Construstive feedback in Solo.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


So what is your experience with Soloque so far? Comments? Expectations? Ways for players to abuse the system?

(edited by Authority.6145)

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Just from what I’ve seen in hot join (On higher ranked players who play like they know what they’re doing), we’re just going to see alot of condition builds with high toughness. These builds are “bunkerish” because for the most part, who would take a carrion amulet over rabid/shamans? Condition cleanses mitigate condition damage better than vitality does, and toughness mitigates burst better than vitality does – most of these specs don’t need the power, so what reason is there to run with a Carrion amulet?

I’m sure someone will chime in with how Carrion amulet is the cornerstone which their spec is built on, but from what I’ve observed, Anyone who’s not running straight up GC (thieves, some ele’s, the occasional mesmer) is running at minimum “hybrid” level toughness. These are just my observations however, so who knows? Maybe I’m wrong.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


1. you can not give a constructive feedback when there is nothing to feed back onto…
2. you create a new thread because you dont want to get multiple threads created attacking the same issue? sounds like backfire…


Just from what I’ve seen in hot join….

just stopped there… no need for digging deeper

we can talk about expectations though…
i believe it will be the same as it is now on “Join Solo” button. so mainly fotm-builds (like necro and spiritranger) and ‘balanced’ with some bunkers here and there.
i dont think it will change dramatically

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Just from what I’ve seen in hot join….

just stopped there… no need for digging deeper

we can talk about expectations though…
i believe it will be the same as it is now on “Join Solo” button. so mainly fotm-builds (like necro and spiritranger) and ‘balanced’ with some bunkers here and there.
i dont think it will change dramatically

Perhaps you should have kept reading – the entire point of my post was “Players with high rank who appear to be testing TPvP specs”, not just random hot join specs. But then how could you have known that? You stopped reading.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Draedark.8193


Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.

My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?

I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.

Crystal Desert
Two Soul/Bane Midge – Ranger, Prison Riot – Thief, Effing Effer – Guardian
Feel free to contact me for info on the eSPT tPvP guild!

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


1.Read or go to school and learn to read.
2.How is it backfired?

Your trolling skills are disgusting. Try harder youletdown.

(edited by Authority.6145)

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.

My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?

I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.

Win Ratio like Warcraft 3?

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.

My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?

I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.

If rank isn’t entirely or almost entirely based on match wins, we have a problem IMO. You want to encourage intelligent play based around the map objectives – scoring based on personal score defeats that – everyone would be running around the map maximizing their score instead of playing intelligently.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


It HAS to be win percentage against teams of similar average PvP rank, just like the TeamQ leaderboards.

The very fact that someone is seriously asking if it will be based on kill pts worries me.

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Draedark.8193


@Authority: A win/loss ratio is pretty much what we currently have by my understanding. The system also weighs those wins/losses relative to your opponents.

@evilapprentice: That is what I am also hoping for, something the same or very similar to what we have now for tPvP. It could probably use some tweaks for Solo-Q but so many people have differing opinions on what defines “skill” and “PvP” that it is difficult to see where to begin. I find it very difficult to quantify the things each player can do that go into a win so I keep coming to the conclusion that the end result (win/lose) is the best way to determine which team (players) played better.

Crystal Desert
Two Soul/Bane Midge – Ranger, Prison Riot – Thief, Effing Effer – Guardian
Feel free to contact me for info on the eSPT tPvP guild!

(edited by Draedark.8193)

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Do we know what time the update is coming?

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Draedark.8193


Update starts midnight (pst) on the 6th I believe and will take up to 6 hrs from the info in the notifications.

Crystal Desert
Two Soul/Bane Midge – Ranger, Prison Riot – Thief, Effing Effer – Guardian
Feel free to contact me for info on the eSPT tPvP guild!

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: tichorum.2415


Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.

My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?

I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.

I LOL’d. Really?

I worry now that you ask if it’s based on points or wins. >.<

Points don’t gauge all.

Former PvP commentator for ESL & Arenanet.

I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


And neither do wins as I am sure anyone getting that rank 1 or for that matter an afk’r etc will agree. The right way to do this is to completely re-do the point system to actually show who was helpful or not. Shame though this won’t happen.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: PVStar.3658


Whatever the build meta ends up being will be interesting for sure. I myself have a sustained damage ranger build that has proven to be a lot of fun in hotjoin that I plan on trying in SoloQ.

My biggest question is will the leader board rank still be contingent on winning the match or will it be based on personal score or some combination thereof?

I am of the school that it should be based on match wins, though I know that some may not agree with that.

Personal score is a very poor way to tell how well you did in a match, I highly doubt it’s going to have anything to do with the leaderboards.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Anyone has tried soloque yet?

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Dont just dont…Greatest kitten ever…no mmr but still ranked

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Dont just dont…Greatest kitten ever…no mmr but still ranked

You must wait until the solo leaderboards stabilize. At the moment, everyone is equally ranked, so matchmaking won’t work properly.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Ah btw also increased loading times after death…15 sec at least for me…

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Yes, the loading screens are frustrating atm. I also think the timer to get in a match is a bit short atm.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


And yes, it’s really frustrating to soloq atm. But things will get better when we all get a rating.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


5:1 so far and having a blast.. I’d imagine everyone who normally carries hard in yolos is having a similar experience

Phaatonn, London UK

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


All they need to do now is merge NA and EU que’s together so we can at least face each other.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


is the soloq leaderboard implanted?i cant seem to find it

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


5:1 so far and having a blast.. I’d imagine everyone who normally carries hard in yolos is having a similar experience

You didn’t carry. You got lucky :p. You had suldaris and some other guys on your team.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


So let me get this straight.

We don’t have soloque leaderboard yet?
There is no reset?
Random rank matching instead of having a 10 scale matching (0-10,20-30,40-50 ect) or elo/rating matching?

Not impressed. I will still soloque later on but what a big letdown.

By the way why should we wait for it to stabilize? We are not applying evolution in here. It is not hard to implement a good formula for great matchmaking.

Anyone noticed any abusive things?

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


My experience in 5 matches has been really good. No low ranks, leavers or anything of the sort.

I’ve mostly been paired up with or against very seasoned players. A lot of them I recognised from the tournament streams, so they are high ranked: Suldaris, Wiwra, Konrad Quest, Phaeton, Shad, …

We had a lot of close matches and most of them were on the traditional rotation maps.

Only frustrating game so far was on Skyhammer, because the map is ridiculous. And maybe the one where I was on a team with 4 Necromancers…

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


5:1 so far and having a blast.. I’d imagine everyone who normally carries hard in yolos is having a similar experience

You didn’t carry. You got lucky :p. You had suldaris and some other guys on your team.

You’re probably right

Phaatonn, London UK

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


So let me get this straight.

We don’t have soloque leaderboard yet?
There is no reset?
Random rank matching instead of having a 10 scale matching (0-10,20-30,40-50 ect) or elo/rating matching?

Not impressed. I will still soloque later on but what a big letdown.

By the way why should we wait for it to stabilize? We are not applying evolution in here. It is not hard to implement a good formula for great matchmaking.

Anyone noticed any abusive things?

everyone is starting on the same matchmaking

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


So let me get this straight.

We don’t have soloque leaderboard yet?
There is no reset?
Random rank matching instead of having a 10 scale matching (0-10,20-30,40-50 ect) or elo/rating matching?

Not impressed. I will still soloque later on but what a big letdown.

By the way why should we wait for it to stabilize? We are not applying evolution in here. It is not hard to implement a good formula for great matchmaking.

Anyone noticed any abusive things?

Maybe because all the players in soloQ start as unrated? It wasn’t a secret either.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


But how will you fix being paired with


I think we should have started with ranks being paired (10 scale) and then after <insert period of time> start off with rating matching

If we had leagues most of the people who play solo que for fun or to gain something and thats it (daily) would be stuck in a certain league.

Not implying that low ranks < high ranks but you can never take away the experience from a high rank and ignore it (lets not get into a long debate about it, you know what I mean and I don’t mean any disrespect to any type of player).

People start off equally but difference in ranks counters that equality. I am just trying to see how people who WANT to progress will do that and won’t be paired with the list of players above. Apologies, but quite frankly I am very skeptical.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————→ if you complain

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————-> if you complain

So your argument is if I complain I go TeamQ?

No thanks.

I am playing the game like you play the game, so I will stick in here and complain. I am not a godam conformist like you.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


had some wins / some losses .

tho the main problem when a game is unbalanced is cause there more then 1 of a kind of profession on the same team.

already once had to fight a group with 3 ele’s in them , without us having an ele.
and same with a group of 3 guards , without us having a guard .

seems to me they should assign 1 type of character for eatch team.

1 of everything party’s, instead of like 3 ele’s with 2 thiefs( without other team having any ele’s … )

thats the only thing i have noticed already. That and leavers/afk’ers ^^

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————-> if you complain

So your argument is if I complain I go TeamQ?

No thanks.

I am playing the game like you play the game, so I will stick in here and complain.

You basically want SoloQ to be TeamQ reading from the generic complaints. So as if nothing happened with the update.

SoloQ has elements that sets it apart from TeamQ. if you want soloq to be teamQ, there is still teamQ.,

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————-> if you complain

So your argument is if I complain I go TeamQ?

No thanks.

I am playing the game like you play the game, so I will stick in here and complain.

You basically want SoloQ to be TeamQ reading from the generic complaints. So as if nothing happened with the update.

SoloQ has elements that sets it apart from TeamQ. if you want soloq to be teamQ, there is still teamQ.,

You are completely wrong.

I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

Have you played other games?

Cause really if you are defending this you are either ignorant or being paid by Arenanet.

(edited by Authority.6145)

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————-> if you complain

So your argument is if I complain I go TeamQ?

No thanks.

I am playing the game like you play the game, so I will stick in here and complain.

You basically want SoloQ to be TeamQ reading from the generic complaints. So as if nothing happened with the update.

SoloQ has elements that sets it apart from TeamQ. if you want soloq to be teamQ, there is still teamQ.,

You are completely wrong.

I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

Have you played other games?

Cause really if you are defending this you are either ignorant or being paid by Arenanet.

don’t think I’ve hardly seen anyone below r40 in the last 16 matches (bar one rank 8 lol)

Might be because you’re not playing prime time cruuk, at least on eu it’s the afternoon.

Phaatonn, London UK

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

The SoloQ uses a reset leaderboard it’s common knowledge. As such, all the players in soloQ count as unranked new players. It’s NORMAL that the first dew days you’ll get messy completely random teams. It’s in no way a proof that the matchmaking system doesn’t work or doesn’t even exist, just that it is still collecting information on the participants.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

The SoloQ uses a reset leaderboard it’s common knowledge. As such, all the players in soloQ count as unranked new players. It’s NORMAL that the first dew days you’ll get messy completely random teams. It’s in no way a proof that the matchmaking system doesn’t work or doesn’t even exist, just that it is still collecting information on the participants.

The same thing was said about the old leaderboards. From my 1500-1600 overall tournament games in which 10% where with pugs/premades (thus 90% soloque) there was never a day or a period of time where MMR was factored even though Arena Officially stated otherwise that “it was working as intended….give it some time to stabilize”

We (I) need to see ratings so I can have faith in this randomness. Ratings are still invincible because they are extremely flawed. I HOPE this time I get to be proved wrong and I will definitely give it a go and wait for at least a week to see if there is actually something called matchmaking.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: NewTrain.7549


Solo Q is Solo Q. It’s random. 1 match and after that the team breaks apart. it doesn’t matter if you group with same ranks or your rank discrepancy is huge. it’s like a one night stand. either you get some good kitten and you get some bad kitten

TeamQ———————-> if you complain

So your argument is if I complain I go TeamQ?

No thanks.

I am playing the game like you play the game, so I will stick in here and complain.

You basically want SoloQ to be TeamQ reading from the generic complaints. So as if nothing happened with the update.

SoloQ has elements that sets it apart from TeamQ. if you want soloq to be teamQ, there is still teamQ.,

You are completely wrong.

I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

Have you played other games?

Cause really if you are defending this you are either ignorant or being paid by Arenanet.

don’t think I’ve hardly seen anyone below r40 in the last 16 matches (bar one rank 8 lol)

Might be because you’re not playing prime time cruuk, at least on eu it’s the afternoon.

Tell that to the team I just had with ranks: 52, 39, 24, 15, 1

Going against:

Ranks: 60, 58, 54,, 50, 16

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

The SoloQ uses a reset leaderboard it’s common knowledge. As such, all the players in soloQ count as unranked new players. It’s NORMAL that the first dew days you’ll get messy completely random teams. It’s in no way a proof that the matchmaking system doesn’t work or doesn’t even exist, just that it is still collecting information on the participants.

The same thing was said about the old leaderboards. From my 1500-1600 overall tournament games in which 10% where with pugs/premades (thus 90% soloque) there was never a day or a period of time where MMR was factored even though Arena Officially stated otherwise that “it was working as intended….give it some time to stabilize”

We (I) need to see ratings so I can have faith in this randomness. Ratings are still invincible because they are extremely flawed. I HOPE this time I get to be proved wrong and I will definitely give it a go and wait for at least a week to see if there is actually something called matchmaking.

Funny, I found the matchmaking gave me on average same skill players in my team and as opponents. There was a few odd cases sure but it’s to be expected when you search in low traffic times.

For reference, at which leaderboard rank are you? The TeamQ leaderboard I mean. The quality of matchmaking car vary greatly depending on where you are ranked.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


We need more opinions.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


I want a good matchmaking system like it is with other games. I want people who don’t care about soloque to stay at a place for ever. I don’t come to WvW or to PvE and mess about.

The SoloQ uses a reset leaderboard it’s common knowledge. As such, all the players in soloQ count as unranked new players. It’s NORMAL that the first dew days you’ll get messy completely random teams. It’s in no way a proof that the matchmaking system doesn’t work or doesn’t even exist, just that it is still collecting information on the participants.

The same thing was said about the old leaderboards. From my 1500-1600 overall tournament games in which 10% where with pugs/premades (thus 90% soloque) there was never a day or a period of time where MMR was factored even though Arena Officially stated otherwise that “it was working as intended….give it some time to stabilize”

We (I) need to see ratings so I can have faith in this randomness. Ratings are still invincible because they are extremely flawed. I HOPE this time I get to be proved wrong and I will definitely give it a go and wait for at least a week to see if there is actually something called matchmaking.

Funny, I found the matchmaking gave me on average same skill players in my team and as opponents. There was a few odd cases sure but it’s to be expected when you search in low traffic times.

For reference, at which leaderboard rank are you? The TeamQ leaderboard I mean. The quality of matchmaking car vary greatly depending on where you are ranked.

I was in the old team one. My highest positioning was 300. My lowest was 70. Right now I am at 95%. Yesterday I faced against (for the X times) a top 100 premade sitting at 96%. I hope I answer your question though I didn’t really understand it.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

solo queue tpvp + solo queue leaderboards is the best pvp patch so far. no more randoms vs premades and you can now also play solo if teammates are not online etc.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195


We (I) need to see ratings so I can have faith in this randomness. Ratings are still invincible because they are extremely flawed. I HOPE this time I get to be proved wrong and I will definitely give it a go and wait for at least a week to see if there is actually something called matchmaking.

I think this is pretty important. They said they won’t show us ratings until they “work out the kinks” and what not but it’s been months and still nothing. Gotta ask on SOTG or something.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


This lag is killing me.

And thanks Anet for including Skyhammer. Genius decisions as always.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


We (I) need to see ratings so I can have faith in this randomness. Ratings are still invincible because they are extremely flawed. I HOPE this time I get to be proved wrong and I will definitely give it a go and wait for at least a week to see if there is actually something called matchmaking.

I think this is pretty important. They said they won’t show us ratings until they “work out the kinks” and what not but it’s been months and still nothing. Gotta ask on SOTG or something.

I honestly think they are trolling us about it.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Constructive feedback: They forgot to copy the old ratings and rankings… and only copied them to TeamArena leaderboard.

Which was a huge mistake. At the old system most played solo already… and now they have no rating again… I just worked myself up to 70%. Now only getting crappy matches until everyone gets a rating.

Boring and discouraging players(and most of us were solo players) from playing cause it takes some time where we will have bad and boring matches.

The person that “forgot” to copy the old ratings to SoloArena should be instantly fired or they should fix this within the next 24 hours.

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


played 5 matches now and always there are 3 thiefs in enemy team or in my team

Construstive feedback in Solo.

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


This whole thing, apart from being a total misfit did one thing great – it shown that it is a TEAM based game, and random group of individuals will never be truly successful.

Now something constructive. Before I get into this whole proper matchmaking Ill let the arena slide for a moment, but – who in the right mind puts another rng factor into pvp? Not like we need any more. I mean sure, somewhat new format with equally low chances to win for everyone is fine, let it be, but putting a Leaderboard to RANDOM Arena is plain stupid – you cannot carry a team all by yourself, so its basically new “Lucky” title, for whoever had better teammates.

I imagine, this [leaderboard] was added (or rather will be, since its not up in the moment of writing this, afaik) to encourage people to play it… but I have to ask why. Why wouldn’t you just make pvp playable, enjoyable and rewarding all by itself? Ah ye, who gives a kitten about it…

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]