Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Sykper.6583


- Revert Warhorn trait nerf back so it can convert conditions to boons, to help counter the condi-meta and ironically the boon corruption.
- Rev Shiro Heal will no longer pierce with its damage against Endure Pain, because no other power damage in the game does so yet Shiro heal does? Why?

Let’s go PvP forum! Help the Warrior become just a bit more viable!

What you got?

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Make Defiant stance a utility skill, like the rest of warrior stances. Thanks. That should do it.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Lets try changing 1 Trait in every non-elite Trait Line:

Strength Line
Restorative Strength: Grants 3 seconds of regeneration, 3 seconds of protection, and 5 stacks of might for 6 seconds.

Arms Line
Burst Precision: Burst skills have 100% crit chance, are unblockable, and immune to blind.

Defense Line
Thick Skin: If you are above 50% health, gain 240 toughness.

Tactics Line
Burning Arrows: Dual shot causes 2 seconds of burning (per shot) and longbow skills recharge 20% faster.

Discipline Line
Destruction of the Empowered: Deal 4% bonus damage per boon on your target.

A few tiny steps forward.

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Nerf every other elite specs but chrono and tempest.

There. Fixed.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


I would change every weapon associated trait.
Like making the cd of weapons lower as they were traited. This could help warriors to not be forced to take fast hands since it should be able to rotate better his weapon skills, and not be forced on traitlines only because of those said traits. So as Burning Arrows trait as an example, it wont reduce 20% longbow cd skills, cuz they will be already have cd lowered by default. but it will be like "Dual Shot causes 2 seconds of burning (per shot), and longbow skills are 15% more faster when hitting a burning foe.
Same goes with mace trait: Sundering mace, every mace skill cause vulnerability for 10s. This would be not on dazed/stunned opponent but by default, and mace skills would gain reduction cds as default. Just to know, who has ever take this trait to start with? Guess why, these trait are so underperforming.
Same goes with Merciless hammer, competing with other traits in discipline, all these traits need fixes.
To end this, i would lower berserker stance cd, and make resistance not corruptable but only removable, and making it pulsing every 4 seconds instead of 3.

Adrenal Healt isnt working in a proper way. Many trait and warrior mechanics are designed to gain advantage on spend the adrenaline, and essentialy a warrior will want to hit is burst, else he is no more gaining new adrenaline and letting his burst cd not rotating. I would suggest, gain healt for 10 seconds as adrenaline healt is right now, but to activate adrenal healt regeneration you actualy have to spend your adrenaline. This would help warrior active gameplay instead of camping on full adrenaline just to heal a bit.

endure pain: fix the bug that delay his activation. it happens very often now, that my combat log show many hits dealing 0 to me, then a random decapitate hits me for 8k, then a trow axe dealing me 0 again. This means endure pain was active before the decapitate hits, and still active when it hit. This bug is happening with many skills, and it seems like endure pain activation is delayed sometimes. Fix fix fix!!!

Defy pain: remove this trait, it promoves lazy gameplay that will result in non dodging opponents burst. Put a trait that instead when hit at 25% lifebar regenerate the entire endurance bar of you and your allys, break stun and give vigor for 6 sec (40sec cd).

To end this, as i said already a couple of million times, i would change the minor traits of tactic lines, and fuse them in a single trait, adding different support traits on the other 2 new free minor traits, like giving protection or resistence to the team when hit by opponents fields (off course with a cd). This would make warrior melee have a sense to go melee, instead of kiting and running aroung never on point cuz scared of the field condi spam.

Delete the Arms line completely and redesign it cuz is … just bad.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Firebird.8324


Rev Shiro Heal will no longer pierce with its damage against Endure Pain, because no other power damage in the game does so yet Shiro heal does? Why?

That skill uses life steal, life stealing goes through anything except for block/dodge/invuln.

Over Powered Necro [dk] (Bird of Fire)
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


it would greatly help warrior if warrior players learnt how to play, warrior wasnt that bad before and now he’s absolutely fine

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


it would greatly help warrior if warrior players learnt how to play, warrior wasnt that bad before and now he’s absolutely fine

Enlight us! Show us your skilled warrior gameplay, cuz we are too dumb after 3 years of warrior only to not be able to find a way to play this class in a competitive level.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


it would greatly help warrior if warrior players learnt how to play, warrior wasnt that bad before and now he’s absolutely fine

Enlight us! Show us your skilled warrior gameplay, cuz we are too dumb after 3 years of warrior only to not be able to find a way to play this class in a competitive level.

well since you ask so nicely, ill start with general advices: for most people years of playing dont mean much since they are just copying builds and playstyles without thinking or realizing most of the time the depth of their classes

second, elite specs greatly shifted the playstyle of some classes and warrior is one of those, for instance dont expect to get carried by spamming 1k blades under quickness and weapon swapping anymore as it did for the past 3 years so even if you somehow managed to acquire some experience it doesnt mean much and you have to start learning anew

there are actually already flying around some pos builds for a hybrid condi/damage warrior that work good enough

the reason im so harsh on you is that i still didnt see any warrior running a build around sword/sword and that disappoints me greatly

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


it would greatly help warrior if warrior players learnt how to play, warrior wasnt that bad before and now he’s absolutely fine

Enlight us! Show us your skilled warrior gameplay, cuz we are too dumb after 3 years of warrior only to not be able to find a way to play this class in a competitive level.

well since you ask so nicely, ill start with general advices: for most people years of playing dont mean much since they are just copying builds and playstyles without thinking or realizing most of the time the depth of their classes

second, elite specs greatly shifted the playstyle of some classes and warrior is one of those, for instance dont expect to get carried by spamming 1k blades under quickness and weapon swapping anymore as it did for the past 3 years so even if you somehow managed to acquire some experience it doesnt mean much and you have to start learning anew

there are actually already flying around some pos builds for a hybrid condi/damage warrior that work good enough

the reason im so harsh on you is that i still didnt see any warrior running a build around sword/sword and that disappoints me greatly

Condi/CC warrior is pretty good. The question is, can it fit into a meta comp. It’s strong in 1 v 1’s especially against necros.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


You are assuming we are spending our time here in the forum without having spend all the time hours and hours trying all the builds you are suggesting us.
“Hybrid condi/damage work good enough”, is not enough if a sleeping revenant player can outclass you with a similar build and with half the effort, while giving the proper support to the team.
And to say it all, i never copyplast any build, since thats what meta players noob do and since thats what are you even suggesting!!! copy past that condi/damage hybrid and you’ll be okay. Warrior was meta when it was hambow or shoutbow, and guess wath, i tryed those build, but never played those builds.
But then ago we had to shut up since there was in fact a build working (a boring one), even while other build where absolutely trash. Now that in fact there’s not a warrior meta build we still have to shut up, cuz warrior is balanced and is legit that you can overwhelm him with any class with absolutely 0 practice needed (except maybe with mesmer, poor mesmer players i feel you), cuz other class builds play by theirself and they are trying to sell us their “skill” and telling we should get to their “skill level”, while is not them winning, but theyr broken class mechanincs and build.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

There is a lot of good and bad suggestions in this thread.

Warrior has very good burst and great amount of CC. The biggest problem of the warrior right now is the relative lack of sustain, which is painfully obvious in spvp and WvWvW. Pve wise warrior is fine.

Arenanet’s original vision of warrior was a profession, which can stick a long time to melee combat. The current state is far from that. Instead Arenanet has been pushing warrior more into hit & run profession, which is a long range fighter with rifle. Thief can fill the +1 role much better than warrior, thus I don’t think any top team would choose a warrior. When rampage elite is on recharge warrior cannot properly hold point against such common adversaries, like reaper and thieves, not to mention dragonhunter and their traps.

Suggested buffs:

Inspiring Presence is a weak GM minor trait. 10 healing power per might applied is a joke and doesn’t fit warrior’s role. I would rather make it more defensive and give also warrior the needed +20% boon duration. I am also thinking that *Reviver’s Might *should be made defensive like give a short retaliation or protection to both revived player + warrior.

Shouts need their base increased by 200 or so, but not too much to make shout warriors almost unkillable.

“To the Limit!” is finally a good burst heal, but has too long cooldown and it’s 1 second activation time makes it way too risky. I have gotten it interrupted countless of times, sometimes even multiple times in a row. I would reduce the cooldown to 25 s (20 s traited) and reduce the activation time to 1/2 s (still not instant cast) and reduce it’s base heal accordingly by 20% (the total heal over time would stay roughly the same).

Warhorn is currently way too weak. Either revert all the nerfs e.g. make it give longer vigor like it used to and make it convert conditions into boons with quick breathing or give it more offensive role e.g. warhorn #5 does both damage and chill.

Fatal Frenzy should give longer swiftness, like 10 s to able warrior to stick to the target without needing to slot/trait another skill for swiftness.

Eternal Champion gives only 1 stack of stability per 3 seconds is way too little in the current meta which is full of constant CC. Make it 2 stacks or 1 stack every 1 seconds.

Dead or Alive only works in berserker mode. Perhaps make it work every time.

Arenanet should consider making these baseline:
Gain adrenaline when hit (part of cleansing ire trait)
Fast hands (the replacing trait could reduce the CD of next skill used by 20%)

Finally adrenaline depletion rate should be 33% slower than it is.

Suggested nerfs:

Forceful greatsword trait does way too much for a master trait, in fact it is better than most GM traits in this game. Remove the +10 % damage buff.

Gunflame needs it damage toned down.

PS. I slightly disagree with some posts above. GS doesn’t need buffs as it has been for ages already the most used warrior weapon. Strength line minor traits are fine, not to mention super powerful traits like: forceful gs, berserker’s power in the same trait tree.
Arms line is also good to build a condition warrior, the amount of bleeds warrior can inflict is massive.

And yes, many other elite specializations need nerfs and the thief really didn’t need those massive buffs to auto attacks (unwise move from Arenanet).

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


Nerf every other elite specs but chrono and tempest.

There. Fixed.


Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

reroll to a scrapper = GG

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: online.1278


banner finishes down enemy when summoned

The Korean Gamer (Best Warrior NA)
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: ds dante.3209

ds dante.3209

Warriors are fine-ish , the major issue is that they don’t accomplish any rol better than any other class in the game so is hard to have a spot in the meta that way.
It needs a trait rearrange thoug , they messed up everything when trying to kill shoutbow/hambow.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


- Smash Brawler baseline
- Dead or Alive needs to be completely revamped into a sustain-heal during zerker-mode, or condi-cleanse or pulsing protection or sth. preferably AoE so it can be used to support teammates.
- Shield block reflects untraited
- Warriors sprint also removes chill and cripple
- “Shrug it off” triggers at 2 conditions (everyone uses soldiers runes with shouts anyways)
- Warhorn can easily convert into boons again
- “Fear me” CD reduced to 50 baseline
- “Shake it off” also applies 3 sec prot

Most of those changes would apply to a supporty/bunkery shoutwar, just what I prefer to play on the war and where zerker currently adds absolutely nothing.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: online.1278


Warriors are fine-ish , the major issue is that they don’t accomplish any rol better than any other class in the game so is hard to have a spot in the meta that way.
It needs a trait rearrange thoug , they messed up everything when trying to kill shoutbow/hambow.

berserker is fine, warrior is not fine. p2w logic

The Korean Gamer (Best Warrior NA)
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

banner finishes down enemy when summoned

This is not a bad idea, considering the relatively low usage of banners in spvp and their long cooldown.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Lowering their insane burst for more survivability?

Some traits or skills, reducing damage by 15% to reduce incoming damage by 15%.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Rekt.5360


I’d be nice if we could post things all in the same place, there’s already a thread made in the warrior forums with a fairly decent amount of proposed changes in a google doc and OP is updating it very frequently and taking people’s ideas in consideration.

There’s stuff you’ll disagree with for sure, in fact, there’s some stuff I personally disagree with but keep it civil and don’t derail the thread. Give elaborated feedback only, Deniara’s post is a good example. We can hopefully put everything in one place. Hope to see some interesting ideas. Keep in mind that it tries to take into consideration both PvE balance (which I’m personnly freaking clueless about) and PvP balance.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

(edited by Rekt.5360)

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


How much did warrior shouts heal for before the nerf?

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have this crazy idea, perhaps they could listen to the hundreds of great suggestions made before (Tarcis even brought up making stances to F skills) that was were completely ignored.

If warrior/berserker is sitting out another season I swear to god lol

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord.9074


ANET will never listen to us. Because then they would have to admit they are wrong and that they don’t know what they are doing.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: chronometria.3708



Suggested nerfs:

Forceful greatsword trait does way too much for a master trait, in fact it is better than most GM traits in this game. Remove the +10 % damage buff.

Gunflame needs it damage toned down.

This puzzles me – surely crippling the two things warriors are doing well at is ….a bad idea….in a discussion about the complete absence of warriors in Spvp?

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948


Suggested nerfs:

Forceful greatsword trait does way too much for a master trait, in fact it is better than most GM traits in this game. Remove the +10 % damage buff.

Gunflame needs it damage toned down.

This puzzles me – surely crippling the two things warriors are doing well at is ….a bad idea….in a discussion about the complete absence of warriors in Spvp?

If you read my complete post, you noticed that I was suggested just these 2 nerfs to warrior and much more buffs. I am also for toning down other professions e.g. I think scrapper hammer needs toning down, some ranger pets should do less damage (druid damage output alone is fine) and necromancer should have a bit less chill application. The power creep has went too far in this game.

I think everybody agrees that warrior has access to a wicked burst and has solid DPS (can be specced for both direct damage, condition or hybrid). The biggest problem is the lack of sustain. Even if you take a very defensive amulet and all the possible defensive traits and skills you can cram into one build, your sustain is still going to be subpar, while your damage output has suffered immensely. Warriors should be the man, but they are too fragile.

I know that many players enjoy one shotting opponents from far. I am not asking to nerf rifle into gutter, just to tone down the damage of gun flame, which is just too high (-25 % to -30 % should be fine). Forceful greatsword trait is simply too good, giving might stacking, cooldown reduction and flat +10 % damage increase with gs + spear in one master trait is too much. The current state pushes warriors too much into using these two weapons, while combinations like mace/warhorn and axe/warhorn etc. are basically non existent (this should be a good hint, which needs buffing).

I think the original vision of the warrior was a mainly melee oriented fighter, which can stick to combat for a long time. Instead warriors are mainly just 1-trick ponies, kiting and trying to long range snipe with rifle or 100 blades opponents to death or CC chain with hammer or mace or shield, but mostly hit and run.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: TheBravery.9615


Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378



Suggested nerfs:

Forceful greatsword trait does way too much for a master trait, in fact it is better than most GM traits in this game. Remove the +10 % damage buff.

Gunflame needs it damage toned down.

This puzzles me – surely crippling the two things warriors are doing well at is ….a bad idea….in a discussion about the complete absence of warriors in Spvp?

If you read my complete post, you noticed that I was suggested just these 2 nerfs to warrior and much more buffs. I am also for toning down other professions e.g. I think scrapper hammer needs toning down, some ranger pets should do less damage (druid damage output alone is fine) and necromancer should have a bit less chill application. The power creep has went too far in this game.

I think everybody agrees that warrior has access to a wicked burst and has solid DPS (can be specced for both direct damage, condition or hybrid). The biggest problem is the lack of sustain. Even if you take a very defensive amulet and all the possible defensive traits and skills you can cram into one build, your sustain is still going to be subpar, while your damage output has suffered immensely. Warriors should be the man, but they are too fragile.

I know that many players enjoy one shotting opponents from far. I am not asking to nerf rifle into gutter, just to tone down the damage of gun flame, which is just too high (-25 % to -30 % should be fine). Forceful greatsword trait is simply too good, giving might stacking, cooldown reduction and flat +10 % damage increase with gs + spear in one master trait is too much. The current state pushes warriors too much into using these two weapons, while combinations like mace/warhorn and axe/warhorn etc. are basically non existent (this should be a good hint, which needs buffing).

I think the original vision of the warrior was a mainly melee oriented fighter, which can stick to combat for a long time. Instead warriors are mainly just 1-trick ponies, kiting and trying to long range snipe with rifle or 100 blades opponents to death or CC chain with hammer or mace or shield, but mostly hit and run.

I agree, I’ve mentioned numerous times that there are better options, but warrior’s damage output has seen improvement, it’s at least playable. The issue is that they still can’t take a hit and the healing skills are still useless. People are using the same stances, same healing signet, the cds are too high and the healing is just not enough because after the cd is up on something like mending or to the limit, the cds between that and the stances do not sync well at all.

Couple things to help Warrior, List them!

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


it would greatly help warrior if warrior players learnt how to play, warrior wasnt that bad before and now he’s absolutely fine

Go play the esportz tournament with a warrior and get your prize.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant