Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Sam here. Hello everyone.

To clarify the situation I will just poke in my 2 cents. Trashtalk me as you want, I really don’t care. I just post this for everyone who wants to know exactly what happened.

I am not someone who plays unfair. I don’t wanted to get an advantage out of this. We got our 4th-5th place set if we would have played normally, and even if we would have had beaten TCG, we would have just get 3rd place, so not really much more money or anything.

So, why did I do this then? Vermillion got DDOS’ed (from guys, who are in proleague, because they know the rules exactly), everyone, even the guys that don’t play PvP and stuff know EXACTLY what happened in the game TCG vs. VM. Since ESL and Arenanet both didn’t give Vermillion a fair chance to rematch, I decided to give them atleast a chance, to beat 55hp and beat TCG and get their Spot which they deserved into the finals. Since they beaten TCG with 200 Points lead, I thought for myself, that this is unfair as hell, but no one helped them.

I stated it a lot and everyone knows that I was in my finals exam for my apprenticeship. That’s why I didn’t got much time to spend on Training for GW2. (You can see that in the first weeks, were we played with Kanscout over me, even though Mesmer was better obviously.) But even if I would have had time, I would not be as good of a mesmer as Frostball.

I loved this game, but I never loved the Proleague, because it’s just unfair over and over and over again. Car Crashed got trashtalked by every Proleague Team, no one did something against it. I said something about Helseth, and gets instantly messages from ESL guys.
TCG matchfixed their match against Orng, which would get you banned immediatiely in other games and Rom even admited it, ON STREAM. Nothing happened.
TCG played with Rom and Denshee against Orange Logo, which is not allowed, it’s stated in the official rules in ESL. But ESL is changing this rules mid season, for TCG.
Someone ddos’ed Vermillion, no rematch, no afk, no 4 v 4, no changing rules, NOTHING HAPPENED.

Do you call this fair? If so, don’t read more of this text.

Frostball got DDOS protection and everything, and they still insisted on their rule, that everyone needs to work their own protection. So they literally stated, that unfair behaviour is getting rewarded, and that DDOS is allowed or what?

And this was kittening me off so hard, that I decided to do that. I know it was wrong, and if the DDOS didn’t happen, I would have not gone for this stupid behaviour. I did this by myself, together with Frostball. My team did not know what Frostball and me planned, but they got banned out of it. But yeah, what ever, Fair play is the best play, right?

I love this game, it’s the one I played from beta, and enjoyed 3 and a half year now. Even though the balance was a problem from the start, even though I get trashtalked a lot (when I joined Car Crash, and I did NOTHING, everyone hated Posi and Zapdos, and so hated me, because of my Guild Tag, getting guys who tell me to DDOS me and stuff.)

But yeah. The game is now dead to me. Not because of Guild Wars 2. It’s still a great game, but because of Proleague.

I am sad that everything worked out like this, because the whole Proleague is not watchable. Of course I did something wrong, I am not proud of it or anything and I would not say ever, do the same. I will take the consequences as an adult as usal. If the DDOS would have not happened, I would have not done this 100%. But if I could continuum split back, I would probably do the same again, because i think it was the right thing to do for Vermillion.

And yeah, someone talked on Whisper Chat. It was not me, but I don’t want to blame anything, on anyone. So I don’t need to say the name.

Peace out, hopefully I see you in a year or in other games and I wish good luck for Arenanet. That they will do more good stuff for this game. But they should let go of the Esport. It’s just not ment to be.

P.S.: Sry for my bad english.

Best regards,


Im completely fine with you posting this and i appreciate you giving insight on your feelings towards it.

Though it goes back to everything ive ever said about Pro Leagues and the people in it.

You guys are kids, you are talking about fair and the rules. Anyone whos played a real sport competitively knows the ref doesnt always make the right calls and most of the time the sponsor tries to do it better the next time instead of back tracking.

You brought up money, so lets just put this back into perspective. You guys get paid to play a game. You dont give your bodys to the game. You give time/mind and you can easily move on. Also you guys get to pick how much time you put into it.

I watched some of the Pro League today and you heard the Vermillion player crying and you had other Pro League player commenting what did you expect?

How about for people getting payed to play the game to not be babies. Anet didnt help with there poor job of establishing rules/roster/ trades etc etc.

So i guess overall i agree, Anet really needs to think about this Esport thing because its a bit hard to look at.

Wanna emphasize that a lot of the gw2 pvp population are kids.. too much drama.

What does Drama have to do with kids? I love drama, it spices things up.
The ability to act like an adult if necessary isn´t limited to adults. Adults themselves are incapable to behave reasonable in a lot of cases, too.
At the same time I think being childish once in a while or deep inside you lets you actually enjoy games like that. Being childish all the time and in wrong moments is something different.

To the topic. I don´t enjoy watching proleague since the ddos on frostball. All the kitten that happened afterwards moved it further away from being interesting.

Vermillion is far better currently then TCG imo (don´t kow how the scrims went, so many secrets :P – Helseth claimed that they won most scrims last season, but weren´t able to show that when it mattered), so TCG being on second place now isn´t anywhere ok for (and don´t understand me wrong, I have nothing explicitly against TCG or ANY other proleague team. All my interest goes into having a entertaining proleague I actually enjoy watching (and there were some great matches at the beginning of this season). vM vs TCG debacle, oRNG – TCG debacle, CC – Frostball debacle. What we end with is exactly one team I like to watch right now and that is 55.

We won 99% of the scrims and dominated hardcore in scrims

You know that the other way round and helseth got ddosed that they would of made you replay.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: albostan.6719


There is something called IP Tracking which allows Anet to check if the current player is playing on his normal device or did the device changed for a current game??

So for example if this guy played from sweden and he’s tracked in france 1 day or 1 hour later there might be something wrong there ? And as all GW2 Players are in this system (for security reasons) with IP Tracking it’s easy to find out which person played the account.

Good choice to ban those guys :-)

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Kaishina.6584


Rest in pieces noobs bwahahahaha. They deserved it.

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: Kaishina.6584


Sam here. Hello everyone.

To clarify the situation I will just poke in my 2 cents. Trashtalk me as you want, I really don’t care. I just post this for everyone who wants to know exactly what happened.

I am not someone who plays unfair. I don’t wanted to get an advantage out of this. We got our 4th-5th place set if we would have played normally, and even if we would have had beaten TCG, we would have just get 3rd place, so not really much more money or anything.

So, why did I do this then? Vermillion got DDOS’ed (from guys, who are in proleague, because they know the rules exactly), everyone, even the guys that don’t play PvP and stuff know EXACTLY what happened in the game TCG vs. VM. Since ESL and Arenanet both didn’t give Vermillion a fair chance to rematch, I decided to give them atleast a chance, to beat 55hp and beat TCG and get their Spot which they deserved into the finals. Since they beaten TCG with 200 Points lead, I thought for myself, that this is unfair as hell, but no one helped them.

I stated it a lot and everyone knows that I was in my finals exam for my apprenticeship. That’s why I didn’t got much time to spend on Training for GW2. (You can see that in the first weeks, were we played with Kanscout over me, even though Mesmer was better obviously.) But even if I would have had time, I would not be as good of a mesmer as Frostball.

I loved this game, but I never loved the Proleague, because it’s just unfair over and over and over again. Car Crashed got trashtalked by every Proleague Team, no one did something against it. I said something about Helseth, and gets instantly messages from ESL guys.
TCG matchfixed their match against Orng, which would get you banned immediatiely in other games and Rom even admited it, ON STREAM. Nothing happened.
TCG played with Rom and Denshee against Orange Logo, which is not allowed, it’s stated in the official rules in ESL. But ESL is changing this rules mid season, for TCG.
Someone ddos’ed Vermillion, no rematch, no afk, no 4 v 4, no changing rules, NOTHING HAPPENED.

Do you call this fair? If so, don’t read more of this text.

Frostball got DDOS protection and everything, and they still insisted on their rule, that everyone needs to work their own protection. So they literally stated, that unfair behaviour is getting rewarded, and that DDOS is allowed or what?

And this was kittening me off so hard, that I decided to do that. I know it was wrong, and if the DDOS didn’t happen, I would have not gone for this stupid behaviour. I did this by myself, together with Frostball. My team did not know what Frostball and me planned, but they got banned out of it. But yeah, what ever, Fair play is the best play, right?

I love this game, it’s the one I played from beta, and enjoyed 3 and a half year now. Even though the balance was a problem from the start, even though I get trashtalked a lot (when I joined Car Crash, and I did NOTHING, everyone hated Posi and Zapdos, and so hated me, because of my Guild Tag, getting guys who tell me to DDOS me and stuff.)

But yeah. The game is now dead to me. Not because of Guild Wars 2. It’s still a great game, but because of Proleague.

I am sad that everything worked out like this, because the whole Proleague is not watchable. Of course I did something wrong, I am not proud of it or anything and I would not say ever, do the same. I will take the consequences as an adult as usal. If the DDOS would have not happened, I would have not done this 100%. But if I could continuum split back, I would probably do the same again, because i think it was the right thing to do for Vermillion.

And yeah, someone talked on Whisper Chat. It was not me, but I don’t want to blame anything, on anyone. So I don’t need to say the name.

Peace out, hopefully I see you in a year or in other games and I wish good luck for Arenanet. That they will do more good stuff for this game. But they should let go of the Esport. It’s just not ment to be.

P.S.: Sry for my bad english.

Best regards,


Im completely fine with you posting this and i appreciate you giving insight on your feelings towards it.

Though it goes back to everything ive ever said about Pro Leagues and the people in it.

You guys are kids, you are talking about fair and the rules. Anyone whos played a real sport competitively knows the ref doesnt always make the right calls and most of the time the sponsor tries to do it better the next time instead of back tracking.

You brought up money, so lets just put this back into perspective. You guys get paid to play a game. You dont give your bodys to the game. You give time/mind and you can easily move on. Also you guys get to pick how much time you put into it.

I watched some of the Pro League today and you heard the Vermillion player crying and you had other Pro League player commenting what did you expect?

How about for people getting payed to play the game to not be babies. Anet didnt help with there poor job of establishing rules/roster/ trades etc etc.

So i guess overall i agree, Anet really needs to think about this Esport thing because its a bit hard to look at.

Wanna emphasize that a lot of the gw2 pvp population are kids.. too much drama.

What does Drama have to do with kids? I love drama, it spices things up.
The ability to act like an adult if necessary isn´t limited to adults. Adults themselves are incapable to behave reasonable in a lot of cases, too.
At the same time I think being childish once in a while or deep inside you lets you actually enjoy games like that. Being childish all the time and in wrong moments is something different.

To the topic. I don´t enjoy watching proleague since the ddos on frostball. All the kitten that happened afterwards moved it further away from being interesting.

Vermillion is far better currently then TCG imo (don´t kow how the scrims went, so many secrets :P – Helseth claimed that they won most scrims last season, but weren´t able to show that when it mattered), so TCG being on second place now isn´t anywhere ok for (and don´t understand me wrong, I have nothing explicitly against TCG or ANY other proleague team. All my interest goes into having a entertaining proleague I actually enjoy watching (and there were some great matches at the beginning of this season). vM vs TCG debacle, oRNG – TCG debacle, CC – Frostball debacle. What we end with is exactly one team I like to watch right now and that is 55.

We won 99% of the scrims and dominated hardcore in scrims

You know that the other way round and helseth got ddosed that they would of made you replay.

TheGreenBow is a VPN which has a VERY STRONG DDoS protection. I use it myself and no more bandwidth suckers. Try it out !

Competitive Ruling: Car Crashed and Vermillion

in PvP

Posted by: antichecker.1675


To start off, I know ESL since 15 years, back from the days of CS 1.1 WC3 SC a.s.o. GW2 is joining ESL and is regressed as it can be. I remember the whole wallhack, aimbot, maphacks and many other exploits that have been around, when ESL started off becoming popular. You should have learned from it. Now this is funny, because ANET acts all profession and stuff, yet it’s far away.
I really don’t even know where to start. Let me state about “we know exactly when or what you are doing”. Yeah, probably you know what noobs are doing, as soon as I would connect over a tunneled connection with a brand new client on a virtual machine, you would know kitten. And it is easy as that, you just happened to catch an amateur, who probably even wrote in the chat about acc sharing.

The fact that this guy, Frosty or whatever, got banned instantly, while no actions were taken against reorganization of teams in the middle of a ladder or teams clearly winning by hacking the opponents?
Imagine an NFL team losing in semi finals and then the best players fuse into one of the finalist teams for the super bowl final. Yeah exactly, that kind of shiet doesn’t happen in a professional sport, because there are rules against it, not to start with the fact that players have contracts. This is already the first thing that makes gw2 “pro league” rather look like “amateur league”.

Neither seemed to be anything done against the DDOS attack. Sure, ANET can’t directly do anything against the attacker and it’s mostly the players fault in first place, but the game should have been canceled right when it was clear what is happening and replayed shortly after, giving him the chance to recover. Why is there no pause option for pro games, limited to 1 minute or so per team. Maybe because its not “professional” enough?

What many people don’t seem to know, is that in order to be vulnerable to a DDOS or any kind of digital attack, the attackers have to at least know your IP address. Why isn’t ANET giving advice for the players. Just a few basic tips: Don’t use a static client IP address. Never join public TS servers. Don’t go on any website that you don’t trust. Use a good firewall. Hide your IP address from scans. Lock every port not needed. Disconnect your router in first place, when you realize your are being attacked. Even with all this, you are never 100% safe. In a basketball game, if a player is shot in the head from a viewer, it’s his fault and his team is forced to continue playing with one less guy. Yeah, that sounds legit. Again, pro league?

Many people here seem to panic about logging in from different machines. Calm down. ANET for sure protocols every account log in, including the client mac address and ip address. So if Frosty did log in on his account and after that logged to the shared account, it is clearly visible in the protocoll, even getting a new IP wouldn’t have helped as his client mac remains the same. Now this is a good method, but calling it out 100% safe and able to find out acc sharing, is plain bullcrab. You don’t even have to be a crack to find out how to use a VM, manipulate the internal MAC adress, tunnel over a specific IP range network and so on.
BTW the guy working as a security expert, boy am I glad you don’t work in the company I work.

GW2 in ESL has a very poor concept atm (wc3 back in 2001 was further than gw2 in 2016) because:
Teams can switch players in mid competition.
No timeouts possible, when players have issues.
Games are not replayed, even when there was clear manipulation.
You don’t have to suicide if you logged in from different devices.
Anet can’t find out shared accounts, when done correctly.

And this thread is a sticky, LMAO

(edited by antichecker.1675)