This patch was not the works of a well known company nor was it worth saying it was in the right direction.
Warriors – are still the same and trying to make them condi is stupid to say the least. And if that was you intention it is horrible compared to other condi classes. None of these changes help Warriors. We are still outclassed and out picked by other/better choice for teams. Die hard warriors think different only until they get demolished over and over by condi classes. Buff Warriors for a change.
Thief – are still the same. None of these changes help Thiefs.
Ranger – are still the same. None of these changes help Rangers. We only took a minor hit from the condi removal nerf and still are using only 1 or 2 builds.
Necro – Still need to do more testing with Necro but as a whole they were always strong in team comps but this patch didn’t do much except tease people to try power build again when condi build is way more survivable and does more damage in the long term and is best for the current meta.
Mesmer – Nerf Nerf Nerf…thats what I saw. Portal is now countered by just standing on it….THAT DOES NOT TAKE SKILL. Mind Stab only hits 3 targets…MIND STAB was never good in the first place. It stopped you from moving. Mirror was never a good heal in the first place and giving 1 more sec to reflection will not change it. Mesmers are still a 1 build class for teams and now we have less reason to take them because of nerfs.
Guardian – So I guess you want teams to be more tanky…sad Guardians got a nice buff but they were already really strong. Use the time to work on your broken classes.
Engi – Still really strong, still can do 100 nades and your minor mini nerf did nothing. the second 100 nades was gimmicky and was just over kill anyways. Engis never really needed it to demolish other burst builds or most build in general. Engi condi damage and survivability is kitten amazing. Don’t nerf them instead buff other classes to this OP state.
Ele – Still very strong and you did nothing really to the tanky builds…
In general I am very disappointed with the patch. Stop wasting your time with these lack-luster mini buff and nerf and rework them if they need it. I want to be able to play more than 1 or 2 build with each class. I get so bored playing the same shiz over and over. You have had SOOOOOOOO long to get this game going but you are still wasting your time with PvE which will never hold this game over like PvP can. Look at all E-sports…I don’t see PvE games in there… Other games that are in ALPHA and BETA have more pvp content flowing and they already have E-Sports support programs…spectator to name one of MANY. Fix the game or it will go from 200 viewers watching to 5 because anyone that streams will leave to a better game.
If a game came out right now that would have this games mechanics I would leave in a heartbeat because there is nothing keeping me here beside that I love this type of combat.