Countering Teleports?

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Darek.1836


Atm there is no possible way to stop a teleport like there is to stop leaps, invulnerable movements using immobilize etc. Should teleports be possible to stop? IMO I think mesmers being able to spam a 1200 distance creator every 6 seconds is pretty ridiculous given how you can’t stop it. What do you think about immobilize causing teleports to fail? The only problem I see with this is it can really screw up some sword thieves. This will also make the entangle elite a bit more viable since half the classes won’t just teleport out making it completely useless.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Phent.9350


(…)IMO I think mesmers being able to spam a 1200 distance creator every 6 seconds is pretty ridiculous(…)


[None] mesmer/ele/engi/thief/necro

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Darek.1836


Phantasmal retreat (staff 2)

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Phent.9350


1200 its the maximum range when colne appears, blink range is something about 300-400

[None] mesmer/ele/engi/thief/necro

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

The only teleport skill that is really problematic is Phase Retreat, because traited you can get a psuedo-stun break far more often than any other build.

Instead of making immobilize prevent teleports, which I think is a bit excessive, why not just add a 1/4 second cast time to Phase Retreat? It would still be useful as a movement skill and as a way to create clones, but would not let you get out of CC so easily.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: FupaVirus.1502


Phase Retreat isn’t really a stun breaker nor is it OP. I just think most people don’t understand how it really works so they don’t see the weakness. The mesmer still can’t take action or move until the stun/knockdown or root duration concludes after retreating, despite his or her skills no longer being darkened. It’s really only a small leap backwards while stunned. While I agree it is nice for avoiding a lot of damage while stunned (maybe a tiny bit OP but just because ppl don’t realize the mechanic, typically), it doesn’t really break the stun and therefore if the mesmer is followed quickly, a lot of damage can still be done. Remember that if a mesmer, like a thief, didn’t have tools to avoid damage, he/she would probably be pretty laughable.

(edited by FupaVirus.1502)

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Kirchhoff.5876


I think they should just remove the entire class, my job is done here.

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: artsed.9702


Yeah, I just checked it, and like Phent said, the distance of the teleport is 400 on a flat surface, not 1200. The 1200 in the skill description I think is the potential spawning gap of the clone. The 6 second recharge also comes from traiting 20 points into a survival tree.

It’s a wonderful skill, but it’s really fine as is.

(edited by artsed.9702)

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Or you could cut out all the teleports and leaps for a bit and then add a few of them back slowly. Maybe the game would become fun

Countering Teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Insane, someone edited the phase retreat page and removed the part about the stun breaker, and it being the fastest stun breaker in the game on a 6 second timer (when traited). Priceless.

(edited by Raijinn.9065)