Creating a rewarding system for solo players

Creating a rewarding system for solo players

in PvP

Posted by: epoc.7941


I would love to have a dedicated team or guild to pvp with. Unfortunately like most of the community I don’t and am confined to solo queing or occasionally queing with friends. The problem with this is that now my personal rank progression is dependent on the random players that have joined a match with me. It’s frustrating when you’ve played for a while and have learned the mechanics of the game how to rotate when to get secondary objectives but the other players don’t. Worse than that is when they just plain suck and keep getting smashed and get tunnel vision and keep feeding a point kills.

I guess what in trying to say is the current system is great if you que as a team. If we win we gain rank progression of we lose we don’t or lose progression it makes sense. You’re doing it together so your progress should also be together. But what about us solo players. I’ve been in matches where I’ve had 200-250 evening occasion 300 points but didn’t win and I lose a a pip because my “team” lost. Except that’s the problem we weren’t a team and so my personal progression is now hindered by someone else’s gameplay.

This feels incredibly unrewarding especially when you’re really trying to win or get to a certain division but just simply can’t, not because you’re playing horribly but because you’re getting matched up with bad players.

I really don’t know how to fix it but there has to be some way where is solo non guild/pro league teams players can feel as rewarded when playing. Currently I’m not having any fun at all with the game and it’s not bc I’m like on an 18 game losing streak or anything its just 9/10 I do lose a match someone is doing something wrong that rare 1/10 it’s a close and fun match that was going back and forth and even tho you lose you know they earned it.


Creating a rewarding system for solo players

in PvP

Posted by: Eater of Peeps.9062

Eater of Peeps.9062

gosh, not only is not fun, its depressing, sad, demoralizing, and oppressive if ur not a golden child winner cuz ur so gud.

Why penalize any players ever? Random matchups would at least be funner.