Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Hooks.7389



I quit within two weeks because of the release of MoP which got boring really fast. Now I’m back in the mmo market and I figured I would give GW2 another shot. I will be deleting my ranger so I can reuse the name “Zach” which I camped out the launch for.

So far I hate rangers completely. My guardian is what I had the most fun with on launch, but it felt EXTREMELY clunky. I played a purely offensive build which dealt out great damage while still having survivability (guardian duh), but it felt clunky because I would get destroyed by anybody with the ability to run faster than me. I remember having 3 second moments of damage between being cced which honestly worked out fine because of guardian survivability, but it was annoying and made me mad. Should I just go for a warrior? Idk how thieves are doing, they were terrible on release though.

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: monepipi.5160


thieves are OP ; warriors have issues

Anyone saying otherwise is not being honest with you.

anyway, you can pvp with a lvl 2 char, so switching and trying out classes takes minimal effort, really.

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Currently Glass cannon BS thieves are the most complained about class in 8v8 for thier ability to front load 10k-20k to anyone unprepared for them. As for their other builds, well the latest patch seems to have hit their more balanced builds pretty hard.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Make a bunch of new characters, and play around with them in the Heart of the Mists. Find which one you like that way, and ignore other people’s suggestions that are based on how strong a class is, because you’ll be much happier as such.

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


thieves are OP ; warriors have issues

Anyone saying otherwise is not being honest with you.

Or isn’t a hot-join champion.

To OP: Most popular PvP professions are mesmers (shatter, portal, off-point guard), and bunker guardian. The professions in the worst state at the moment are rangers, thieves, and warriors. Engineers are good, but they aren’t used much and have a high skill cap. You can play any profession and find a place on a tournie team, but you can’t play any build you want.

Coming back to GW2, want class suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


You would probably do fine with a warrior they have issues but are a safe bet for the game being balanced around.

If you want to play the currently OP class Mesmer in spvp and tpvp or thief in spvp tpvp and wvw.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET