Condition Removal Problems
I use a skill that cleanses 3 conditions. Why on earth does it clean a few seconds of cripple, a bit bleeding and vuln, but not freaking 21 stacks of bleeding?
because condition removal is last in first out.
If it was split any other way you would run into the problem of either being able to negate too much of certain condition types or not being able to remove enough of certain condition types. It also just adds another headache for balance. How do you decide what skill removes how many of what type of condition.
There is that glitch or issue what some use in arena.Every class has certain condition which does apply example mesmer.Mesmer has no chill no poison so some players take rune or sigil to apply those,when you do cleanse those poison or chill take priority so the torment or confusion are not cleansed and you busted.There was a discussion cant remember few months ago some guys where mentioning what you pointed out here and its being used the way i described.And still not taken under look by anet.
There is that glitch or issue what some use in arena.Every class has certain condition which does apply example mesmer.Mesmer has no chill no poison so some players take rune or sigil to apply those,when you do cleanse those poison or chill take priority so the torment or confusion are not cleansed and you busted.There was a discussion cant remember few months ago some guys where mentioning what you pointed out here and its being used the way i described.And still not taken under look by anet.
There is no glitch or issue with how conditions are removed and it has been the same way since the game started. Unless the skill converts conditions or specifically states it removes a certain type then the next condition to be removed will always be the stack of the last one that was applied be it 1 stack of vuln or adding another stack to that 15 bleeds you have.
It is not being overlook by Anet since it hasn’t changed. Its working as intended as has been since the start of the game.
Let me explain very clearly and it will help you understand exactly why skills like skull grinder is overtuned:
- A skill will apply conditions in the order that they read down a skill, traits included as long as they add to the skills description
- After this its any on hit effects since they are applied after the hit e.g certain traits or sigils. I believe sigils are left to right /top down
- Then its the traits that are stated such as deathly chill.
Using skull grinder as a specific example in the meta build with the appropriate sigils. assuming they all proc skull grinder applies bleed THEN confusion THEN cripple THEN vulnerability/torment THEN torment/vulnerability. You need to remove 3 conditions before you get to the ones that do damage.
continuing to use warrior as an example:
If they weapon swap with doom and geomancy these are applied in the order bleed THEN poison since geomancy casy earth ring and the doom get used off of that hit. By doing this the second condition to be removed will be ALL THE STACKS OF BLEED . This is why its usually covered by longbow burst since if you stand in the pulsing fire field and attempt to cleanse conditions the last condition in will always be burn.
Literally the skill would be less annoying if it read cripple > bleed/confusion > confusion/bleed since you would need to remove less conditions to remove the damage. Its also why condi mesmer is far more manageable since they only really apply torment and confusion is any sort of lethal dose.
(edited by Sigmoid.7082)