Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Im really tired of having t pack 2-3 condition cleansing just to stall the fight 10 more seconds, only to lose it anyways. Im tired of having to pack vitality and sacrifice trait points just for that just to have some fighting chance, and still lose most of the time.

Either give condition damage another 1 or 2 stats they have to sacrifice; example, condition damage still have its coefficient but it is affected by toughness, you would need another stat; armor penetration in order to start ignoring toughness. It makes it really unfair for classes with 11k hp pools to survive CONSTANTLY reapplying bleeds, burns, torment, poison.

That or make conditions proc retaliation. Fight fire with fire. Im tired that everytime I find a breathing room (Pure of Voice) that can give me some chance, BAM, nerfed, as if wanting to prolong the condition meta…
Im tired, REALLY tired, this game will never get any real attention if you keep having dumb AI and dumb comditions so strong doing most of the work, the player just have to run around and rip the benefices. That is only fun on the end of the enemy player, neither the players nor the audience enjoy those things.

Skills > AI & spammable mindless conditions


[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

in PvP

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


so sad that this post comes right after the one by Anet on creating constructive feedback, btw youre a bit late, “OP” perma stun/regen/skullcrack100b warriors are a new flavor this month.

Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Constructive feedback? I already posted there a very “civilized” one, and on this thread too. Want to know whats truly sad? The current state of the meta.

If you read carefully (or if you bother to read) you will see I offered solutions; no I wont post it here again, go back and read the original post.

ANd yes, it is no secret warriors are OP, I hate them too, but thats for another topic. And yes, healing signet and perma CC needs to be toned down.

So does scepter burst ele, and this is coming form an ele main, Not because it is OP, but because it is preventing us from getting our core problem fixed ;survavility. As long as there are kamikaze eles out there, we will never get any real fix.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Corian.4068


We’re already starting to move away from it, it’s just something that takes time. I know that’s not the response you’d like to hear, but if the devs made massive kneejerk changes every time something emerged strong, something else would be equally broken afterwards.

Speaking specifically about you, build what gives you the best chance to win fights. Yes, the traits that increase your damage are more “fun”, but you need to keep in mind that others are trying to kill you. It’s not your right to win fights in PvP.

What is in your control is what fights you engage. If your build is weak to conditions, don’t run in on a spirit ranger or condition necro 1v1. Key element of conquest is to force favorable fights, so kind of evaluate what you’re getting into before you run in.

Lastly? This one’s a bit harsh but let’s set it straight now. That someone has an easier-to-play build than you does not mean you’re more skilled than they are. Again, step back and evaluate, and come up with a better solution than broadly blaming the meta.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Could PLEASE end this condition/AI meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


We’re already starting to move away from it, it’s just something that takes time. I know that’s not the response you’d like to hear, but if the devs made massive kneejerk changes every time something emerged strong, something else would be equally broken afterwards.

Speaking specifically about you, build what gives you the best chance to win fights. Yes, the traits that increase your damage are more “fun”, but you need to keep in mind that others are trying to kill you. It’s not your right to win fights in PvP.

What is in your control is what fights you engage. If your build is weak to conditions, don’t run in on a spirit ranger or condition necro 1v1. Key element of conquest is to force favorable fights, so kind of evaluate what you’re getting into before you run in.

Lastly? This one’s a bit harsh but let’s set it straight now. That someone has an easier-to-play build than you does not mean you’re more skilled than they are. Again, step back and evaluate, and come up with a better solution than broadly blaming the meta.

Im sorry, but stop assuming Im saying im godlike player with godlike skills. Im well aware of that, but I also believe this should apply to everyone. Nothings else screams “skilless” than throwing a couple of Ais and running around, I assure there is absolutely no skills whatsoever in that. There is no skills in clustering the screen. There is no skill in pressing a ranged spammable locked onto target skill that will do the same damage, bypassing any form of defense and stack regardless of your build, not even in a fully defensive build.

Want to know what takes skills? Play elementalist and try puling a kill with staff, or try to micromanage all CD on D/D (which are not visible out of attunement) and try to land the skills which guess what, are not locked ino target, so you need to be facing them, in distance and takes more than 3-4 keys. Try landing a dragon tooth. Try being a melee in a CC meta without a hammer. THAT is skill, knowing what to do, when to do and how to do it. Pressing 2 skills and running around waiting for conditions to tick and/or pets to do the job and cluster is NOT skill.

I know it is hard to get it through some people’s thick skull, but I would not watch any esport (sorry Anet, I <3 you and your game but right now your esport is just terrible) that consists on this. I want to see plays, combos, skills, saves, timely CC, altruistic actions, big numbers (healing and damage, not slow ticking-barely-visible-but very powerful skills)

I think the reason people dont realize how strong conditions are is because they see a bleed doing 98 damage and go like “meh, just 98 damage”, but then you look at 9898989899899898989898989898989 all over the screen, when you go to death recap, 18k bleed damage in 10 seconds, without counting enemy skills damage, your heals and 2 condition cleasing skills used…

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)