currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
come on y’all
why are you all so salty about this? can’t you see the funny side?
doesn’t it make you laugh that some fools paid the abjured real human money to play for them?
how pathetic can you get. paying people to play for you in a dying game. where the community is so small & shrivelled that everyone will know you didn’t actually play the tournament you got your pathetic rewards from. lol. what an absolute waste of time & money.
also, gotdang. i hold nothing against toker & the boys. i would challenge you to imagine how you would answer the offer they received. $400 for playing for someone in a gw2 tournament is an absolute no brainier.
(edited by choovanski.5462)
I don’t see a problem with a team winning on the accounts they choose to play on. They didn’t take up multiple rewards, they only won what they earned. Theres no way to manipulate in 5v5. Unless you win trade which the tournament is a one round elimination, so that isn’t possible.
Its like saying "i dont see an issue in with a kittenty guild winning the world first racw in wow because they paued other to play for them. It deeats the purpose of good sportmanship and ruins the fun for anyone.
Still waiting on that proof zealex.
I missed the whole Monthly AT. So if I understand everything here, some random team of PvE players played the minimum daily AT’s to get into the Monthly, then paid the Abjured $2000 to play the Monthly tournament for them?
That is pretty crazy. Gotta say though, this is just a result of Anet never taking action against misconduct in-game.
I do not know whether to even laugh or just shake my head at this.
I could go on a rant for how blalantly low the pro players have gotten over the past years in GW2, but again it is not even worth it at this rate.
It’s pretty obvious that some of them are putting in the effort to go and ruin this for everyone.
And then there are the folk who have their caps on so tight that they cannot even see past their own blindness.
If what is being said that is true and the ones keep saying: “Show proof?” Do you not see it in front of you? Four people coming out of nowhere, suddenly being good? You think other ‘pros’ would have start getting the buzz about potential upcomings of people that have similar skill to them? However, watching that stream myself it was very clear no one knew them, and suspiciously the one person that was on the team was fairly well known.
So for the proof whiners: There is a literal thread for it, don’t be blind.
For the pros ruining this game: Good job boys, your mothers and Anet are so proud. You have single-handedly destroyed a whole game mode because you could not learn basic human decency. Here’s a golf clap for you.
For Anet: Gg. Never thought I would have to cut a game mode out of my schedule because of the lack of response or care, but oh how you proved me wrong. I rather not climb into a tier where people lie, cheat, and basically bend the rules to their whim and then have the gall to go and try parade around, waving a meaningless MMR in other people’s faces to make them feel lesser. This was not an issue until MMR became visible, and then hell decided to break loose.
I’m very in touch with the playerbase in NA and I only know of 2 people who have received “dishonor” for the remainder of the season who have already received multiple temp bans.Arena pretends it’s doing ban waves when ik Lora of people who are blatantly match fixing and nope…nothing.They only pretend on here they’re doing something to ease tensions and relations.Look at the last monthly at for example everyone knows that those players were not who they said there were and were infact the #1 team NA.Whatever they do now sets a precedent or the future,and whether or not they’ll simply just take away the rewards from the boosted account or punish the perprators who sold them the win in the first place
Ye its a miracle Miaze isn’t permbanned with his accounts either so lmao wintraded s5 got away with it and same now
I do not know whether to even laugh or just shake my head at this.
I could go on a rant for how blalantly low the pro players have gotten over the past years in GW2, but again it is not even worth it at this rate.
It’s pretty obvious that some of them are putting in the effort to go and ruin this for everyone.
And then there are the folk who have their caps on so tight that they cannot even see past their own blindness.
If what is being said that is true and the ones keep saying: “Show proof?” Do you not see it in front of you? Four people coming out of nowhere, suddenly being good? You think other ‘pros’ would have start getting the buzz about potential upcomings of people that have similar skill to them? However, watching that stream myself it was very clear no one knew them, and suspiciously the one person that was on the team was fairly well known.So for the proof whiners: There is a literal thread for it, don’t be blind.
For the pros ruining this game: Good job boys, your mothers and Anet are so proud. You have single-handedly destroyed a whole game mode because you could not learn basic human decency. Here’s a golf clap for you.For Anet: Gg. Never thought I would have to cut a game mode out of my schedule because of the lack of response or care, but oh how you proved me wrong. I rather not climb into a tier where people lie, cheat, and basically bend the rules to their whim and then have the gall to go and try parade around, waving a meaningless MMR in other people’s faces to make them feel lesser. This was not an issue until MMR became visible, and then hell decided to break loose.
Lulz catch wind of up and coming players for what? The illustrious pro gw2 Pvp tournaments? Lulz.
Again there is zero proof that this whole thing happened, if there was it would be everywhere on the Pvp forums and other websites but alas there isn’t.
Some players that thought that they were good got beat it’s pretty simple really, so again show us all the proof of the cheating.
It looks like the thread was deleted by whoever because it was up yesterday
Not my job to go and fetch it.
If you want it, go ask Jeffie who had posted it yesterday.
It was a good match, equal skill on both sides, but very clear who was there and who was in control.
Lulz so there is no proof. That vod had no proof in it, all that vod proved was some people that thought they were good got beat. Absolutely zero proof of anything else.
Clearly some people don’t know what proof means or is.
Whatever helps ya sleep at night.
This doesn’t effect me, and the damage is already done so you can keep ‘luling’ or whatever you do all you want.
Again, take it how you will.
As other say and I quote: The matches, tourneys, and PVP as of now in GW2 is a joke.
Anyways good day, I’m gonna go have my morning coffee now.
Were the pvers well known? If not, how do you know it isn’t an alt account from a euro player, or the abjured folks? The only “proof” I saw was a video where they were accused of being from the abjured team.
Here’s some “proof” that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Theres plenty more I won’t disclose here.
God of pvp asking for a vpn less than 12 hrs before the tourney.Ofc alone this alone doesn’t prove everything but theres more evidence than that which I won’t show on the forums.
PS when u cheat the best tactic is silence so u don’t Incriminate yourself.
My only issue is, the players in the PvX guild who payed these players to win the tournament, that their rewards be revoked. The real owners of the account do not deserve them.
I hope Anet has a good investigation team and that they’ll do their due diligence.
Let’s all go make fake discord profiles and pretend to be the abjured now
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
My only issue is, the players in the PvX guild who payed these players to win the tournament, that their rewards be revoked.
if the rewards are revoked they will have blown $2000 on nothing. i will laugh so hard.
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
If all the players were on VPN’s, that leaves a reasonable doubt.
Anet has the proof if their investigation team has half a networking-brain on their shoulders. They may not catch the booster players playing on their account but they sure as hell can remove the rewards from the account owners.
To top it off the guild are bragging about it… this really isn’t rocket science.
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
If all the players were on VPN’s, that leaves a reasonable doubt.
Anet has the proof if their investigation team has half a networking-brain on their shoulders. They may not catch the booster players playing on their account but they sure as hell can remove the rewards from the account owners.
To top it off the guild are bragging about it… this really isn’t rocket science.
How do you know if the ip addresses are from the VPN or not?
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
If all the players were on VPN’s, that leaves a reasonable doubt.
Anet has the proof if their investigation team has half a networking-brain on their shoulders. They may not catch the booster players playing on their account but they sure as hell can remove the rewards from the account owners.
To top it off the guild are bragging about it… this really isn’t rocket science.
How do you know if the ip addresses are from the VPN or not?
Depends on the VPN software but most will show the IP in a different location than the user normally login from. Some tether across the globe going from server to server, France, India, Dallas, etc. etc.
Why would 5 players suddenly login at different parts of the globe for a tournament? Even if they attempt the best local server possible for ping related performance, that’s still no where these account owners typically login from.
Cynz stop double posting. And replying to yourself is weird.
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
If all the players were on VPN’s, that leaves a reasonable doubt.
Anet has the proof if their investigation team has half a networking-brain on their shoulders. They may not catch the booster players playing on their account but they sure as hell can remove the rewards from the account owners.
To top it off the guild are bragging about it… this really isn’t rocket science.
How do you know if the ip addresses are from the VPN or not?
Depends on the VPN software but most will show the IP in a different location than the user normally login from. Some tether across the globe going from server to server, France, India, Dallas, etc. etc.
Why would 5 players suddenly login at different parts of the globe for a tournament? Even if they attempt the best local server possible for ping related performance, that’s still no where these account owners typically login from.
But there are many VPN services allowing users to choose the location they want, e.g. US, Japan, India, etc.
The ISP changes the hosts’ address too, my ip address just changed 3 to 4 days ago, not sure if it was the ISP or just the DHCP. My location shown on anet as well as the ip address are also changed, but the physical location of the host remains the same.
With my limited networking knowledge, I don’t think we can tell if someone is using VPN, maybe reverse DNS lookup and the VPN servers list can help?
Cynz stop double posting. And replying to yourself is weird.
At this point idk who I am, apparently I am Cynz and Kat and Toker and whoever else someone want to call me lulz. Next I’m gonna be called Sind or Helseth
Lulz oh no he asked for a VPN lulz you have other proof but won’t provide it I wonder why. And it’s funn you can easily make any discord name whatever you want it to be so again show some real proof. It’s not like it’s hard to change your nickname in Discord or anything /s
The reason you won’t post any real proof is probably due to you not having any lulz.
If all the players were on VPN’s, that leaves a reasonable doubt.
Anet has the proof if their investigation team has half a networking-brain on their shoulders. They may not catch the booster players playing on their account but they sure as hell can remove the rewards from the account owners.
To top it off the guild are bragging about it… this really isn’t rocket science.
How do you know if the ip addresses are from the VPN or not?
Depends on the VPN software but most will show the IP in a different location than the user normally login from. Some tether across the globe going from server to server, France, India, Dallas, etc. etc.
Why would 5 players suddenly login at different parts of the globe for a tournament? Even if they attempt the best local server possible for ping related performance, that’s still no where these account owners typically login from.
All a VPN does is creates a “virtual private network”. It will encrypt traffic and route it through a public network. So essentially player A can create a VPN. Player B can connect to player A’s VPN, and use player A’s internet gateway. This will make the traffic look like it is coming out of the house of player A. This would make it very difficult to figure out who or where player B is, but they would have to deal with the performance hit of the extra hops to get to a server.
Since my earlier thread was removed for unknown reasons I will post again the vod to see for youself. Even if you don’t have my experience and know instantly that it was them u can see that they were running basically the same comp instead of with a guard who was asking for vpns 10hr earlier(on top of that almost no one but that team runs necromancer as well) ^the guardian who subbed
Everybody in the community knows it and is pleading for anet to do something to make sure these ats cannot be bought , whether or not they want to punish and proof the boosted players is up to them. I cannot release the names of the players on the forums but they had 1 sub and it was a very well named DH whos been banned from ranked que and leaderboard for previous infractions. So he dodging a ban on top of the other shenanigans.
People want to know that the people who won the rewards are actually the players who participated if otherwise it defaces the entire competition.
My twitch vod here
Anet has the tools to investigate(for one they know what computer they were using and they could just see that the same computer played on those 2 accounts).
People like dafran in OW get banned just for throwing in ranked que nowhere near recklessness of boosting in a popular tourney,if anet doesn’t do anything against the 10 players involved than they just don’t care, which honestly could be the case.
If these allegations are true, it’s really disappointing… and this response from anet is even more disappointing. People are making a mockery out of this game. As a manager irl, I don’t tolerate unethical behavior from customers or employees alike. They are NOT welcome ever. I don’t understand why Anet continues to give a slap on the wrist to people who abuse the system.
When there is a repeated history of receiving punishment for exploitation in some way, shape, or form and an added history of circumventing said punishment, it’s quite upsetting to see Anet avoid punishment that has any sort of affect. Isn’t this the same company that took this approach to WvW exploitation previously?
And isn’t this a far more grave example of exploitation considering that it doesn’t just affect an in-game economy as with PvE item exploitation bans such as the Snowflake ordeal or with the WvW event above affecting a point tick for WvW, but instead the entire PvP scene, reputation, and legitimacy of competition in a gamemode that is already suffering?
Proof can be gathered through voice chat and discord messages recorded/screenshotted both prior and after the event took place, looking at the devices used for login (your account even saves records of this for you to look at online), seeing keybind changes, and comparing playstyles to previously recorded examples.
As far as punishments go, IP bans for all involved parties and removal of ill-gained rewards would be suffice. (*edit – or a fine of $400, kappa kitten yeeeeboooiiiiii)
Also, it’s lowkey hilarious how they could just take 30 seconds and look at devices used and yet they make it sound like a Sherlock Holmes movie with undergoing further investigations.
<—- Anet in this “investigation”
(edited by Eragon.8537)
(*edit – or a fine of $400, kappa kitten yeeeeboooiiiiii)
I am pretty sure Anet issuing a fine would be incredibly illegal, lol.
Since my earlier thread was removed for unknown reasons I will post again the vod to see for youself. Even if you don’t have my experience and know instantly that it was them u can see that they were running basically the same comp instead of with a guard who was asking for vpns 10hr earlier
(on top of that almost no one but that team runs necromancer as well) ^the guardian who subbed
Everybody in the community knows it and is pleading for anet to do something to make sure these ats cannot be bought , whether or not they want to punish and proof the boosted players is up to them. I cannot release the names of the players on the forums but they had 1 sub and it was a very well named DH whos been banned from ranked que and leaderboard for previous infractions. So he dodging a ban on top of the other shenanigans.People want to know that the people who won the rewards are actually the players who participated if otherwise it defaces the entire competition.
My twitch vod here
Anet has the tools to investigate(for one they know what computer they were using and they could just see that the same computer played on those 2 accounts).
People like dafran in OW get banned just for throwing in ranked que nowhere near recklessness of boosting in a popular tourney,if anet doesn’t do anything against the 10 players involved than they just don’t care, which honestly could be the case.
Lulz that VoD only shows you got beat and again it’s not hard to change a Discord nickname to whatever you want it to be. So again show the actual proof that there was cheating you say that you have Definitive hard evidence but won’t show it….. hmm. I wonder why that is? Maybe because it’s imaginary most likely. Lulz.
But it’s always fun to see you posting the video of you losing over and over claiming cheaters!
Again where is your proof?
Since my earlier thread was removed for unknown reasons I will post again the vod to see for youself. Even if you don’t have my experience and know instantly that it was them u can see that they were running basically the same comp instead of with a guard who was asking for vpns 10hr earlier
(on top of that almost no one but that team runs necromancer as well) ^the guardian who subbed
Everybody in the community knows it and is pleading for anet to do something to make sure these ats cannot be bought , whether or not they want to punish and proof the boosted players is up to them. I cannot release the names of the players on the forums but they had 1 sub and it was a very well named DH whos been banned from ranked que and leaderboard for previous infractions. So he dodging a ban on top of the other shenanigans.People want to know that the people who won the rewards are actually the players who participated if otherwise it defaces the entire competition.
My twitch vod here
Anet has the tools to investigate(for one they know what computer they were using and they could just see that the same computer played on those 2 accounts).
People like dafran in OW get banned just for throwing in ranked que nowhere near recklessness of boosting in a popular tourney,if anet doesn’t do anything against the 10 players involved than they just don’t care, which honestly could be the case.
Lulz that VoD only shows you got beat and again it’s not hard to change a Discord nickname to whatever you want it to be. So again show the actual proof that there was cheating you say that you have Definitive hard evidence but won’t show it….. hmm. I wonder why that is? Maybe because it’s imaginary most likely. Lulz.
But it’s always fun to see you posting the video of you losing over and over claiming cheaters!
Again where is your proof?
It’s actually hysterical to watch you try to defend the abuser’s and say Lulz over and over…..“If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit!!”
What’s funny is all these accusations that have yet to be proven true, all I’m asking is for some real proof to be provided, but yet all I have seen is whining and the same VoD linked over and over that just shows a Team that thinks they are good losing.
It’s quite funny really all I’m looking for is this Definitive proof that supposedly exists but has yet to be shown by the accusers, I wonder why they won’t show it?
Or do you people not know what constitutes as proof? Again I’m not the one making so far baseless accusations. What’s that term again oh yeah innocent until proven guilty. So let’s say it again where’s the proof?
And funnier still are the people supporting the accusers without said proof lulz.
This whole thing as of right now is a giant meme.
Buddy anet has access the solid proof,all we need is to give them reasonable doubt so they actually look into it.Shouldnt take more than 30 min for them to find what they need
Buddy anet has access the solid proof,all we need is to give them reasonable doubt so they actually look into it.Shouldnt take more than 30 min for them to find what they need
So you have absolutely zero proof yourself that any cheating happened, even though you have said you have definitive proof. Got it.
Just because you lost it has to be due to cheating right?
Buddy anet has access the solid proof,all we need is to give them reasonable doubt so they actually look into it.Shouldnt take more than 30 min for them to find what they need
So you have absolutely zero proof yourself that any cheating happened, even though you have said you have definitive proof. Got it.
Just because you lost it has to be due to cheating right?
You don’t realize that Anet can also link the devices used to post on this account and see if this account is linked to your main? Lulz
Buddy anet has access the solid proof,all we need is to give them reasonable doubt so they actually look into it.Shouldnt take more than 30 min for them to find what they need
So you have absolutely zero proof yourself that any cheating happened, even though you have said you have definitive proof. Got it.
Just because you lost it has to be due to cheating right?
You don’t realize that Anet can also link the devices used to post on this account and see if this account is linked to your main? Lulz
Oh nooo.!!! I be soo scurred if I was in any way associated with any of this, but alas I am not lulz. (And guess what like you said Anet can easily see that I am not anyone involved in any of this fiasco lulz)
Hell I haven’t even said the people accused didn’t do anything wrong, I’m just asking for the proof but hat certain someone essentially admitted to not having any besides them losing a match on a VoD.
Oh wait I forget am I Cynz, Kat, Toker, Naru or am I just some random nobody on the internet that is only looking for the proof of the accused since a certain somebody keeps saying he has all kinds of Definitive proof, It’s so hard to keep track of who I am, please help!!!
One problem with that Sly… everyone knew what was happening even before the tournament started. Teams were scrambling and reshaping at the top tier because of this.
One problem with that Sly… everyone knew what was happening even before the tournament started. Teams were scrambling and reshaping at the top tier because of this.
If that was the case then it would have been mentioned prior to the AT happening and would have been forefront on the Pvp forums but lo and behold nothing was posted about it except when some players that thought that they were good lost. Funny how that works right? And if it was known well before the AT started where’s the proof besides a highly questionable Snippet of a Discord nickname? Apparently a certain somebody has all kinds of definitive proof on this incident but let’s look oh they only post a VoD of them losing which shows absolutely nothing else.
Your argument would probably hold some weight if you posted some proof on all these accusations, but hey that’s just the logical thing to do right?
So what’s so hard about posting actual proof?
Trying to convince Sly that Abjured played on those accounts is like trying to convince a flat earther that the world is round.
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Sure but it’s a bit strange that 1) no one has heard of the people who won and 2) neither them nor Abjured are here to dispute otherwise.
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
With the talk of VPNs, if you had 5 people all use the same one, the IP would appear to look like a LAN party. And no VPN would disclose the home connection logs without a warrant, so there’s no way to prove a European connected to an American account, another European account, etc.
In my opinion, Anet should let this slide. Someone paid $2,000 to basically feel good. With a lot of players leaving PvP, I say the monetary payment is punishment enough.
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
There really are no surprises in PvP as to who is good, which teams are playing at the current top tier, and getting a sense as to who will be in the finals.
Not saying that Jeff and his team is the be all end all but going up against these completely rando’s is highly suspect in itself. Obviously at this point, nothing is 100% but adding to the pile of “stuff” with Ben’s announcement and Jeff’s video, and Abj/random pvers not defending themselves with at least one post has that needle pointing hard at guilty.
I have no hand in this whatsoever as I don’t participate in the ATs but if they’re just handing out dishonor to these people then they have every incentive to do this next time. Hell, I’ll take $400 to play on someone’s account and win if it meant useless game dishonor.
That’s all.
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
Oh where did I play the victim? Shaogin said that people lashed out not me. Or wait am I now Shaogin too? Lulz
Check my posts not once did I play the victim lulz, and where did I condone or defend the accused’s supposed actions? Or where I said they didn’t do anything? Oh right I never did, all that I have asked for and have stated multiple times is for the accusers that claim to have overwhelming proof(specifically a certain individual) to provide this overwhelming amount of proof that they have so their accusations are no longer baseless slander. Reading comprehension is helpful here.
And again I’m not the one making accusations all the while saying I have definitive proof of the cheating like multiple people have said in this thread. So again he accusers are the ones that would have to provide proof to back up their accusations and their as of now and until proven otherwise Slander.
So again Lulz.
TL;DR of my stance in this thread.
People making accusations say they have overwhelming proof but have yet to post it to back up their accusations effectively making their claims slander.
Again all I’m asking for is the Overwhelming proof Certain players say that they have.
(edited by Sly.9518)
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
Oh where did I play the victim? Shaogin said that people lashed out not me. Or wait am I now Shaogin too? Lulz
Check my posts not once did I play the victim lulz, and where did I condone or defend the accused’s supposed actions? Or where I said they didn’t do anything? Oh right I never did, all that I have asked for and have stated multiple times is for the accusers that claim to have overwhelming proof(specifically a certain individual) to provide this overwhelming amount of proof that they have so their accusations are no longer baseless slander. Reading comprehension is helpful here.
And again I’m not the one making accusations all the while saying I have definitive proof of the cheating like multiple people have said in this thread. So again he accusers are the ones that would have to provide proof to back up their accusations and their as of now and until proven otherwise Slander.
So again Lulz.
TL;DR of my stance in this thread.
People making accusations say they have overwhelming proof but have yet to post it to back up their accusations effectively making their claims slander.
Again all I’m asking for is the Overwhelming proof Certain players say that they have.
Sly, you’re asking for proof that the player-base cannot provide. It’s that simple. The technical metadata that you need to determine who’s involved is proprietary data collected by Arenanet and invisible to us as end-users (for obvious privacy reasons). You said reading comprehension is helpful and yet you missed everything I said in my previous post. You’re not going to get the kind of proof you are asking for from any player on these forums. You’re just knowingly flaming this thread and it’s obvious. The only entity with concrete proof is Arenanet. Anything players give Arenanet is potentially helpful in correlating their metadata but it’s not going to be good enough on its own.
(edited by Nothing.4953)
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
Oh where did I play the victim? Shaogin said that people lashed out not me. Or wait am I now Shaogin too? Lulz
Check my posts not once did I play the victim lulz, and where did I condone or defend the accused’s supposed actions? Or where I said they didn’t do anything? Oh right I never did, all that I have asked for and have stated multiple times is for the accusers that claim to have overwhelming proof(specifically a certain individual) to provide this overwhelming amount of proof that they have so their accusations are no longer baseless slander. Reading comprehension is helpful here.
And again I’m not the one making accusations all the while saying I have definitive proof of the cheating like multiple people have said in this thread. So again he accusers are the ones that would have to provide proof to back up their accusations and their as of now and until proven otherwise Slander.
So again Lulz.
TL;DR of my stance in this thread.
People making accusations say they have overwhelming proof but have yet to post it to back up their accusations effectively making their claims slander.
Again all I’m asking for is the Overwhelming proof Certain players say that they have.
Sly, you’re asking for proof that the player-base cannot provide. It’s that simple. The technical metadata that you need to determine who’s involved is proprietary data collected by Arenanet and invisible to us as end-users (for obvious privacy reasons). You said reading comprehension is helpful and yet you missed everything I said in my previous post. You’re not going to get the kind of proof you are asking for from any player on these forums. You’re just knowingly flaming this thread and it’s obvious. The only entity with concrete proof is Arenanet. Anything players give Arenanet is potentially helpful in correlating their metadata but it’s not going to be good enough on its own.
Again a Certain player in this thread stated they had and I quote Here’s some “proof” that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Theres plenty more I won’t disclose here..
So again what you are saying is completely irrelevant, since a certain someone says they hav definitve proof which invalidates your whole point.
I am asking this certain player to post this abundance of proof that they have to back up their accusations. Again so certain people can understand this I never made accusations and claimed to have an abundance of proof without posting it like a certain player.
And this certain player posted in hi tread he had made stating he had proof as well.
Or is more clarification needed?
(edited by Sly.9518)
Except that we have proof the Earth is round.
Look, I get it that the majority here consider it obvious that the Abjured was hired to play for this random PvE team. However, don’t see why everyone is lashing out at Sly. Some people prefer facts over speculation, and after reading through all of this, no factual evidence has been provided.
Sure, there are causes for suspicion, and the situation should be investigated, but at the same time Sly isn’t lying when he stated that there isn’t any proof atm.
So basically, is it likely these guys paid the Abjured to play for them? Sure, but also keep in mind that it is not yet proven and these guys could be completely innocent. Maybe it is a good idea to keep the slander to a minimum and keep an open mind until Anet has finished investigating?
Thank you Shaogin someone gets it. I’m just looking for proof instead of blindly accusing anyone of foul play.
And @phokus it’s not weird especially if they don’t care enough to post on the forums, again baseless speculation without proof. And not knowing someone doesn’t mean they are not good at aspects of the game, even in real life not everyone knows everyone that is good at a similar task or activity.
And if proof was as bountiful kitten many people claim then where is it?
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
Oh where did I play the victim? Shaogin said that people lashed out not me. Or wait am I now Shaogin too? Lulz
Check my posts not once did I play the victim lulz, and where did I condone or defend the accused’s supposed actions? Or where I said they didn’t do anything? Oh right I never did, all that I have asked for and have stated multiple times is for the accusers that claim to have overwhelming proof(specifically a certain individual) to provide this overwhelming amount of proof that they have so their accusations are no longer baseless slander. Reading comprehension is helpful here.
And again I’m not the one making accusations all the while saying I have definitive proof of the cheating like multiple people have said in this thread. So again he accusers are the ones that would have to provide proof to back up their accusations and their as of now and until proven otherwise Slander.
So again Lulz.
TL;DR of my stance in this thread.
People making accusations say they have overwhelming proof but have yet to post it to back up their accusations effectively making their claims slander.
Again all I’m asking for is the Overwhelming proof Certain players say that they have.
Sly, you’re asking for proof that the player-base cannot provide. It’s that simple. The technical metadata that you need to determine who’s involved is proprietary data collected by Arenanet and invisible to us as end-users (for obvious privacy reasons). You said reading comprehension is helpful and yet you missed everything I said in my previous post. You’re not going to get the kind of proof you are asking for from any player on these forums. You’re just knowingly flaming this thread and it’s obvious. The only entity with concrete proof is Arenanet. Anything players give Arenanet is potentially helpful in correlating their metadata but it’s not going to be good enough on its own.
Again a Certain player in this thread stated they had and I quote Here’s some “proof” that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Theres plenty more I won’t disclose here..
So again what you are saying is completely irrelevant, since a certain someone says they hav definitve proof which invalidates your whole point.
I am asking this certain player to post this abundance of proof that they have to back up their accusations. Again so certain people can understand this I never made accusations and claimed to have an abundance of proof without posting it like a certain player.
And this certain player posted in hi tread he had made stating he had proof as well.
Or is more clarification needed?
You know that they don’t have it though, and even if they did they couldn’t post their “proof” to these forums because of forum rules. My point isn’t invalidated because you choose to be ignorant, that’s your problem. Good luck getting your “proof” though, smh.
No one is lashing out at you Sly, stop trying to be a victim lmfao. You’ve been an apologist towards what everyone involved in the monthly AT did since this thread was created.
Arenanet simply has system and networking information that is not available to us as consumers. This data can help them track who was responsible. You’re asking people on these forums to provide proof but the information required for digital fingerprints are something that only Arenanet will likely have access to.
Who cares anyways, I hope all these kids get banned. The repeated manipulation going back to season 2 and its proliferation thereafter has made playing Ranked a waste of time. It’s annoying having the same group of try hards ruin individual matches, the leaderboard rankings, and individual rewards season after season. The irony is, these are many of the same people who complain about the state of PvP while they’re sitting there contributing to its downfall.
Oh where did I play the victim? Shaogin said that people lashed out not me. Or wait am I now Shaogin too? Lulz
Check my posts not once did I play the victim lulz, and where did I condone or defend the accused’s supposed actions? Or where I said they didn’t do anything? Oh right I never did, all that I have asked for and have stated multiple times is for the accusers that claim to have overwhelming proof(specifically a certain individual) to provide this overwhelming amount of proof that they have so their accusations are no longer baseless slander. Reading comprehension is helpful here.
And again I’m not the one making accusations all the while saying I have definitive proof of the cheating like multiple people have said in this thread. So again he accusers are the ones that would have to provide proof to back up their accusations and their as of now and until proven otherwise Slander.
So again Lulz.
TL;DR of my stance in this thread.
People making accusations say they have overwhelming proof but have yet to post it to back up their accusations effectively making their claims slander.
Again all I’m asking for is the Overwhelming proof Certain players say that they have.
Sly, you’re asking for proof that the player-base cannot provide. It’s that simple. The technical metadata that you need to determine who’s involved is proprietary data collected by Arenanet and invisible to us as end-users (for obvious privacy reasons). You said reading comprehension is helpful and yet you missed everything I said in my previous post. You’re not going to get the kind of proof you are asking for from any player on these forums. You’re just knowingly flaming this thread and it’s obvious. The only entity with concrete proof is Arenanet. Anything players give Arenanet is potentially helpful in correlating their metadata but it’s not going to be good enough on its own.
Again a Certain player in this thread stated they had and I quote Here’s some “proof” that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Theres plenty more I won’t disclose here..
So again what you are saying is completely irrelevant, since a certain someone says they hav definitve proof which invalidates your whole point.
I am asking this certain player to post this abundance of proof that they have to back up their accusations. Again so certain people can understand this I never made accusations and claimed to have an abundance of proof without posting it like a certain player.
And this certain player posted in hi tread he had made stating he had proof as well.
Or is more clarification needed?
You know that they don’t have it though, even if they did they couldn’t post it to these forums based on forum rules. My point isn’t invalidated because you choose to be ignorant, that’s your problem. Good luck getting your “proof” though, smh.
What they are doing is against Forum rules as well but look their posts are still there naming and shaming a group of people.
Lulz I’m being ignorant but actually staying relevant to their posts.
Again I’m not the one claiming to have proof all the while accusing and spreading slander.
Kitten they can even pm me the proof but alas absolutely nothing and it is probably like you said there is none, but one last time since it seem more clarification is needed, a certain someone says they have an abundance of proof but it’s nowhere in sight yet he makes accusations wholeheartedly.
And since you are trying to say they have no proof yet this Certain Someone claims to have overwhelming proof, which completely shuts down your point. Lulz
Again I’m not the one making claims, unlike a certain someone and you attempting to defend that certain someone, when their claims contradict what you are trying to say.
And look I don’t even need to attempt at any insults to solidify my points.
Just make a signature that says, “There’s no proof” and just silently quote people who reply to you.
Such a redundant thread..
Just make a signature that says, “There’s no proof” and just silently quote people who reply to you.
Such a redundant thread..
No man…a 5 man pvp team that plays all the time….got randomly beat by some PvE ppl with no achieves or titles…like that happens all the time. One time….53 walk-on’s defeated the Patriots…. lol
(edited by MasterD.4790)
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