Cond,Tough,Vit ACC- why dont we have one?
Well, there’s the toughness condition precision amulet.
So I’ve been curious to why there isnt a item for these specific stats? Atm we have a lot of options to fit just about any build you want to create for ur profession.
Such as a High power/crit chance/crit dmg burst build to a High Def/heal spec…but no way of creating a high condition dmg, tanky spec…Atm im stuck using a Soldier amulet with Undead runes and 30 in cond dmg traits to fit my spec, but that 800 power is almost useless (since power does not raise cond dmg at all) It just doesnt fit…Id much rather have healing or cond dmg to replace it =/ Could we eventually have this option?;TgAAzCooiyElIKrYuokRB
Probably, some amulet combinations would be OP, such as the one you’re talking about. The cond/toughness/vitality amulet would give you very high survivability combined with very high condition damage, which would make necros very hard to kill.
The best thing you can go for atm is rabid amulet+carrion jewel I think, combined with rune of the undead/divinity.
I personally use that combination on my condi necro and it works pretty well. Since crits can cause bleeding in your trait line or with runes, the precision isn’t entirely wasted in a condition spec.
Hope that helps!
But yeah, you’re right, maybe Arenanet could add some more amulets so we can customize more. A good option would be to include an extra amulet slot and cut the stats in half for every amulet. Or maybe add different jewel slots for the amulet. That would give us lots more of customization for builds and it is actually pretty easy to implement.
anet stated 4-5 months ago that combination you can’t find are not there because of some lame build that could be created
It should be added, its only fair, since others can get power-toughness-vit, why not for condition builds as well ?
3 wvw kills
It should be added, its only fair, since others can get power-toughness-vit, why not for condition builds as well ?
Because most physical damage builds need a combination of power/precision and crit damage to do good damage. Condition builds typically just need 1 stat for damage, which is condition damage. Their itemization path is much cleaner/simpler. Combine this with the fact that most condition builds typically trait much more tanky than physical dps builds (due to the placement of those traits on the trees), and condition builds are already more innately tanky than a physical dps class.
People that build power/tough/vit are tank/bunker builds typically and they deal kitten for damage. Physical dps classes that build with no precision do very little damage.
^ what he said. physical damage is based on power/prec/crit dmg while conditions are based on 1 stat Cond dmg and well maybe condition duration but amulets dont include that one. So it would be unbalanced
And still, condition damage can be removed rather easy as opposed to, let`s say direct damage
Besides, there are physical builds running power/vit/toughness that do respectable damage. Even if this does not fit into spvp, i`m sure a lot of people would love to see it in pve/wvw.
3 wvw kills
What you’re basically saying here is that the necro ‘condi-tank build’ is not strong enough atm.
Necromancers have the highest vitality in game +their elite skill and f-skills give them high survivability.
If you can’t survive long enough/do enough damage with the current amulet, it’s a matter of training. I personally am very happy with my current necro build and it offers me enough survivability compared to the damage.
Condition removers can indeed be annoying, but a necro can usually reapply them in a matter of seconds
I think a high toughness/power/condi dmg build would definitely be OP, especially for necro.