(edited by Reuptake.5016)
Coming from top ladder WoW arena
1. How much, or does it at all, give me an advantage the face that I was a high end pvp player on WoW?
Well, I would say, with that you have the basic understanding of the importance of roles, importance of traits, communication and timing.
2. I plaid Warr, Rogue, DK on WoW. Which class gameplay/style would be to these on gw2?
I’d recommend you to create every profession, and go to the Heart of the Mists. There your character get’s switched to the PvP-Mode (basically getting set to level 80). Just play around with every professions / hitting some golems there. Maybe jump into some hot-join games. This helps you understand the basics of every profession, and you might find the profession you enjoy the most.
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
Broken? Ladder, MMR in general, mid-air-immobilize
I wouldn’t call a profession / spec ‘broken’.
4. Are we toxic, team? Compare “toxicness” in wow community vs. gw, anyone?
Less than wow and less than all the mobas; but I’d still consider pvp toxic.
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
0.5. throw away your WoW PvP experience. It’s worthless here. This is no hate, this is simply due to the combat systems being incompatible and impossible to compare.
1. nope.
This is not world of turrets, this is a movement-orientated combat system that requires fast reflexes and proper positioning.
2. Any class.
The 3 you’ve listed at least require some basic positioning. Depending on the build you want to run with a class, all of them will elevate this priciple to the next level for you. Even “spellcasters” like necros and elementalists are very different to what a traditional MMO player would expect from them.
3. the leaderboard.
Who has the least social life and plays the most gets on top.
4. Turn off you map and say-chat. Arguably also the team chat. Basically you want to find a guild. A good guild. And only do PvP together with them. Solo Q is viable, but again: turn off your chat. Ofc you will also meet pleasant people and have enjoyable pug-matches, but in general this does not happen often.
5. Nope.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page read about all classes here.
http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki regardless if you like them or not, read and learn about all meta-builds here.
I appreciate your honest answers. Just the fact that you answer me like this gives me hope, as if I posted the same question on WoW forums/AJ, I would probably get trolled or get some irrelevant centric answers
btw. do devs listen to complains on forums and elsewhere, or they are ignorant like in most of the games? I mean, can you recall times when they changed something which community was QQing about?
(edited by Reuptake.5016)
They are “aware” of issues.
Don’t expect anything to be done about those issues for at least a whole year though.
btw. do devs listen to complains on forums and elsewhere, or they are ignorant like in most of the games? I mean, can you recall times when they changed something which community was QQing about?
Yes, actually a lot of times. The downside is, that they are taking their time.
The last thing they changed based on community qqing was the survival-ability of turrets (from the engineer profession). Basically the old turret-engi was not viable in top-tier (those winning the Go4Cups), since a good team could either kill him with a good coordinated burst, or out-rotate the engi; but in solo-queue and mid-tier play (normal unranked/ranked queue) the engi was too strong. Based on the players-qq, now the turrets can be killed more easily.
[On a side note: I still think this was just a interim solution. The problem, that the turrets do not scale with the stats from the engi remain. The turrets from a tanky engi now die too fast, and still deal the same amount of damage from a burst engi. Personally I think the current lifespan and damage of turrets is fine for burst engi, but for tanky engis the lifespan is too short, while the damage of the turrets remains too high.]
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
Devs do listen to what we want, even tho they tend to take ages to respond.
When it comes to forum responses they rarely ever post, and when they do it’s about game-breaking stuff (like a bug that prevents you to log in, or some broken NPC in a dungeon that suddenly bugs out since the last patch.) most of the time.
One example are hobo-sacks.
Basically they are the engineer weapon-kit backpacks. The community was complaining since launch (almost 3 years long) that these things look hideous and clip / cover better backpack skins. They just recently announced that this will get fixed with the next expansion and also were showing it in one of their pod-casts about class-changes.
Another example is the expansion itself. Originally A-net intended to continue this game only with small bits of frequent content-releases, but the community was demanding big changes most of the time. So they went ahead and threw a good chunk of their general concept out of the window and started working on HoT, only to please the players. You can say many things about a-net when it comes to the quality (in terms of bugs) of their content, but they indeed care about their players.
When it comes to class balancing, we get a balance patch every 6 months, give or take one. Most of the classes are pretty balanced, but some slightly OP stuff exist. I guess it would not be surprising if a random salty person pops up and tries to shame me because I main engi and therefore run the “easy-mode”, but these people tend to forget what input certain builds / classes require to reach their seemingly over-effective performance.
Anyways, yes – the devs listen to the players. They just don’t respond that fast.
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
Broken? Ladder, MMR in general, mid-air-immobilize
I wouldn’t call a profession / spec ‘broken’.
Coming from the necro forums, it’s nice to see that there are people out there who don’t consider necro “broken” or non-viable. ’tis a pleasant change
Coming from the necro forums, it’s nice to see that there are people out there who don’t consider necro “broken” or non-viable. ’tis a pleasant change
How could I consider a profession non-viable, when it is part of the best team in NA?^^
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
say that in the necro forums and they’ll obliterate you lol
Nice to see that devs respond, no matter how long it takes. Ofcourse we would love that they are on our back doing updates every day, but thats just not that possible, maybe gw2 grows a bit more with expansion and we see more freq. updates.
Dude I taught Necros were the thing. I tried Necro and the only thing I didn’t like about it is the lack of mobility, I prefer super mobile classes (in/out-combat) which has an ability to output burst in short period of time. Since the mobility in this game is so awesome, unlike WoW, I want to you is to its full potential. Feeling like Thief is the thing for me.
(edited by Reuptake.5016)
4. Turn off you map and say-chat. Arguably also the team chat. Basically you want to find a guild. A good guild. And only do PvP together with them. Solo Q is viable, but again: turn off your chat. Ofc you will also meet pleasant people and have enjoyable pug-matches, but in general this does not happen often.
I would avoid this as a new player. There is some level of toxicity in the game, however you’re not going to learn anything if your chat is off. Sometimes people actually say helpful stuff.
Nice to see that devs respond, no matter how long it takes. Ofcourse we would love that they are on our back doing updates every day, but thats just not that possible, maybe gw2 grows a bit more with expansion and we see more freq. updates.
Dude I taught Necros were the thing. I tried Necro and the only thing I didn’t like about it is the lack of mobility, I prefer super mobile classes (in/out-combat) which has an ability to output burst in short period of time. Since the mobility in this game is so awesome, unlike WoW, I want to you is to its full potential. Feeling like Thief is the thing for me.
Yeah, I wanted to suggest a thief. I don’t think necro is much exciting to play at the moment, it could change with the expansion, though. Condition necro was pretty fun to play, even though it lacked mobility and obviously it’s a matter of a personal opinion. But power necro is just about pressing 1 at the moment. Thief has insane mobility and burst, but it’s quite a difficult class to start pvping with. You should probably try all the different classes, it might take some time to find what you actually enjoy. The meta will probably change a lot when we have the expansion out, so have that in mind, too.
Nice to see that devs respond, no matter how long it takes. Ofcourse we would love that they are on our back doing updates every day, but thats just not that possible, maybe gw2 grows a bit more with expansion and we see more freq. updates.
Dude I taught Necros were the thing. I tried Necro and the only thing I didn’t like about it is the lack of mobility, I prefer super mobile classes (in/out-combat) which has an ability to output burst in short period of time. Since the mobility in this game is so awesome, unlike WoW, I want to you is to its full potential. Feeling like Thief is the thing for me.
Yeah, I wanted to suggest a thief. I don’t think necro is much exciting to play at the moment, it could change with the expansion, though. Condition necro was pretty fun to play, even though it lacked mobility and obviously it’s a matter of a personal opinion. But power necro is just about pressing 1 at the moment. Thief has insane mobility and burst, but it’s quite a difficult class to start pvping with. You should probably try all the different classes, it might take some time to find what you actually enjoy. The meta will probably change a lot when we have the expansion out, so have that in mind, too.
Ye I want to try to catch up as much as possible before the expansion hits, so I can wreck you all
1. How much, or does it at all, give me an advantage the fact that I was a high end pvp player on WoW?
2. I plaid Warr, Rogue, DK on WoW. Which class gameplay/style would be to these on gw2? Which classs has the most mobility for pvp?
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
4. Are we toxic, team? Compare “toxicness” in wow community vs. gw, anyone?
5. Who wants to be my first friend in pvp and help a m8 get into gw pvp?)
1. Skills like communication and coordination carry over. Mechanical skills will help you over time as you learn the new system. Other than that, not really. The combat system is very different. The game type, conquest, is similar to Arathi Basin or Battle of Gilneas.
2. An offensive Warrior build is close to WoW warrior, but they aren’t in the “meta” right now; defensive warriors are. Thief is close to WoW rogue. Thief has the highest mobility.
3. Debatable. Celestial rifle engineer and Air+Fire sigil burst seems to be the most complained about thing currently.
4. Haven’t played WoW in years. Competitive teams get along. In PUG games, you still have the few people who think they’re amazing and everyone else is terrible and can’t help telling you how bad you are and how great they are.
Hi guys,
I’ve been playing high end pvp on a game which you probably tried yourself, WoW. I’ve been x2 rank1 and x4 gladiator. I want to make a big leap of faith and switch my self to gw2 pvp, so I have couple of questions if you don’t mind
1. How much, or does it at all, give me an advantage the fact that I was a high end pvp player on WoW?
2. I plaid Warr, Rogue, DK on WoW. Which class gameplay/style would be to these on gw2? Which classs has the most mobility for pvp?
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
4. Are we toxic, team? Compare “toxicness” in wow community vs. gw, anyone?
5. Who wants to be my first friend in pvp and help a m8 get into gw pvp?)
Keep in mind, maybe this this topic helps other WoW players understand the transition to gw2, thanks!
1. Targeting/focusing, communication, positioning
2.warrior thief but experiment with others. There’s no grind for pvp so it’s easy to switch around
3. Matchmaking
4. Gw has a pretty good community compared to other games
Hi guys,
1. How much, or does it at all, give me an advantage the fact that I was a high end pvp player on WoW?
2. I plaid Warr, Rogue, DK on WoW. Which class gameplay/style would be to these on gw2? Which classs has the most mobility for pvp?
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
4. Are we toxic, team? Compare “toxicness” in wow community vs. gw, anyone?
5. Who wants to be my first friend in pvp and help a m8 get into gw pvp?)
As a former WoW arena/pvp player myself, here’s my view:
1. The coordination and teamwork will help you immensely, but only if you have a team/friend. If you pug it will only infuriate/frustrate you.
There are less skills used in actual combat, but you have a few quirks which you have to learn, like abilities that combo with each-other.
Keybinds are available and function in the same way.
There are no macros or addons unfortunately.
2. I would recommend a warrior at first, due to its versatility. But you should try all classes, just make a new character and go pvp with it directly, no need to level which is nice.
learn all weapon combinations and what they do.
3. I think the whole system is broken or at least incomplete when it comes to “putting players in a place where they can fight”. Matchmaking fails consistently and the battlegrounds are not that diverse even if they have a different layout/look
No diminishing returns, expect long fears or mesmer polymorph.
4. I can’t speak for toxicity, since I am fairly immune to trash talk and usually ignore it. This will be up to you.
5. Sure, throw me an invite, just note that I don’t have a lot of time to play in this period and haven’t found the drive that WoW provided in order to pursue GW PVP.
This game is pure spam and passive procs. Find a good spec and run it in a semi coordinated team and within a few months you will be good enough to win tournaments or get the highest mmr in the game.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
First post!
I’m also a former wow pvp player, though not sure if top tier (never got to 90). Here I’ll give my 50 cents about BATTLES, mostly on things you need to know right now and nobody has commented yet (or did, but I skipped, sorry about that):
1- GW2 spvp is ages ahead of WoW’s. Once you learn it you will never want to come back. The only problem is that it might make you want not to try anything else in the game, like myself, although pve and world vs world pvp also amaze a mass of players (I do fractals sometimes, duh).
2- sPVP is extremely ballanced, at least in my opnion. So… say goodbye to your WoW’s 1-man army twinky days. Here you will aim for a ballanced all-round build or a build that plays best a specific role. In all cases, you will allways find a single one that will kick your kitten , and will loose like 99% of your 2v1 battles (in spvp, and that’s true, no matter what some wannabe ram-bows say). If you want an experience similar to WoW’s pvp in GW, you should jump in to WvW pvp.
3- You will have to detach from the general rpg paradigm here. In guild wars, a mage can carry a broadsword and be a tank, warriors can handle a bow better than archers, and an archer can heal better than a Guardian. It is less of a matter of what class you choose and more what role you decide to play. With every class you can be a dps, a tank or a healer (though not as meaningful as in wow). The difference between the classes is the way you play these roles.
4- (hate me) The claim that matchmaking system favors addicted players is not real. The system is in theory brilliant and in my opnion maybe need only some parameterization adjustments. It is easy to understand that if you remember that a player can lose points when playing badly, or gain just few points when winning from weak teams. Everytime you join a new match, you risk loosing points. So people that play a lot need to play consistently well in order to keep and/or accumulating points, otherwise will be penalized. Some people complain that they have a high win rate but less points, but it can be because you’ve been playing frequently against weak teams, or have been defeated by bad players more frequenly than should. Also, I think it is fair to reward players that play more because their results are more reliable. It is the only way to ballance the ranks of players that only play when in a good team, versus players that take risk and play more often in a broader variety of teams.
I believe what is plaguing the system is how it treats low-bound outliers. Spvp is so ballanced that one very good player in the team doesn’t make too much difference, but a very bad player does.
Just 50 cents
Hi guys,
I’ve been playing high end pvp on a game which you probably tried yourself, WoW. I’ve been x2 rank1 and x4 gladiator. I want to make a big leap of faith and switch my self to gw2 pvp, so I have couple of questions if you don’t mind
1. How much, or does it at all, give me an advantage the fact that I was a high end pvp player on WoW?
2. I plaid Warr, Rogue, DK on WoW. Which class gameplay/style would be to these on gw2? Which classs has the most mobility for pvp?
3. What is the most broken thing in gw2 competitive pvp?
4. Are we toxic, team? Compare “toxicness” in wow community vs. gw, anyone?
5. Who wants to be my first friend in pvp and help a m8 get into gw pvp?)
Keep in mind, maybe this this topic helps other WoW players understand the transition to gw2, thanks!
1. as said above mechanical skills, awarness, teamwork etc. carry over; althrough this game is more about reaction than amount of keybinds you have (lol dat sap arena 1 2 3, blind arena 1 2 3)
2. there is warrior class in this game but current meta build is more of a tank (see prot/holy pally)… what is comparable to wow warrior atm is probably medi guard (see metabattle website for builds)
thief – rogue with less CC, more burst, more stealth and waaaaayyyy better moblity; i think you would enjoy it, i mained rogue in wow myself and i love thief gameplay
DK – i would say probably necro but you have to keep in mind, the pvp mode in this game is capture/hold points and not death match like in wow… necros have low mobility and are quite easy to keep CCd
3. nothing in gw2 is as broken as in wow, you don’t have stampede ignoring pvp res for months or wars one shotting enemies with 1 attack…. but as in any game there are builds that are better than other….
atm it would be probably engis, they have a lot of tools at their disposal on relative low CD and very good surival
4. gw2 community is fluffy and cute kittens (no offense, i love it) compared to communities from some other games i played (wow, lol and co.)
5. you can add me if you want, i have accnt on EU and NA… but i can only show you some thief ways :P
Generally, you have to keep in mind. Competitive pvp in this game (atm) is based around capture point (similar to AB BG i would say) and not death match.
Tactics that worked in wow arena don’t really work here. For example wow arena doesn’t have room for tank – you either bring 2 dps 1 healer, 3 dps etc. GW2 is different, currently people run few bruisers (for main team fights, defend points etc.) and 1-2 roamers (glass cannons with high moblity that are focused on decaping open points, gank enemies etc.).
Point is, some builds might look odd compared to wow arena but they are effective in gw2.
After playing wow for quite few years (mostly pvp as well, didn’t go above 2300 though) i think gw2 has great combat, decent balance (compared to wow), i find conquest actually more fun than death match, no gear and lv grind – you can make a character and go pvp right away.
The downside , this game doesn’t have big player base like wow, devs also messed up a lot at launch (no rewards, messy pvp/tourney system etc.) so many pvp’ers quit during first year. There might be some income of new/old players once xpac comes out but don’t expect huge community like wow has.
PvP in this game is also very team dependent (kind of like RBGs) so carrying alone can be pretty hard, best to queue with 4 other players, but already duo qing can make huge difference if you are good.
P.S. forgot to mention: there is no ddosing, titles selling, sniping (well unless people wanna stream snipe you for lulz) and carrying crap like in wow above 2200, because the real money and kitten crap comes from tourneys and anyone can join them.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I would advice you to take a look over the “Phantaram teaches Sodapoppin” video, due the large amount of info about the basic mechanics of every class (and due is basically a top tier GW2 player teaching GW2 PvP to a top tier WoW player):
I would advice you to take a look over the “Phantaram teaches Sodapoppin” video, due the large amount of info about the basic mechanics of every class (and due is basically a top tier GW2 player teaching GW2 PvP to a top tier WoW player):
That’s a great informative video should be a sticky for wow players.