Competitive sPvP? What needs to change?
Mesmers and Thiefs need to change
Mesmer shouldnt be able to carry the repairkit trought the portal!
I absolutely agree with regard to the secondary objectives. I find them more of a chore than anything actually interesting or fun, ESPECIALLY the trebuchets, which I’ve actually seen destroyed by both teams at the beginning of games multiple times just so players won’t have to deal with it.
Capricorn itself is my least favorite map for omitting the 10-point “skirmisher” bonus that you get on other maps (wtf?!), which coincidentally also makes it the absolute worst map for gaining glory. Not very nice, that. Throw Ruins on top of that and you just have such a mess that I’d rather just leave immediately than subject myself to what is inevitably going to be a very not-fun experience.
Thanks for the support guys. Although, I’d rather keep the discussion focused on sPvP game mechanics rather than class balance.
Yes the trebuchets are probably the worst, it is not fun in sPvP in any regard.
Please take note of this, these changes would make the game much more dynamic and more enjoyable overall.
Skill spam. With the rich depth that GW2 gives in the combat system, it’s really unfortunate to see quite a few classes being boiled down to skill spam. Heartseeker/Pistol Whip spam is a huge culprit, but Hundred Blades and Crossfire spam are also a problem. Entire builds are being made around a single skill that is pretty much being used to burst. That would be fine if there were solid ways to counteract that burst. There just aren’t.
Whenever I see a warrior, I prepare for Hundred Blades. When I see a thief, I ready for Heartseeker/Pistol Whip. When I see a mesmer, I ready for clone spam. That signals a really big concern when these classes are synonymous with a single attack.
sPvP in this game is great and has lots of interesting ideas and is genuinely fun for the most part but I think a number of things need to be changed in order for it to truly succeed.
1) Ladder Seasons – This is probably the most important and a pretty common request already. Basically, just something to see where you rank amongst other players with some neat end of season rewards (unique armor/weapons, titles, novelty items).
It’s already been said that they’ll roll stuff like this out once they feel confident about the general state of the game after fixing bugs and balancing. So no worries here.
2) The maps – I find myself as well as my friends enjoying Forest of Niflhel the most. I wasn’t sure why at first but then it I realized it is the one that has the least impactful secondary objective for the most part (Svanir, Chieftain).
I think sPvP as a whole would greatly benefit from having all secondary objectives removed – guild lords, NPCs, trebuchets, etc. The player vs player combat is what is the most fun and should be emphasized as much as possible leading to…
If they removed all secondary objectives I would think it would get boring really fast. I would leave that kind of gameplay for a deathmatch mode, maybe, but the secondary objectives make cap-and-hold more interesting imo. Each map has a different strategy as a result of these secondary objectives. Otherwise they might as well just have made one map.
3) Kill points – Killing players needs to be more rewarding. I don’t know what the ideal number would be but 5 definitely seems to little.
This change would be huge for build/team build diversity because you can have teams built around holding nodes, teams built around killing or a team that does a little of both. Everyone could find a team/playstyle they enjoyed the most.
Teams can already be built like this even with the current system.
I supposed an equally acceptable change would just be to make holding a node slightly less rewarding. The important thing would just be to find that sweet balance between the two.
Nodes are also already pretty unrewarding to defend. If you turtle a node that’s getting no action, you miss out on a lot of glory you could be getting fighting elsewhere.
Making killing players more rewarding would go a long way in making the sPvP so much more fun. As it stands now it feels like fighting anywhere other than near a node is just a complete waste. With kills being more valuable the entire map would suddenly become more relevant because you never know when you are going to have that skirmish between two nodes and have to call for help.
The whole map is relevant, though, and secondary objectives are partly responsible in doing that. If you take out secondary objectives, then the only really relevant areas of the map are the nodes, because holding nodes guarantees a steady stream of points for your team. Making kills worth more would just make the game end sooner, and/or make people build more survivability to make up for it.
Also as a side note, Capricorn’s water node should probably just become another land node (or switch it to the boat maybe?). I don’t think a whole lot of people enjoy having to worry about water combat in sPvP. It’s a great addition to PvE, though.
I don’t think these changes are really that drastic especially since there isn’t any ladder yet at the moment so it’s not like some huge mid season change that willkitten everyone off.
Thanks for reading and any support I get, also feel free to post your own ideas or opinions on the points I made.
I agree that something should be done about the underwater node; I think it gives too big of an advantage to the team that holds it. Underwater class balance is another issue that comes up as a result of having an underwater node.
It’s already been said that they’ll roll stuff like this out once they feel confident about the general state of the game after fixing bugs and balancing. So no worries here.
Ya I just felt it couldn’t hurt to restate it.
If they removed all secondary objectives I would think it would get boring really fast. I would leave that kind of gameplay for a deathmatch mode, maybe, but the secondary objectives make cap-and-hold more interesting imo. Each map has a different strategy as a result of these secondary objectives. Otherwise they might as well just have made one map.
I disagree, there is a reason that most people seem to just seek out battles with other players and completely ignore objectives. It frustrates me to no end when I get a ninja kill on the enemy’s Svanir only to see the rest of my team not even heading towards the chieftain. Also terrain, paths, positions of nodes, etc all go a long way in making a map unique and play out differently. Especially if kills were more valuable, suddenly any section of the map could act as a small death match arena.
I also would like deathmatch mode but as far as I can tell that is not planned and would probably make balancing the game much more difficult.
Teams can already be built like this even with the current system.
I can’t say to much on this as I have never seen it. This may be something that will be brought more to light once a ladder is implemented, however, I have yet to see this. Can you link to a video of a team employing such a strategy?
Nodes are also already pretty unrewarding to defend. If you turtle a node that’s getting no action, you miss out on a lot of glory you could be getting fighting elsewhere.
I didn’t mean to actually sit at the node, just slowing down the speed at which points are gained. It’s sort of a ‘increase kill reward’ or ‘decrease node reward.’ Basically, strike a balance between the two but as state before if this is believed to already be the case then no worries, I just haven’t seen it yet.
The whole map is relevant, though, and secondary objectives are partly responsible in doing that. If you take out secondary objectives, then the only really relevant areas of the map are the nodes, because holding nodes guarantees a steady stream of points for your team. Making kills worth more would just make the game end sooner, and/or make people build more survivability to make up for it.
I disagree. First, if the secondary objectives were removed it would also make sense to remove the areas that housed them as well (or just wall them off) – ie no Svanir cave, just make it part of the path to the Keep.
This is where striking that balance between kill points and node points can become very dynamic because suddenly fighting at the node isn’t always ideal. Certain kill builds could really put the terrain to their advantage and not have to worry about the fact that they aren’t necessarily fighting near a node. The team could call out that a ele is heading to take a node and they could intercept him along the way for a quick XX points.
I agree that something should be done about the underwater node; I think it gives too big of an advantage to the team that holds it. Underwater class balance is another issue that comes up as a result of having an underwater node.
I think this is pretty much agreed upon by 99.9% of the community.
Well playing in a 8v8 pub game, people tend to zerg and ignore objectives, and that frustrates me as well. I hate losing games I should have won because my team doesn’t actually do what it takes to win.
But, it’s the 5v5 format that is Anet’s e-sport candidate, where it’s not a massive zerg fest all the time, and where most of the points I made actually apply.
Ya I’m referring to both as well. Sure tournament format is more organized but I still never see anything remarkable until the finals and sometimes the semifinals.
Regardless, the secondary objectives are largely uninteresting from a player perspective. I will always prefer to be fighting another player than Svanir or manning a trebuchet. Why not just remove them and focus more on that aspect then?
1) If you remove secondary objectives, it is difficult to come back if you fall behind in points. This makes the early game interesting, the mid game boring, an the late game a meaningless waste of time.
2) If you make killing players worth more points, teams will just 5 man team fight in the middle because losing players is a bigger deal. Not only does it disadvantage them because of respawns, it gives points!
3) So overall, your suggestions would penalize teams doing anything but 5 man fighting in the mid… which begs the question, why not just death match arena? (because it’s not as interesting)
I don’t mind secondary objectives so much, but the trebs drive me up the flippin’ wall as their entire purpose seems to be simply to ruin any entertaining battle you have going. Often in a matter of seconds due to their seemingly magic accuracy at times.
As for the whole Lord/Keep thing, the idea is sound but the implementation is kind of silly given how easy it is to blitz him with even 2 people.
1) If you remove secondary objectives, it is difficult to come back if you fall behind in points. This makes the early game interesting, the mid game boring, an the late game a meaningless waste of time.
No, it makes it like any other competitive game. You get to see two teams duke it out and adapt to each others play. If one team is vastly superior it is going to show regardless of the objectives. Removing the secondary objectives just makes it more fun to play. Do you really want to be fighting Svanir? Or would you rather be fighting that ranger worth XX points?
2) If you make killing players worth more points, teams will just 5 man team fight in the middle because losing players is a bigger deal. Not only does it disadvantage them because of respawns, it gives points!
As I said before, perhaps increasing kill points is not necessary at all. It is the balance between the two that is important. A balance that will permit more playstyles to be viable. Obviously if a 5 man kill squad becomes dominant than the kill point is to high and should be lowered. Perhaps 5 per kill is perfect, perhaps not.
3) So overall, your suggestions would penalize teams doing anything but 5 man fighting in the mid… which begs the question, why not just death match arena? (because it’s not as interesting)
Again, the goal is to find the balance between the two. Teams that thrive on node control should be as viable as teams that thrive on player killing, as well a mix of the two.
The most important thing that needs to change IMO (aside from obvious numbers balancing, tuning skills and synergies and fixing or removing Downed State from SPvP) is the battle spam.
I’m watching streams of good players on Twitch to broaden my horizon about GW2’s PvP, and I get the same impression from watching them, no matter which profession, as when playing myself: it’s all about spamming your skills as fast as possible. No time for tactics, no time for positioning.
GW2 PvP is advertised with being about movement, yet that movement is reduced to dodging around and strafing in small circles. Range and positioning play barely any role most of the time, which is in part attributed to map designs that allow opponents to sneak up to many capture points unseen until they are in melee range or close to it.
What then follows is a frantic unloading of skills with minimal tactical implications, because a) it happens so fast and b) none but the most formidable control and defense skills can do the job of stabilizing and slowing down combat to make room for tactical play.
(edited by Xolo.3580)
The most important thing that needs to change IMO (aside from obvious numbers balancing, tuning skills and synergies and fixing or removing Downed State from SPvP) is the battle spam.
I’m watching streams of good players on Twitch to broaden my horizon about GW2’s PvP, and I get the same impression from watching them, no matter which profession, as when playing myself: it’s all about spamming your skills as fast as possible. No time for tactics, no time for positioning.
GW2 PvP is advertised with being about movement, yet that movement is reduced to dodging around and strafing in small circles. Range and positioning play barely any role most of the time, which is in part attributed to map designs that allow opponents to sneak up to many capture points unseen until they are in melee range or close to it.
What then follows is a frantic unloading of skills with minimal tactical implications, because a) it happens so fast and b) none but the most formidable control and defense skills can do the job of stabilizing and slowing down combat to make room for tactical play.
This is exactly what I think increasing the importance of killing players would fix. The points of contention wouldn’t almost exclusively occur at the nodes and using the terrain would play a greater a role (line of sight). As it stands now it feels like a bunch of skill spamming in the node circle or at the uninteresting secondary objectives.
ya defense has pretty much NO effect on offense.
its like putting a sponge in a river.
a bandaid on a bullet wound.
or ketchup on steak
All that would make the game even more of a zergfest than it already is. You could just forget map awareness and all the need to split and just battle it out in the middle. Where’s the strategy in that? Thanks but no thanks. They need to make TDM for people like you who don’t care about role diversity and different strategies but leave my conquest alone.
There’s still role diversity and different strategies even in TDM. That’s kind of a red herring.
All that would make the game even more of a zergfest than it already is. You could just forget map awareness and all the need to split and just battle it out in the middle. Where’s the strategy in that? Thanks but no thanks. They need to make TDM for people like you who don’t care about role diversity and different strategies but leave my conquest alone.
First, my suggestion is encouraging more role diversity than is currently viable.
Second, you are looking at an extreme. I am talking about a balance of the two. If both are equally viable it does not mean one team exclusively pursues one or the other, it just means they are more likely to capitalize on one. If a kill team sees an empty node they are of course going take it and try to hold it. They just might have a harder time holding it.
This is all about playstyle preference in the sPvP environment. Please do not bring deathmatch into this thread. It might be a great addition but it is not the goal of this thread.
Thanks again for all the replies.
TDM would create FOTM builds faster than you could say red herring. Have fun playing against 5 mesmers or whatever people figure out as the most efficient way to kill five enemies(this was seen in gw1 where stacking certain proressions was highly efficient depending on the FOTM). Conquest heavily discourages that kind of play. And I don’t really mind personally if there were tons of FOTMs in TDM, as long as they wouldn’t start to balance the professions around that.
First, my suggestion is encouraging more role diversity than is currently viable.
Tell me exactly how you are encouraging role diversity? Your suggestion would create one moving zerg. The hot join already works like this, go play that. You are blowing map awareness out of the water. One of my favorite things about this game is the heavy need for voice communication. You need to be constantly talking where the enemy is so that you know how counter their movement, where to defend nodes and when to attack them. The same goes with the objectives. You are essentially discouraging teamwork.
First, my suggestion is encouraging more role diversity than is currently viable.
Tell me exactly how you are encouraging role diversity? Your suggestion would create one moving zerg. The hot join already works like this, go play that. You are blowing map awareness out of the water. One of my favorite things about this game is the heavy need for voice communication. You need to be constantly talking where the enemy is so that you know how counter their movement, where to defend nodes and when to attack them. The same goes with the objectives. You are essentially discouraging teamwork.
Read the second part of the quoted post.
Also, please keep TDM out of this. I am very aware of the balancing issues it could bring into the game.
First, my suggestion is encouraging more role diversity than is currently viable.
Tell me exactly how you are encouraging role diversity? Your suggestion would create one moving zerg. The hot join already works like this, go play that. You are blowing map awareness out of the water. One of my favorite things about this game is the heavy need for voice communication. You need to be constantly talking where the enemy is so that you know how counter their movement, where to defend nodes and when to attack them. The same goes with the objectives. You are essentially discouraging teamwork.
Read the second part of the quoted post.
Building characters offensively is already important. You need burst and condition damage and then you need other professions who are building defensively. It is already in the game. Right now the balance between offensive and defensive is in a good state. Your suggestions would tip the balance more on the offensive side, thus removing role diversity.
Skill spam. With the rich depth that GW2 gives in the combat system, it’s really unfortunate to see quite a few classes being boiled down to skill spam. Heartseeker/Pistol Whip spam is a huge culprit, but Hundred Blades and Crossfire spam are also a problem. Entire builds are being made around a single skill that is pretty much being used to burst. That would be fine if there were solid ways to counteract that burst. There just aren’t.
Whenever I see a warrior, I prepare for Hundred Blades. When I see a thief, I ready for Heartseeker/Pistol Whip. When I see a mesmer, I ready for clone spam. That signals a really big concern when these classes are synonymous with a single attack.
This is actually a great point. I think more classes should have to actually think and set up their burst/spike the way an Elementalist has to, or atleast have to try a little harder than they do now. And if they can remove Quickness and re-balance around that, fantastic. Would be nice to have an MMO w/o the pvp turning into FPS twitch play.
On topic, personally I would like to see something in between the crappy, messy, zergy 8v8 Spvp and Tpvp. Just something that’s easier to get into, that’s a little more serious and structured (S pvp) for not only practice, but even to possibly meet and group up with other good players.
Also I think striking a balance between node importance and kills COULD be good as well, making it more interesting to watch, to play, and possibly giving more strats.
I think a decent example would be LoL, you could have a team that’s bent on playing super passively and farming for a stronger late game (with late game champs) or an aggressive team with early game ganks and pushing for a quick early advantage.
With node bunkering being the passive strat, and quick gank/kills to get a fast advantage on nodes + kills.
(edited by Knote.2904)
First, my suggestion is encouraging more role diversity than is currently viable.
Tell me exactly how you are encouraging role diversity? Your suggestion would create one moving zerg. The hot join already works like this, go play that. You are blowing map awareness out of the water. One of my favorite things about this game is the heavy need for voice communication. You need to be constantly talking where the enemy is so that you know how counter their movement, where to defend nodes and when to attack them. The same goes with the objectives. You are essentially discouraging teamwork.
Read the second part of the quoted post.
Building characters offensively is already important. You need burst and condition damage and then you need other professions who are building defensively. It is already in the game. Right now the balance between offensive and defensive is in a good state. Your suggestions would tip the balance more on the offensive side, thus removing role diversity.
Yes and so to simplify what I am suggesting is basically this – a standard team vs a kill team. The standard team can reliably hold 2 nodes and the kill team only 1 node, however, the kill team is able to maintain a competitive score because of their ability to score a much high number of kills thus the winning team will be decided by how well the teams adapt. At the moment 5 points per kill does not seem like enough BUT maybe it is and players just need more time to discover such builds/teams.
This increased focus to player combat and the removal of the secondary objectives is to encourage meaningful combat between larger varieties of builds/teams. There is nothing more enjoyable to play or watch than two players/teams adapt to each others play as the game unfolds. This goes for the way the game is now, I’m simply making suggestions that will broaden this.
GW2 PvP is advertised with being about movement, yet that movement is reduced to dodging around and strafing in small circles. Range and positioning play barely any role most of the time, …..
Range and positioning do not matter imho because there is no battle lines like normal holy trinity pvp mmo’s have, you know, healers in the back, ranged in the middle, melee in the front. If you dive to far past their ranged line as melee you will get swapped on and instagibbed because your healer is too far and you are in the middle of every possible dmg source…
Gw2 does not have this, everyone does damage, you have to stay very close to the node to be of any use so basically everyone is very close to melee range at all times, only option of keeping some range is to be at some hard to reach spot like the ledge in keep at foefire.
Respawn timer should also always be static, for example once you die you have to wait 30seconds every time, maybe even a bit more? idk.
The point would be that dying would have an actual impact, currently you die, ress in 5secs and get back to some point in 10seconds, death has no meaning, thus downed state has a lot less meaning as well, if you wont get insta ress, you might as well die and ress to get back sooner, whats the point of downed state “fighting” if you lose actual combat time doing it? The maps are not so huge that you would REALLY want that ress so you wouldn’t have to run back…
Look in your model getting kills gives points and map control, map control = node control.
So there’s nothing in your version but a team battle in mid.
GW2 just isn’t that fun of a team battle game. Sorry. GW1 Prophecies was, back when MtG was the inspiration and it had the funnest healing system ever witnessed in a RPG.(I haven’t played all rpgs… but I’m still going to speak in absolutes here.)
Instead GW2 has the downed state. Roughly 2/3rds to 3/4ths of your skills come in pre-packaged sets so you can’t make bad decisions… so we went from MtG constructed to premade decks with premade sidebars… like the official electronic version… that very few people play, despite the fact it’s a lot cheaper.
The meta-game and team fights just don’t have enough complexity to be interesting. You need a map that will encourage meaningful tactics to add something to the game.
(edited by ryston.7640)
the secondary objecives are there for a reason, otherwise its allway domination with very litte versatility. these objectives need some modification thoug, killstealing shouldnt be possible, i adds too much randomness to the fights, the trebuchet shouldnt be that strong and so on.
more points for kills benefits zerging which is not the point of domination. the more point u get for a kill the less tactics u need to bring in. if u block a node for 10s its still worth the 5 points ull grant on being killed.
th main issue atm is balancing the professions, especially the downed mechanics and swiftness.
Look in your model getting kills gives points and map control, map control = node control.
So there’s nothing in your version but a team battle in mid.
GW2 just isn’t that fun of a team battle game. Sorry. GW1 Prophecies was, back when MtG was the inspiration and it had the funnest healing system ever witnessed in a RPG.(I haven’t played all rpgs… but I’m still going to speak in absolutes here.)
Instead GW2 has the downed state. Roughly 2/3rds to 3/4ths of your skills come in pre-packaged sets so you can’t make bad decisions… so we went from MtG constructed to premade decks with premade sidebars… like the official electronic version… that very few people play, despite the fact it’s a lot cheaper.
The meta-game and team fights just don’t have enough complexity to be interesting. You need a map that will encourage meaningful tactics to add something to the game.
You’re still looking at it wrong. Node control is not map control but since nodes are the most important it doesn’t really matter at the moment. I’m going to quote Nyypsy because said it rather well.
Range and positioning do not matter imho because there is no battle lines like normal holy trinity pvp mmo’s have, you know, healers in the back, ranged in the middle, melee in the front. If you dive to far past their ranged line as melee you will get swapped on and instagibbed because your healer is too far and you are in the middle of every possible dmg source…
Gw2 does not have this, everyone does damage, you have to stay very close to the node to be of any use so basically everyone is very close to melee range at all times, only option of keeping some range is to be at some hard to reach spot like the ledge in keep at foefire.
Making kills actually worth something will drive the fights away from happening almost exclusively at the nodes. As someone who likes to play ranger quite a bit it feels rather silly for me to have to fight inside the node with no hope of outmaneuvering my opponent(s) otherwise I’m actually just giving them the node. Players should be encouraged to play tactical, as it stands now it is all skill spamming inside a node and let’s be honest that is what a zergfest actually is there just happens to be a point of contention there.
These suggestions only serve to make sPvP more fun and encourage more variety of playstyles.
the secondary objecives are there for a reason, otherwise its allway domination with very litte versatility. these objectives need some modification thoug, killstealing shouldnt be possible, i adds too much randomness to the fights, the trebuchet shouldnt be that strong and so on.
more points for kills benefits zerging which is not the point of domination. the more point u get for a kill the less tactics u need to bring in. if u block a node for 10s its still worth the 5 points ull grant on being killed.
th main issue atm is balancing the professions, especially the downed mechanics and swiftness.
You look at it rather one sided. When kills become worth more it is also going to make people play to not die. As it stands now, dying doesn’t feel like a big deal.
And what I find funny is I have yet to see anyone actually defend the secondary objectives because they are fun and that’s because they aren’t fun! Sure they might serve a purpose but 1) it’s not an interesting purpose and 2) killing players can fill that role.
Seriously, get the idea of kill points=zergfest because that is not the case.
Hm, i see your point about node proximity.
I also agree that node control isnt map control, what i said was that map control is node control. :P. Nitpicked back!
Anyways, the small point can be made that with more organized play you do see teams with only one person each on point and the rest slightly back with some sides being defined. But i agree this argument is somewhat week, as those sides are highly permiable and the spreading out has more to do with aoe avoidance than the sort of tactical positioning of the past.
Still, while i agree a problem exists i think your solution is wrong and would lead to less interesting game play.
Kill points = Zergfest no matter how you look at it.
Team A and Team B are fighting it out in Tourney finals (Battle of Kyhlo). Nodes only tick once every 10 seconds. Kills are worth 10-15 points and secondary objectives gone.
Team A will continue with current strats. Take Mansion and Clocktower.
Team B will only take the Windmill than all of Team B will rush onto the ones guarding Clocktower. 1v5-3v5… At this point Team B will now be in the lead since they are steamrolling over who ever oppose them with any kind of strategy cause they’ll be roaming as a group instead of thinking about strategy.
Now please provide a proper example of how this would be avoided, also take Zerg Mentality into account.
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
2) The maps – I find myself as well as my friends enjoying Forest of Niflhel the most. I wasn’t sure why at first but then it I realized it is the one that has the least impactful secondary objective for the most part (Svanir, Chieftain).
I think sPvP as a whole would greatly benefit from having all secondary objectives removed – guild lords, NPCs, trebuchets, etc. The player vs player combat is what is the most fun and should be emphasized as much as possible leading to…
No thanks, it adds some depth, it rewards good teams who cosntantly communicate, where as herpkitten, kill! kill! kill! is too one dimensional, it is fun trying to steal a boss kill.
I’m not sure if anyone mentioned it, but CC spam is also out of control since there’s no DR system. Too many times I’ve been 100% → 0% by a magnitude of knock backs, dazes, and stuns and if you don’t have stability there’s nothing you can do about it. Hell, on my Guardian I can put somebody against a wall and drop Sanctuary and make it so they can’t do anything for 8 seconds straight.
SWTOR had knock back spam, but this game is worse.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
pvp would be terrible boring of it was changed like the op wants it to be.
I’m not sure if anyone mentioned it, but CC spam is also out of control since there’s no DR system. Too many times I’ve been 100% -> 0% by a magnitude of knock backs, dazes, and stuns and if you don’t have stability there’s nothing you can do about it. Hell, on my Guardian I can put somebody against a wall and drop Sanctuary and make it so they can’t do anything for 8 seconds straight.
SWTOR had knock back spam, but this game is worse.
Swtor with Knock backs I’d say is worse than GW2 since in Swtor they were RARELY used to keep a person alive. Most of the time they were used tokitten people off in Huttball.
Besides the knockback animation in Swtor was horrid compared to GW2 were you tumble around after a knockback. :P
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.
defiantly new maps and more underwater combat.
agree on player kill maby 20 would fit better, so it is rewarding to hunt down players not just follow the crowd to closest capture point.