Coolest thing Just happened.

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


So started a yoloque match 4v5… I jokingly said “Does anyone want to be a bro and run around the map dancing?” This ranger actually did it and didn’t interfere with the match at all. It effectively turned it into a 4v4. He wasn’t AFK but he was watching….. Our team actually won and his team didn’t rage. Everyone on my team sent him 1g out of gratitude…. Is there any chance Anet will implement some form of reward for players that ./resign in an imbalanced ranked match? I know resign isn’t implemented yet… But this would be a cool way to encourage players being good sports in imbalanced matches.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


How to be a bro right there..

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


Wow, that’s a really cool thing!! Also cool that other team mates didn’t rage.

Professor James – Mesmer

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


I volunteer to make 4v4’s every time. Its the right thing to do as 4v5 is fun for nobody.

Wish their was a add person from a q to prevent 4v5s…

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


I do it everytime. Usually my team rages on me and reports me, but who cares lol

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


I wonder what report option they pick, none fits that case and it’s not like you’re to blame…xD

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


I do it everytime. Usually my team rages on me and reports me, but who cares lol

Wow…. they should be applauding you for making it a fair match…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Static.9841


I do it everytime. Usually my team rages on me and reports me, but who cares lol

Wow…. they should be applauding you for making it a fair match…

People would rather have the free win.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

since i give a kitten bout ladder and stopped going seriously way ago if we’re 5v4 i often sit around watching them 4v4 or just start jumping around the map…because, at the end of the day…who cares..don’t even need rank points for winning cause i already wasted more than one year keeping going from 55 to 68..

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Static.9841


I wonder what report option they pick, none fits that case and it’s not like you’re to blame…xD

“Player using sense of fairness”. I mean, how dare they!

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


all is not vain?…maybe

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

all is vain anyway, difference is that there’s still someone caring for good playing instead of cheap wins like vahn and someone who just care to win (Still dunno why, there are no decent rewards for winners and top players atm, not even ranks since they’re gonna be free for everyone) going for whatever crap can make them succeed (One for all decap engi) feeding their ego and stuff i guess…

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Clip.6845


all is vain anyway, difference is that there’s still someone caring for good playing instead of cheap wins like vahn and someone who just care to win (Still dunno why, there are no decent rewards for winners and top players atm, not even ranks since they’re gonna be free for everyone) going for whatever crap can make them succeed (One for all decap engi) feeding their ego and stuff i guess…

I’ve been playing non-AR decap engi since release, it’s just fun to knock people off points.
Aren’t we all playing for fun? I don’t get why people who don’t have fun still play…

80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


While purposefully making the match into a 4v4 sounds fair and reasonable, it would diminish the competitiveness of pvp. It’s like playing a game of Chess and agreeing with your opponent at the start, “Hey let’s both toss out our queens! It’ll be fun!” Sure it’s an “equal trade” but it cheapens the competitiveness of the game.

By design, the games are supposed to be 5v5s. Everything about structured pvp is designed with 5v5 in mind – the layout of the map, the secondary objectives, class balance, everything. By building the possibility of 4v4s into the infrastructure of the game, it opens the game into a less competitive, more casual direction. We already have this casual option: it’s called custom arenas, and WvW.

Therefore, in the event there is a 4v5, the next best option is to implement a surrender vote. When you lose your queen in Chess, no one should ever expect for the opponent to purposefully give up their own queen in the name of balance. The only other alternative is to play it through, or surrender. Right now, we do not have a surrender vote option, and this is unacceptable in a supposedly competitive pvp game. A game like League of Legends, where players compete for millions of $US dollars in cash prizes every year, has a surrender vote option even in tournament matches. Why shouldn’t we?

(edited by zone.1073)

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


While purposefully making the match into a 4v4 sounds fair and reasonable, it would diminish the competitiveness of pvp. It’s like playing a game of Chess and agreeing with your opponent at the start, “Hey let’s both toss out our queens! It’ll be fun!” Sure it’s an “equal trade” but it cheapens the competitiveness of the game.

By design, the games are supposed to be 5v5s. Everything about structured pvp is designed with 5v5 in mind – the layout of the map, the secondary objectives, class balance, everything. By building the possibility of 4v4s into the infrastructure of the game, it opens the game into a less competitive, more casual direction. We already have this casual option: it’s called custom arenas, and WvW.

Therefore, in the event there is a 4v5, the next best option is to implement a surrender vote. When you lose your queen in Chess, no one should ever expect for the opponent to purposefully give up their own queen in the name of balance. The only other alternative is to play it through, or surrender. Right now, we do not have a surrender vote option, and this is unacceptable in a supposedly competitive pvp game.

You don’t lose your queen because your opponent did a good move, you’re losing your queen because it has never been there in the pack, so you’re agreeing to play against a player with one piece less and pretending it’s fair.

It isn’t.

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


You don’t lose your queen because your opponent did a good move, you’re losing your queen because it has never been there in the pack, so you’re agreeing to play against a player with one piece less and pretending it’s fair.

It isn’t.

A game of Chess starting with no queens is not Chess. Likewise, a 4v4 is not what team arenas are supposed to be.

The competitive format must stay 5v5, and a surrender vote option must be implemented as the alternative to playing anything different from 5v5.

Coolest thing Just happened.

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


If I get skyhammer I usually ask a member of the opponent team to sit out so I dont have to play. Sometimes I don’t play anyway which causes a 4v5. Sucks but really if everyone just boycotted skyhammer it would probably have an effect

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.