and addictive personality is a moral and psychological win for humanity.
Yaks Bend
I probably would have barely eaten anything this past week from playing the game and being so addicted to it. I may even be sleeping a few hours and then being awake for a few hours from being so addicted. I wouldn’t even goto the bathroom from being so addictive
So because you aren’t displaying signs of a completely psychotic and unhealthy addicted state the game is bad? If anything that the game isn’t feeding into your unstable and addictive personality is a moral and psychological win for humanity.
The game isn’t good enough for even an addicting personality to even want to play it (who really wanted to play it for over 5 years).
Do you not understand how terrible or big of a failure that is? If it’s not good enough to keep the really strongly addicted to games people around (even specifically the same title also, something to remember), good luck keeping anyone else around for the long run.
(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)
I recently played an Auramancer elementalist in PvP, and I found that generating combo fields and utilizing existing ones was CRITICAL to my ability to play it successfully. True, for a spec completely designed around Auras that makes sense, but I was able to provide a good bit of group support through my ability to create lots of combo fields and chain them with short-cast blasts. Typically could keep around 6-8 stacks of might on the group, which made the difference in a few fights.
I think, as with a lot of things, people are still getting accustomed to GW2 combat, and to PvP in particular. Utilizing combo fields can really swing the tide of an uneven fight, but it requires a different kind of thinking than most MMO players are accustomed to.
COMBO BLAST on COMBO FIELD to give my allies 2 kittening seconds of chaos armor? lol no thx.
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”
Because u simply can’t depend on others when u need a field layer down so the risk of waiting for one isn’t worth using your finisher, especially since its probably on a long cd and ur better off using it when u need to in terms of timing or response to what your opponent is doing.
The benefit of even the most arguably powerful blast effect (water) isn’t worth the huge communication, timing, and positioning requirements.
Finishers as it is are just random icing on the cake except for a few specific builds I imagine.
Red circles heal you. Just relax.
COMBO BLAST on COMBO FIELD to give my allies 2 kittening seconds of chaos armor? lol no thx.
Save your 30 sec cd blast finisher for my 30 second cd aoe slow field to get an awesome 2 sec frost armor!!111
1st time I looked for what effect it gave it was already over…
Red circles heal you. Just relax.
Because u simply can’t depend on others when u need a field layer down so the risk of waiting for one isn’t worth using your finisher, especially since its probably on a long cd and ur better off using it when u need to in terms of timing or response to what your opponent is doing.
The benefit of even the most arguably powerful blast effect (water) isn’t worth the huge communication, timing, and positioning requirements.
Finishers as it is are just random icing on the cake except for a few specific builds I imagine.
This is because other players in GW2 are simply viewed as Minions you can’t control by the vast majority of players. It may not be obvious to them but they treat all other players as Minions. There is no social engineering, just pure matchmaking in all content. But that is what you should expect from programmers. Social skills are impossible to program so why bother with social systems. Pros and Cons are neck and neck here.
Fights move too quickly and durations on everything is super low. And people who pretend like squeezing every inch out of their characters matters in this game are practicing wishful thinking. It’s mostly chase scenes and button mashing right now.
Fights move too quickly and durations on everything is super low. And people who pretend like squeezing every inch out of their characters matters in this game are practicing wishful thinking. It’s mostly chase scenes and button mashing right now.
If you go button mashing into tPvP, even round 2 in frees, you’re going to get worked by a coordinated team.