Constructive ideas for PvP

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


I thought I would just group a lot of the constructive ideas for pvp posted and repeated by many of the other users of this forum. If you have any additions post them below and I’ll add them in this post. Note that this is just a constructive list so it’s for ideas. Some may differ from your own ideas.

ALERT: please don’t post things like nerf this skill, balance this class, this is not that type of thread and I would like to keep the trolls out.

1. Add a clear “Join Solo” option in the tPVP menu. (alternative: set a “Join tPVP match” and a “Join sPVP match” option in the interface when entering the pvp-region)

2. Allow players to suicide in down state.

Note: May be a tactical part of the game, we will have to live with.

3. Create a clear PvP-Ranking system, with ladder.

4. Create a feel of “Winning” in sPVP. Maybe double the points for the winning team or something similar.

5. Make pug communication a bit simpler. (Maybe making it possible to call points or implementing mappinging)

6. Implement a spectator mode and show achievement messages in pvp or even pve enviroment. (i.e. “Team EatMyShorts has won a tournament” similar to the HA-messages) This to increase curiosity in pvp for pve players

7. Create a pvp match making system similar to the one in Guildwars I Team Arenas and HA. Or something alike with the same results. This to make group finding a bit easier.

8. Consider grouping pre-mades with pre-mades and pugs with pugs in free tournaments if possible. Or at least in the first round.

9. Change the name of Paid-tournament to something like Ticket-tournament. This minor change could in my opinion rid the feeling of pay to play the current name implies. (heard some people complain about this one)

10. Let all classes lose minions on downstate/let all classes keep minions on downstate. (i.e. It’s a problem necro’s lose their minions while mesmer can keep their ilussions)

11. (linked with Nr 6.) Add a replay mode so players can learn from their game and watch what other classes did to counter them etc.

12. Create a penalty for leaving tPVP. Maybe a timer so you have to wait to enter or even a XP-penalty in pve.

13. Give defenders holding a point (while in battle) a steady glory increase

14. Regulary update the community with as much information as possible, through a known and official channel. Like a part of this messageboard reserved for announcements or the offcial site (Concerning pvp)

15. Add an xp-gained in pvp to encourage players to level their alts through pvp (→

16. TBA with your! ideas

(edited by theloneaven.5206)

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


Reserved for more

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: arikdg.5408


reward glory to people holding a point.

defender gets 1 glory (or whatever formula) point per team team score tick for staying in the node, show some love to our defenders. the glory earned difference between a roamer and defender on tpvp is huge.


a player successfully defended a point from beginning to end of the match would get atleast 250 glory points.

this will also encourage pug spvp to play “conquest” as it is meant to be and not a rotating zerg from one point to another

(edited by arikdg.5408)

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Let us know whats going on, what you work on, when we can expect changes.
And i mean do this.. like 2-3 times a week… so far communication is really far away from what it should be at this state of the game. People are leaving.. the ones who are staying needs some reasons to stay..

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@ arikdg I would do this only when in battle this to keep a team from standing on their first point just to get the glory easy.

I’ll add this

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


I agree with pretty everything but your downed state points. They shouldn’t simply allow suicide, it’d remove a level of tactics from the game. If they did add suicide, it should be an automatic 25 points for the other team.
Might be kinda cool if they let necros keep their minions and bring back the stray minions mechanic.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@Aragiel. I agree that community communication is important, but I can see that promising things before they (the developpers) are 100% sure that it’s implementable and wont cause issues could lead to more frustration with the players. I’m curious to a developper’s opinion on this one.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@ Dual: I added this one the list in response to the personal timers. I aggree that it’s a tactical part of the game but being unable to play for 40sec while bleeding out and 20sec personal timer would lead to frustation for a lot of players who are unable to play during this time. And we all play to play, right

Nevertheless I’ll add a note adressing your concerns

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


@Aragiel. I agree that community communication is important, but I can see that promising things before they (the developpers) are 100% sure that it’s implementable and wont cause issues could lead to more frustration with the players. I’m curious to a developper’s opinion on this one.

on the other hand, when they are 100% sure, it means there is no comming back offten which also lead to point and question, what if community will not agree on this? what if they dont like it?

noone wants to have empty promisses here. Thats clear. But this silence is pretty bad. From time to time there is like 2-3 posts and one of them is apologize that there is not enough time to answer all topics. Of course thats fine, but at leaste some concrete information. Right now im not sure – next patch? what will bring me? they said, something about custom arenas, but will it means custom arenas are planned for next big PvP patch? if yes, then they probably allready have system and are working on implementation / coding of that system – therefore the idea is ready and could be comunicated. But right now.. i think noghings going on.. just discussion or brainstorming.. leading me to the point.. “do i want to stay for next 3 months? or not?”

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@Aragiel: Don’t get me wrong I support your sentiment. And it would be ideal if they could keep up with the posts the offcial site made when GW2 was still in release. Maybe 2 times a week would be a bit of overkill. But I agree that it would be a constructive thing to write out given interviews etc. on an offcial part of the forum or even on the official site. So I’ll add this to the list.

(edited by theloneaven.5206)

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: arikdg.5408


@ arikdg I would do this only when in battle this to keep a team from standing on their first point just to get the glory easy.

I’ll add this


people successfully defending points a and point b from start to finish would have close to identical glory

i can see the worst case here, everyone decides to camp on a single point,
8 people,

red team decides to 8 man camp their close point for points. everyone gets 250 since nobody left the point, lets assume no one attacked since who’d skirmish an 8 man defending.

while blue, wanting to win, decides to split it up, some were on close point, some were on middle point.

close point defenders gets approximately 260 glory
middle defenders gets approximately 245 glory ( traveling and capping )
plus they get win bonus

now with this, since probably everyone wants to have fun and win and get more glory, this would probably get things flowing in pugs, people would be more encouraged to attack a point, to defend a point, to stay on a point.

since the rewards match the objectives of conquest, i think games will be better, more fun and more class diversity among games.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@arikdg: I agree if there was a serious bonus for winning. But as it stands, it could lead to players staying on a point. But if both, a win-bonus and this steady increase, are implented it could work.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Rewarding and glory is always hard.

In any case i would do it like this.

Every game got “glory pool” for each team. All kills, cap points, etc are added to glory pool instead to player directly.
At the end of game winning side get 100 glory as bonus for WINNING. Then the glory pool will be divided betwen players (only those that were playing for at least 1/3 of the game).
There is only issue with autobalancing in hot-joins.. but well, that could be sometimes bad for one person.. but still better than promoting zerging and GLORY HUNTING.

yes, of course its not perfect system, but i prefer promoting team play instead of single players. It simply leads to zerging and not taking care about what is really objective and what is reason to go to PvP. And reason should be alway TO WIN and not TO GET GLORY.

Btw, Theloneaven – check this one also a good idea.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


Btw, Theloneaven – check this one also a good idea.

Great find → added

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I didn’t even have to read the rest of the post, but PLEASE do #1 on the list. I know I’ve explained to at least a half a dozen players that they really can get their PvP monthly, they just have to join as solo in tPvP.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812


My suggestion:

At least until tPvP populations reach a higher level, make tournaments 4 teams instead of 8. Have it on 2 randomly selected maps out of the 3 tournament maps instead of a fixed rotation. Add a “consolation bracket” to the tournament.

Basically, with 4 teams instead of 8, tournaments will pop faster because only 20 players are required instead of 40. The big kicker here is that with only 4 teams, a consolation bracket becomes possible (rewards would need to be adjusted for all of this of course) where the two losing teams from the first round play each other for third place. This way, out of every tournament there are 3 teams that get to feel like they accomplished something. Having a 75% success rate instead of the current 50% should increase the feeling of accomplishment for players. It even mitigates the discouragement of being pre-made stomped in the first round because you’ll likely get a “real” matchup in the second.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Raiden Gr.3167

Raiden Gr.3167

Implement Guild vs Guild and Hero’s Ascent game modes from Guild Wars 1. These were the most popular and hardcore pvp game modes of the 1st game after all

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

My suggestion:

At least until tPvP populations reach a higher level, make tournaments 4 teams instead of 8. Have it on 2 randomly selected maps out of the 3 tournament maps instead of a fixed rotation. Add a “consolation bracket” to the tournament.

Basically, with 4 teams instead of 8, tournaments will pop faster because only 20 players are required instead of 40. The big kicker here is that with only 4 teams, a consolation bracket becomes possible (rewards would need to be adjusted for all of this of course) where the two losing teams from the first round play each other for third place. This way, out of every tournament there are 3 teams that get to feel like they accomplished something. Having a 75% success rate instead of the current 50% should increase the feeling of accomplishment for players. It even mitigates the discouragement of being pre-made stomped in the first round because you’ll likely get a “real” matchup in the second.

The problem i see with consolation brackets is not everyone might wanna try to win 3rd place when they can just try again in a brand new tournament and save that time they woulda wasted.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@Raiden Gr: Although I agree those modes where awesome in GW1. It was a different game and they will not bring those back to GW2 as a whole. I do think they can learn from what made pvp in GW so succesful and if they succeed in finding a balance between what they know (from HA and GvG) and what they want to achieve (E-Sport) they can make an even better Mode for GW2. I know this has been said a thousand times but we have to give them time, that’s partly the reason why I made this thread, to bundle the community ideas. So a developer may pass by and store this list in the back of his mind. So we can have an even more awesome pvp-experience.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: theloneaven.5206


@Syeria & Noctis Assassin: I think if they succeed in making the pvp-experience more popular by other means, this will solve itself.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Phira.3970


Implement E sport game modes (20-45ish min. long GvG style or Moba style or HA style), not the old generic Capture the Flag or Conquest (these are boring to watch on twitch tv).

Make sPvP affect WvW and PvE. GW2 will never win against a game such as LoL in purely just sPvP. They’ve spent about the majority of their effort on their PvP aspect while GW2 seemingly only spent 10% of their coding on sPvP. Rather, GW2 can win overall if the three worlds of GW2 were more fluidly connected.

Yep, I present them vague but if you want, I’ll copy paste my past essays I typed on this forum that probably went completely ignored.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Raiden Gr.3167

Raiden Gr.3167

I didn’t mean to put GvG and HA as they were in GW1, but to make the proper alterations in order these modes to work in GW2.

GW2 at the current state will never compete LoL, cause sPvP is like the Dominion mode of LoL and all that have played LoL, know that Dominion is the fun mode of the game.

As for E-sports, GW1 was an e-sport back in 2006 with prizes that reached 150.000 $. Prized tournaments stopped at the end of 200, if I remember well.

Anyway, back to the topic, I think, theloneaven, you get what I meant at my 1st post.

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


My suggestion:

At least until tPvP populations reach a higher level, make tournaments 4 teams instead of 8. Have it on 2 randomly selected maps out of the 3 tournament maps instead of a fixed rotation. Add a “consolation bracket” to the tournament.

Basically, with 4 teams instead of 8, tournaments will pop faster because only 20 players are required instead of 40. The big kicker here is that with only 4 teams, a consolation bracket becomes possible (rewards would need to be adjusted for all of this of course) where the two losing teams from the first round play each other for third place. This way, out of every tournament there are 3 teams that get to feel like they accomplished something. Having a 75% success rate instead of the current 50% should increase the feeling of accomplishment for players. It even mitigates the discouragement of being pre-made stomped in the first round because you’ll likely get a “real” matchup in the second.

This. I agree fully.

all is vain

Constructive ideas for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Phira.3970


I didn’t mean to put GvG and HA as they were in GW1, but to make the proper alterations in order these modes to work in GW2.

GW2 at the current state will never compete LoL, cause sPvP is like the Dominion mode of LoL and all that have played LoL, know that Dominion is the fun mode of the game.

As for E-sports, GW1 was an e-sport back in 2006 with prizes that reached 150.000 $. Prized tournaments stopped at the end of 200, if I remember well.

Anyway, back to the topic, I think, theloneaven, you get what I meant at my 1st post.

I agree and is what my previous two wall of texts explored and how to make sPvP E sport material and how to make it compete with LoL.