Coming back to GW2 have some questions

Coming back to GW2 have some questions

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


So it has been a very long time since I last played the game and I would like to know what’s new (got a lot of time before the game downloads) I am a pvp payer so that is what concerns me the most.

1. What are the current pvp map types? when i left the game last it was only capture the point.
2. Is there a ladder now?
3. is there armoury?
4. How is matchmaking?
5. Is there any team finding tool to find people I can play with regular?
6. What should I play? I am not really interested in easy classes – more of a support guy with willingness to learn even most advanced and difficult play styles tactics…

Also… Hello!

Coming back to GW2 have some questions

in PvP

Posted by: Pizz.3698


1. Still mostly conquest. There is a TDM map and a mix between conquest and capture the flag in Unranked.
2. Yes, but the way the ladder works is that people with most games played appear at the top of the list.
3. Yes and no. They changed it but it’s now available through all gametypes (pvp, pve, wvw)
4. Its not bad depending on your MMR
5. There’s a LFG tool, though i cant say how many people use it.
6. Celestial D/D ele is probably the one of the best build on every skill lvl.
