Condition removal on downed state

Condition removal on downed state

in PvP

Posted by: ChillezConCarne.1356


hello evrybody,

When a player goes in downed state, all his condition are removed.
Not quite sure if its a bug, but its really annoying for condition builds. As myself, a necro it takes a few second to put some debuffs on the enemys. When your are about to epidemic someone and they get spiked down by your team mate , and flop: all your bleed stacks disappear. it cleary is really disadvantageous to condition builds , cause non condition builds wont drop down in dps after they downed someone. my solution is to keep buffs and debuffs on the player when they are going down.

let me know if you are struggling with the same issue as a condition pvper.

Condition removal on downed state

in PvP

Posted by: Swekos.1536


It really doesn’t make any sense either, “Oh I fell over and suddenly stopped bleeding”.
It also makes finishing people off underwater almost impossible for necromancers, as every time they surface all our conditions are removed. As if underwater combat as a necro wasn’t bad enough.