Communication needs to improve for soloQ

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Ravelli.8159


Hi, suggestion:
most problem for soloQ players is the communication, its too difficult to type in teamchat and perform well enough. Thats why I open this thread to give some suggestions how this problem can be fixed and I hope the devs can work with this suggestions. I propose just to take a look on smite: you have shortcuts for certain commands. I would like to see the same in gw2 soloq too: u press a certain button where the communication list opens and thus u can communicate with your team pretty easy.
Example: open communication panel with v ->list opens-> press c : i go close/f: i go far/ a: i focus their thief/ c: avoid teamfights etc. Its quite easy for me in smite to communicate like that (and its map rotation is more complex than gw2) and I would like to see an improvement in this way in gw2 too!

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


I’ve always felt that minimap pings and calling targets was effective enough. The real problem with communication in solo queue is that it is solo queue.

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Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Ravelli.8159


You cant ping fast enough if u see you´re losing the teamfight and you need to retreat.
Or you win the teamfight and u dont move fast enough to start a snowball rotation.Therefore keybinded commands like “focus kills” or “decap far till respawn” would be much more useful. You cant expect that your team mates are well enough educated to read the map and understand where to move, but with a better communication via keybinds as I described above Im pretty much sure lots of players would improve in their understanding of conquest which would increase the skill level in the pvp community. And in the end thats what is fun in pvp.

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Want to improve SoloQ? People do not care. They just want their rewards (daily, tracks, legendary, ascended) completed. This is exactly why people voted for solo-duo, doh!

If we would have wanted something nice, with tactics and communication and coordination, then we could easily form teams and use voice chat. But no, majority of this game voted for soloq, because they do not desire, or do not care, to team up and use voice chat for fast cooperation.

It’s nice, and we must understand why we have solo-duo. The majority of players like to get in PvP match fast, get it over with, and complete their rewards. It’s fast, clean, simple, without having to team up, use microphone, discuss tactics, or listen to other children opinions.

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Anet could even make money of this with different voices..

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Anet could even make money of this with different voices..

People could use Teamspeak and use their own voice instead of giving money for special voices.

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Ravelli.8159


Anet could even make money of this with different voices..

That would be for me the most optimal solution and it would improve without any doubt solo/duo Q. Its clear that best communication is via voicechat, but Im only talking of soloQ and the majority are solo players.

I think ppl voted for solo/duo Q, because it is much more unfair to play as a solo vs a full team and I know when the forums where full of crying which contained “thats unfair, pls change that!”. Plus the reduced q times makes it for me a good choice to tested solo/duo Q this season. Now its up to anet if they really want to rebuild the pvp system, the next step would be adding several modes like 5v5 for guild teams, 1v1 and 2v2. If anet is thinking in this direction I think the pvp scene will grow very fast and maybe more tournaments are incoming thus. The game mode solo/duo Q is fine as it is and I hope season 6 will continue in the same direction.

Communication needs to improve for soloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Anet could even make money of this with different voices..

People could use Teamspeak and use their own voice instead of giving money for special voices.

Not everyone want to sit on ts with random kids on team and not everyone can speak english properly either. VGS fit it purpose well, ofc its not that good as voice comm (for obvious reasons) but it does it job well and improves communication a lot.

Anet could even make money of this with different voices..

That would be for me the most optimal solution and it would improve without any doubt solo/duo Q. Its clear that best communication is via voicechat, but Im only talking of soloQ and the majority are solo players.

I think ppl voted for solo/duo Q, because it is much more unfair to play as a solo vs a full team and I know when the forums where full of crying which contained “thats unfair, pls change that!”. Plus the reduced q times makes it for me a good choice to tested solo/duo Q this season. Now its up to anet if they really want to rebuild the pvp system, the next step would be adding several modes like 5v5 for guild teams, 1v1 and 2v2. If anet is thinking in this direction I think the pvp scene will grow very fast and maybe more tournaments are incoming thus. The game mode solo/duo Q is fine as it is and I hope season 6 will continue in the same direction.

Smite ranked cq is solo/duo, if you want to play with whole 5 man team then you have to go casual (aka unranked for gw). 5vSoloQ ranked is just ridiculous and i dont know why it wasnt solo/duo q from the start.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)