Condi Warriors
Everyone in the kitten game has condi cleanses and the ability to kite. Just don’t get hit and don’t be stupid enough to walk into his fire AOEs and don’t hit him when he has his signet up … People cry over how broken a class is but never bothered with pvp …. This is quite sad …
I pop every condition cleanse on my ele and I still have 4 conditions left on me. Condi cleanse does not work vs warriors.
People will be surprised af once they see warrior in the “meta” used by “pros” bc they cant think nor make build on their own.. Tier 3.. haha ok.
See ya soon calling on nerfs to war.
Who was right?
Good god! It’s almost like within the last 23 days, there wasn’t a patch that buffed the crap out of warriors and nerfed the classes that were keeping it down!
I bet if I go back far enough, I could find a post by people saying you’d never see a ranger used on any competitive teams.
There wasnt any buff/nerf to war since that time. AH is just a broken trait. 1k hp/s is ridiculous on top of being completely passive +that condi pressure berserker offers. Its not even that hard to land with access to berserker primal burst. Coming from ex warrior (over 4k h). You cannot really melee warrior. Either you burst him down in seconds or youll have to gtfo. You have to constatly pressure him while taking heavy damage back. Its just.. no words. But ofc fotm metabattle people didnt see that coming. Tier 3 mkay.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
Anet does not know his own game.
This warrior is the best build i ever faced in any season, 44 bleed stacks easily, even with condi clease you just cant hold much longer.
His is not in common meta, he is in godlike meta like the old D/D ele monthas ago.
Going to pick my warrior now. reurueureurue
PS dont CC them. It gives them toughness and healing. But soft cc/cripple and chill = really effective
With the buff to Adrenal Health, as well as all the conditions lurking around, it’s probable that most warriors now prefer Cleansing Ire to Rousing Resilience. Heavy CC might not be a bad option: few stun breakers (Endure Pain, Headbutt, possibly Savage Instinct), and no stability outside of Berserker mode (Eternal Champion).
Kite them as needed, have them use their two stances, beware the hard CC (mace, shield, headbutt) and the berserker mode (for the mace burst).
I doubt anyone is going to be taking Rousing Resilience. Cleansing Ire is just too good.
Nope, the best condi warr use RR. So, he is basically a tank and does condi dmg on top of that. Just image someone with outrage (10 sec( + RR (2.5k hp and 1000 toughness every 8 sec). So, you can go full viper with any condi build without hurting your defense.
Sure and leave yourself with no condi clear….oookk.
And no, brawlers recovery won’t save you with all these condis flying around.
The meta build is and will be with CI. (longbow)
of course, it depends on the camp…
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
That’s why you kit them… you can’t get close to a warrior and expect to win. If you are a necro use the decap build. I have faced one necro who placed a blue bar on the ground that I couldn’t cross and he kite me from the point…
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
High uptime on resistance + relative short CD on zerker stance + unintended 6 condis cleansed + high passive healing numbers would do that lol
I was right in other thread, people complain about warriors xD
[Teef] guild :>
Condi warriors are not broken. Those that go full condi can litterally only cleanse conditions through cleansing ire alone and savage instinct. They are also often full melee. There is no esxcuse as to why u can’t kite a slow warrior who’s full melee and who’s ability to cleanse condi’s is dependent on his ability to hit you. U simply shouldn’t trade blows with them.
And if one goes displine instead they lose quite a bit on thier condi burst and thus deal mainly one form of condition and that is burning. in which they go longbow instead losing out on thier cc potential.
Thier stability is still lacking assuming one goes eternal champion and not king of fires
anybody with pulsing cc, lockdown skills a necromancer that attacks from range, druid with ancient seeds or maby entangle. condi mesmers. scrappers can still outtank us forcing us offpoint instead.
Condi warrior is strong but not broken. And if it needs to be nerfed. U better not nerf adrenal health but rather shave a bit of the condi’s themselve instead.
Adrenal health gives us the sustain we need and even now we are like still below revenants,scrappers,druids and tempest. We’re like the 5th tankiest class.
Just fix the bug and we’re fine.
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
It depends on your build but I’ve been taking null field, stacking a lot of condi’s on them and using null field to strip the Resistance and Might they’ve built up. So what happens is they tend to not pay attention to the fact they have no more resistance and lose half their health. Then a couple well times scepter blocks and shatters have them on the ground. And oddly enough I’ve done this in melee range. Granted that’s for 1v1’s, if you’re on point with warrior plus necro’s kiting is king, but so is stripping the resistance.
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
It depends on your build but I’ve been taking null field, stacking a lot of condi’s on them and using null field to strip the Resistance and Might they’ve built up. So what happens is they tend to not pay attention to the fact they have no more resistance and lose half their health. Then a couple well times scepter blocks and shatters have them on the ground. And oddly enough I’ve done this in melee range. Granted that’s for 1v1’s, if you’re on point with warrior plus necro’s kiting is king, but so is stripping the resistance.
That’s smart.
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
It depends on your build but I’ve been taking null field, stacking a lot of condi’s on them and using null field to strip the Resistance and Might they’ve built up. So what happens is they tend to not pay attention to the fact they have no more resistance and lose half their health. Then a couple well times scepter blocks and shatters have them on the ground. And oddly enough I’ve done this in melee range. Granted that’s for 1v1’s, if you’re on point with warrior plus necro’s kiting is king, but so is stripping the resistance.
That’s smart.
Unlike some if I find there’s a problem I work around it instead of saying its OP(not you Ith but you can understand what I’m saying I’m sure)
Granted, taking null field means no Signet of Illusions but I’m ok with that. You could also run AT but meh not worth it imo. And disenchanter will be shattered/cleaved too quickly. So you either take null field, melee with sword(you could die), GS 3 from range(is iffy on what it will remove) and trait for Dom’s boon removal on shatter so you give up Insp( our main source of condi removal) I’ll live with taking null field
These responses.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:
The issue I’m having with Warriors generally right now is that they seem to have near permanent condition immunity or a very rapid cleanse. Some seem to be able to just about ignore condition damage.
I don’t play warrior, so don’t know the mechanics. Something is happening though that’s is making some warriors effectively immune to conditions.
If you don’t play wars..why do you comment about them?
The war build you normally face, got almost every single condi clear available to the class : they can clear 2 condis by going berseker ( adept trait), can clear 1 condi for adrenaline bar (grandmaster trait), and some may use torch which can clear 2 condis every 20s with torch skill 5.
On top of that they can have up to 20s resistance using the signet and stance , this every 60s or so.
I seriously find hard to believe that a mesmer find it difficult to deal with a condi war, only one skill to watch out : headbutt, a 300 range mele single attack that applies all that confusion, bleed, stun etc etc
As condi wars don’t use signet of might, just bide your time by chaining blocks/distortion and keeping your distance (which is stupidly easy on a mesmer, thief or druid ) for as long as they have resistance up
Without headbutt the condi war can’t build up adrenaline fast enough and once that bar is full the only skill you need to pay attention to is scorched earth, which is not that hard to avoid
Most wars won’t run distracting shot hence headbutt and scorched earth is all they have to apply considerable condi pressure..and you find hard to avoid that..on a mesmer?..really?
P.S I play ele, war, rev, guardian , reason why I know how to fight and kill all 4 of them respectively…just go and make a war, you’ll see that 80% of current condi wars are very easy to predict and defeat
(edited by Supreme.3164)
The only problem with warriors is their place in Conquest right now, and even they aren’t as bad as the previous season when it came to balance. They’re actually very overpowered in Stronghold just for their ability to get mist essences with literally no way to stop them if they have basic knowledge of using stances. They’re definitely a force to be reckoned with in Conquest mode, but people are right when they say Warriors aren’t really that invincible.
The problem for warriors right now is their sustain on points, and sustain itself is a problem I think every “OP” class had when it came to balancing. While Reapers can dish out far more damage on points with AoE, Warriors have so much sustain on a point compared to the previous reaper, and has extremely high damage anyways. Their CC is also high up their due to their stuns, which can completely counter engineers who doesn’t design their build to account for it (like some of mines). The fact that they can stand on a point for so long, whether its 1v1 or even 1v4 if the warrior is that good, is such a huge factor to winning a match in Conquest mode. Conquest mode is far more about holding points than killing the other team, but killing is very necessary to get them off of course. That’s why warriors are actually really good and perhaps overtuned. If it takes that long to get a warrior down on a point, then his team mates will have plenty of time to go to the point to defend it. However, those would be a bunkers role in a sense, and I think that itself isn’t the problem. The fact that a warrior using glassy amulets and using a high damage condi-build with amazing CC means he shouldn’t have such sustain on a point at all. Even sustain-builds in the previous classes had no way of lasting as long on a point as this super glassy warrior does because of how their stances work, and super easy to do I might add. Since it isn’t about 1v1 but keeping points, and you can’t exactly kite a PvPer unless they’re bad with tunnel vision, it’s obvious why they’re such a massive boon to any team for just one reason.
In solely 1v1 situations without points or objectives included, they’re very balanced I guess. I don’t really pay attention to those, but warriors come off as the same deal as Dragonhunters in duels, where they’re just high burst and they can last a while. However, a proper build (especially if it counters the opponent’s build), and good use of kiting and just living long enough will make them deplete their skills/trait for a solid kill. Maybe if there was a popular and official game mode that’s based on Deathmatch (coughcough Courtyard coughcough), Warriors could definitely show themselves to be terrifying berserkers to the point of being too powerful. They’re manageable enough in Conquest due to other reasons and ways to make them less effective, such as timing to use skills against their stances and what not. However, whenever it came to the powercreep or “OP” classes, I noticed it’s because of their sustain on points. Every overpowered class that I found was really, really good at standing on and holding points. That alone is the biggest benefit to winning at Conquest mode. It was manageable until their sustain was now being coupled with amazing DPS, CC, and even support. The Tempest last season was a good bunker that needed a little nerfs, but otherwise served the purpose well. Its damage was completely balanced for being so sustained in Conquest mode. I think it’s really bizarre that a Warrior can have so much amazing DPS, CC, and such glassy stats and actually hold points far better on their own than the Reaper ever could unless the Reaper himself went for actual tank builds, which in return significantly reduced their damage.
In my views. there needs to be proper balance between DPS, CC, Support, and now sustain as sustain has become a very factor in Gw2 in my opinion. I also think every profession, and build, should be designed to be better than another one, but only one in possible. In my own idea of a perfect “balanced PvP”, the warrior can normally do far better against Engineers since they are the most susceptible to CC, and warriors have a lot of stuns to bring now. However, any other class that can have real good stability upkeep and kite can easily destroy a warrior in return, while my engineer could then be far better than those classes because they had to sacrifice other things to get stability. Etc. etc.
That’s just on paper in a most basic design, but I think there needs to be a balance of the roles and how which profession is better than whichever other specific profession. But more importantly, the balance of the roles need to be checked the most, otherwise we just get classes that just do way better because they’re basically the equivalent of Celestial stats, except the Power, Condition, Precision, etc etc, is way too close to more specialized stats like Berserkers, Sinister, etc. Classes can’t be that good at everything, and the most OP classes really only came around HoT with the introduction of Elite Specializations, which gave a good 4-5 of them amazing everything, and the perfect team composition which completely negated each other’s already low weaknesses in their builds. Sustain has been a major problem with that, and it needs to be more tuned by Anet I think.
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
Condi warrior are only OP when you don’t know how to handle them.
They are easy to kite. They have almost no disengage.
When they leap at you dodge (they will use elite)
Save a stun break. Save condi clear.
Kite invulns/zerks.
Out rotate.
Seriously they are super slow. And have a very tiny range. They are the definition of bruiser. Don’t trade blows with them. Even a full melee rev can out kite with prec strike. I don’t think there is a class that can’t kite them (thief = hit and run like normal)
Exactly this. However the condi damage is absolutely nuts that I can get off if I’m playing against a spaz monkey that allows it. 20 stacks of confusion and around 8-9 on burning + 16-20 of bleeding in a combo. It’s unholy. I’ve seen a 6.8k confusion on cast tick… it’s gross.
Honestly it’s easily dealt with but quite frankly they should adjust it so that they deal less but can at least stick to target somewhat. Longbow isn’t competitive at range.
Condi clear needs a full overhaul, I’m not going to make suggestions – I’m not well placed to do so having only returned to the game recently. I don’t think you can just buff the way to handle condi though, it needs normalising and smoothing so it’s still viable and strong / top tier but not overly ridiculous against some classes and useless against others.
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
(edited by dominik.9721)
I tried to go against condi warrior with scrapper. It depends on player but it is not an impossible matchup . If you are used to handle condition builds , you can do it ( i find eg 5 and hammer 2 combo quite usefull ) . I also play condi mesmer with scepter torch , sword- shield. With it usually i have no problem to go 1vs 1 against warrior. I die usually against power warrior when in teamfight i don’t look at them and they hit me like a truck ( usually when i am focusing something else ) . I really don’t understand how people say that now mesmer is weak … the only class i have problem against is condi necro but it depends on the fact that i usually play rabid. If i go carrion , sometimes i can also win 1vs 1 against condi reaper
After Hot I have guildies that kept playing their warriors. I stopped playing GW2 cause I really got bored. They reached pretty high tier in S2 and they are really good players. To succeed they had to duel and learn every classes. When you are bottom tier class you can’t impose your play style and has to react to better classes offend played by worst players.
They were pretty good pre patch. Since the warrior sustain buff they are having so much fun and pretty much nothing stand in their way. (they don’t like condi builds)
I also hate condi build TBH. The good thing is that this and thieve buff will definitively shake the meta. Eventually other players will learn how to deal with this.
What are the current bottom tier class now?
After Hot I have guildies that kept playing their warriors. I stopped playing GW2 cause I really got bored. They reached pretty high tier in S2 and they are really good players. To succeed they had to duel and learn every classes. When you are bottom tier class you can’t impose your play style and has to react to better classes offend played by worst players.
They were pretty good pre patch. Since the warrior sustain buff they are having so much fun and pretty much nothing stand in their way. (they don’t like condi builds)
I also hate condi build TBH. The good thing is that this and thieve buff will definitively shake the meta. Eventually other players will learn how to deal with this.
What are the current bottom tier class now?
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
you obviously don’t understand how warrior works
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
you obviously don’t understand how warrior works
I’m pretty sure I know more about warrior than you do and already played it in tournements more successfully than you ever will. Considering I only stated facts based on numberes I’m very curious where it is obvious that I don’t even udnerstand how warrior works -but sure, enlighten us senpai
(edited by dominik.9721)
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
If that was a comment meant to power warr I’d agree but condi warr just nah. Its power creeped as kitten and definitely needs a nerf. Its essentially a mix of pre nerf scrapper and condi necro in terms of sustain+condi pressure, except it applies way more cancerous condis that condi necro and can apply them more often.
Reminds me of when DH traps first came out and every panicked and QQ. Condi war is strong no doubt but its also new to a lot of people. Give it a week and other classes will learn how to counter it or adjust their builds accordingly (as mentioned by a player above)
And the person who said berserker stance had a short cd (LOL). It is and always has been for ages 60 seconds.
A message for ANET. If you ever do decide to nerf war pls for heavens sake dont touch the other traits. The only thing that made warriors strong was the new Adrenal Health. (and the fact other classes were nerfed). So if you do nerf something, give AH a shave BUT ONLY after you let the meta settle for a little while. Dont fall for all the QQ whiners who refuse to adjust their builds.
For anyone who thinks im defending my class. I played DH, Scrapper and Rev in S1 and S2. I will be adding War to my rotation but its not my only class.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
Although, i share the same sentiment, you have to be careful about what you say. All i am getting from your post is CI has to be nerfed, a trait i have used since S1. The problem with condi warrior is that :
-It’s heavy class which deal necro-like condi damage.
It’s true that necros have death-shroud (which makes them a bit tanky) , but a condi warrior can accomplish this by using RR + outrage against power camp, or a camp with necro. But this combo can be mitigated by any advanced player, it’s pretty easy to counter (imo) a condi warrior.
Still this doesnt exclude the fact that Condi warrior is on par with Engi, Revs and MEsmers. So advocating for a condi warr nerfed is not the way to go about it. condi warrior is not over top, the way to fix it, is to reduced the amount of condi generated by a condi warrior or tweak condi damage. Overnerfing itmight hurt warriors build diversity.
Tl:dr Condi warrior is fine, however it should nt pull the same number as necro. (condi)
Edit: Adrenal hp + HS is fine, not everyone is suppsoed to counter the combo, but most classes do.
(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)
Warrior is fine balance wise, but this is one of the worse design I ever seen in gw2. They took the easy path yet again, buffing an other class adding bunch of stats to compete with the powercreep. A normal humain being aged more than 8years old could master this build in 2hours.
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
They’ve gone and completely reversed course, a full-on 180.
We want the Warrior to be capable of good melee damage in a sturdy body. They can still do some decent damage at range, but they aren’t as good at it as the Ranger (with their pet). They have a hard time taking enemy boons down, and instead, have to just go through them with raw force. They may have a hard time with enemy conditions, and may need to ask for ally help in order to keep themselves free of hampering conditions.
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4
Anet does not know his own game.
This warrior is the best build i ever faced in any season, 44 bleed stacks easily, even with condi clease you just cant hold much longer.
His is not in common meta, he is in godlike meta like the old D/D ele monthas ago.
Going to pick my warrior now. reurueureurue
If you Ever get 44 stacks of bleed in one fight vs a warri,learn to freaking dodge and move already.
Ridiculous posts.
In less than a week, I promise you’ll all be seeing around 4 condi warriors in each game because the balance team doesn’t know the meaning of moderation when it comes to buffing or nerfing classes.
You heard it here first folks!
I’ve been running condi warrior forever, I played one exclusively in s2. And guess what? People would rage when I was on my warrior, ask me to switch or quit the game. Because I didn’t do damage according to them.
Now everyone is complaining condi warrior is op. What has changed? Nothing but adrenal health. Get some balls, learn to play, get good or whatever. But most importantly, strategize. Condi warrior isn’t god like, it has a weakness. Find it.
Exactly, it’s the same condi build we were seeing a lot of last season about half way through. Like you said, only AH is the difference. Instead of the usual Mace/Shield Sw/T, obviously ppl are gonna take LB with the Scorched Earth CI bug in this condi prevalent meta. I could see how ppl who haven’t really tried to figure a counter yet would cry nerf. Fix the bug, and I don’t think there’s a reason to complain. And tbh I only run power War/Zerker, so I don’t have a bias.
It seems every profession has a really strong build or variations of it, and counters to each, it just too bad there aren’t many more viable pvp builds for ranked
Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
Although, i share the same sentiment, you have to be careful about what you say. All i am getting from your post is CI has to be nerfed, a trait i have used since S1. The problem with condi warrior is that :
-It’s heavy class which deal necro-like condi damage.
It’s true that necros have death-shroud (which makes them a bit tanky) , but a condi warrior can accomplish this by using RR + outrage against power camp, or a camp with necro. But this combo can be mitigated by any advanced player, it’s pretty easy to counter (imo) a condi warrior.
Still this doesnt exclude the fact that Condi warrior is on par with Engi, Revs and MEsmers. So advocating for a condi warr nerfed is not the way to go about it. condi warrior is not over top, the way to fix it, is to reduced the amount of condi generated by a condi warrior or tweak condi damage. Overnerfing itmight hurt warriors build diversity.
Tl:dr Condi warrior is fine, however it should nt pull the same number as necro. (condi)
Edit: Adrenal hp + HS is fine, not everyone is suppsoed to counter the combo, but most classes do.
Being a vanilla power warr main myself I agree with u when u say that power warr is easy to counter, at least for me and for many of us warr players in general, since I know pretty much exactly what it can do. Disregarding the fact that cleansing ire with scorched earth currently is bugged and cleanses 6 condis, I still feel like condi warr is over performing.
In fact, you stated the problem yourself, the damage is too high relative to sustain. Condi necro despite dealing massive condi pressure has the disadvantage of being arguably the easiest target in the game with no way to shut down focus fire, condi warr on the other hand, not only puts out more single target condi pressure than condi necro, because of burning+confusion, on top of having significantly superior access to CC but it’s also significantly tankier, not only because it’s heavy but also because it has double EP as well as Shield stance when running mace/shield but it can also shutdown condi pressure with Zerker stance, and you’ll be really hard pressed to find an example where the enemy can strip all your resistance pulses from berserker stance. What needs a nerf imo isnt AH, if you nerf AH, you nerf all of warrior pretty much, and power warrior is in no need of a nerf, especially vanilla.
In addition, rev can hardly compare to condi warr now; it took a severe hit to +1 potential, and with condi warrs and thiefs buffed, two things that severly counter it rev is in a much worse relative spot compared to last season. If anything the abundant use of Wanderer now that mercenary is gone, screws up rev even more since now you’re forced to eat not only stronger condi damage, but also for longer durations. Talking about power rev that is.
(edited by Rekt.5360)
What needs a nerf imo isnt AH, if you nerf AH, you nerf all of warrior pretty much, and power warrior is in no need of a nerf, especially vanilla.
ANET is not balancing this game around Vanilla specs. Acceptance of this fact is the first step towards recovery.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The QQ started soon after mercenary amulet was removed. This is what u get when u destroy build diversity by kittening destroying amulets. Which is a bummer considering there were only problems with 2 classes at that time. DH bieng a tad bit underpowred and Condi mesmer bieng a tad bit too strong but still beatable espically with 1 v 2.
There was an relatively acceptable balance for the most of it. And I felt that with a few months we might be able to get balance close to post jun23 with diminished build diversity that is. It was an start.
But now u removed mercenary amulet. And drastically affect the sustain of lots of classes that need it. It also doesn’t help that u nerf the amount of condi cleanses a druid has even more.
And since A-net is A net and doesn’t know moderation. Warrior again is going to get kittening overnerfed. ‘’Since warriors are tanks that can 1 v 4 now and teams now consist of 4 warrior in one team. Also Every warrior can land their burst skills all of the time,’’
Introduce a new amulet
Corrupted Amulet
900 Ferocity
900 Condition Damage
560 Toughness
560 Vitality
560 Precision
The only condi builds can deal a bit of direct damage is through ferocity and precision which will help certain traits activate more and allow the use of sigils that are dependent on critical hits. This pretty much shuts down the hybrid damage argument. This makes the distinction between pure condition damage and power.
the only hybrid damage amulets would be ‘’sage, destroyers,viper and carrion’’. All providing large amount of hybrid damage but sacrficing sustain in some way shape or form.
Or one could give mercenary amulet back and just work a bit on DH and Condi Mesmer and be done with it.
This should stop mesmers and necromancers from complaining and condi revenants..
Scrappers,, Tempest, Power Revenants, Druids should be ok and still retain a top spot in the meta.
they are only op because you have no idea how they work..
A lot of people know how warrior works, some of them even main them.
But yea.. 3 condition cleanses every 3 seconds in berserk mode with longbow… high resistance uptime…. 800hp/sec healing which is basically as much as a ranger using permanently troll unguent …. and dealing the highest condition dmg of all classes right now doesn’t seem slightly overpowered at all.
Stop being so delusional and finally accept that our class got as powercreeped as the other classes which you guys all have been complaining about – but it seems as soon as it’s our own class, everything is fine – pathetic.
Although, i share the same sentiment, you have to be careful about what you say. All i am getting from your post is CI has to be nerfed, a trait i have used since S1. The problem with condi warrior is that :
-It’s heavy class which deal necro-like condi damage.
It’s true that necros have death-shroud (which makes them a bit tanky) , but a condi warrior can accomplish this by using RR + outrage against power camp, or a camp with necro. But this combo can be mitigated by any advanced player, it’s pretty easy to counter (imo) a condi warrior.
Still this doesnt exclude the fact that Condi warrior is on par with Engi, Revs and MEsmers. So advocating for a condi warr nerfed is not the way to go about it. condi warrior is not over top, the way to fix it, is to reduced the amount of condi generated by a condi warrior or tweak condi damage. Overnerfing itmight hurt warriors build diversity.
Tl:dr Condi warrior is fine, however it should nt pull the same number as necro. (condi)
Edit: Adrenal hp + HS is fine, not everyone is suppsoed to counter the combo, but most classes do.
Being a vanilla power warr main myself I agree with u when u say that power warr is easy to counter, at least for me and for many of us warr players in general, since I know pretty much exactly what it can do. Disregarding the fact that cleansing ire with scorched earth currently is bugged and cleanses 6 condis, I still feel like condi warr is over performing.
In fact, you stated the problem yourself, the damage is too high relative to sustain. Condi necro despite dealing massive condi pressure has the disadvantage of being arguably the easiest target in the game with no way to shut down focus fire, condi warr on the other hand, not only puts out more single target condi pressure than condi necro, because of burning+confusion, on top of having significantly superior access to CC but it’s also significantly tankier, not only because it’s heavy but also because it has double EP as well as Shield stance when running mace/shield but it can also shutdown condi pressure with Zerker stance, and you’ll be really hard pressed to find an example where the enemy can strip all your resistance pulses from berserker stance. What needs a nerf imo isnt AH, if you nerf AH, you nerf all of warrior pretty much, and power warrior is in no need of a nerf, especially vanilla.
In addition, rev can hardly compare to condi warr now; it took a severe hit to +1 potential, and with condi warrs and thiefs buffed, two things that severly counter it rev is in a much worse relative spot compared to last season. If anything the abundant use of Wanderer now that mercenary is gone, screws up rev even more since now you’re forced to eat not only stronger condi damage, but also for longer durations. Talking about power rev that is.
Couldn’t agree more, but as a power warrior main… I feel like our voices need to be heard. Touching AH or CI is killing power warrior.
What needs a nerf imo isnt AH, if you nerf AH, you nerf all of warrior pretty much, and power warrior is in no need of a nerf, especially vanilla.
ANET is not balancing this game around Vanilla specs. Acceptance of this fact is the first step towards recovery.
Power warrior uses zerker as well, what Anet ought to do is tone down warriors condi output or tweak condi dmg.
(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)
What needs a nerf imo isnt AH, if you nerf AH, you nerf all of warrior pretty much, and power warrior is in no need of a nerf, especially vanilla.
ANET is not balancing this game around Vanilla specs. Acceptance of this fact is the first step towards recovery.
To be honest I change my playstyle depending on whether I play core or berserker power warr, but in any case power berserker warr doesn’t offer me much more other than more reliable condi cleanse, easier access to AH and pulsing stab, all of which can be compensated with slightly smarter play or depending on team comp.
If anything vanilla axe shield still offers infinitely superior eviscerate damage spikes that can often be the deciding factor when fighting say a thief or mesmer who lets his HP fall to 50-60% without healing up and gets instagibbed by an evis crit or make people panic and make them pop multiple utilities. The downed cleave on vanilla is also much stronger.
Couldn’t agree more, but as a power warrior main… I feel like our voices need to be heard. Touching AH or CI is killing power warrior.
I feel like power warr is in a much better state, but this season will still be an uphill battle. Ironically, everybody is crying about condi warr and here I am winning my fights against then without really much problems but playing a build that is generally viewed as under performing.
(edited by Rekt.5360)
Wow that warrior build is unbelievably strong, its like the old Hambow on steriods.
here’s the real question, in any time period where warrior is not because of healing? now you realize that without the healing , warrior will be another useless class that can’t do anything and when viable all because of the same reason and played the same role, because anet is too stubborn to even give more mechanics to the class, give more passive healing is all they will’s either good or just completely trash
here’s the real question, in any time period where warrior is not because of healing? now you realize that without the healing , warrior will be another useless class that can’t do anything and when viable all because of the same reason and played the same role, because anet is too stubborn to even give more mechanics to the class, give more passive healing is all they will’s either good or just completely trash
Nice point indeed… healing and warrior should def go hand to hand since we lack mobility and are slow, etc. .. However, condi dmg should nt be our theme.
I don’t mind a Warrior being sturdy and having sustain. The issues as I see it is it’s damage output for both Power and Condi. If a developer had a single knob to turn that controlled output, Warriors need it turned down by 15%. That should put it inline with being sturdy but, have good damage potential.
I don’t mind a Warrior being sturdy and having sustain. The issues as I see it is it’s damage output for both Power and Condi. If a developer had a single knob to turn that controlled output, Warriors need it turned down by 15%. That should put it inline with being sturdy but, have good damage potential.
This js where we are going to disagree to disagree. Power build are high risk high reward unlike some other power class. We are not the #1 dps class in pvp, revs and thief are in front of us, and yet you are ASKING FOR A POWER NERF? COME on
Warriors have been in the gutter long enough. And when its their time to shine its not even by a substantial margin or anything the way chrono was. Imo thieves are more of a prob these days. Warrior is just easier to do well with.
sigh….How quickly people forget history…..
Herald, Druid, Chrono, Reaper, Scrapper were effective in a new player’s hands and DEVASTATING in a good player’s hands than condi-Berserker EVER was.
I would like some fries with these salty tears!
How do you expect a melee centric class to kite a warrior when they regenerate health at insane rates and your only source of damage is to get infront of the warrior, whom will spam burns.
Yeah I guess warrior isn’t broken if you’re ranged.
I’ve 1v1’d condi wars as both thief and rev. Only one I don’t know is engi? Can any scrappers speak up?
But if that is one hard counter, hardly makes it OP. Most classes hard counter at least one build. I would think scrapper could 1v1 a bow build, but maybe not the full melee wars.
I’ve foudn 1v1 a warrior an even match up on scrapper once I adjusted. I can half kill one by reflecting fire bolts, I can stand there while they vent rage with my block. then you run away for a while, casting the thunder clap field behind you, CC a bit and kite lots. Essentially I run a rabid build with high condi damage and so I let the condis do their thing.
IF you screw up and they stun / get you they can litterally take off like 70% of your health in an instant…. its pretty brutal. You must be exactly on your game.