Curious about what a pvp dev does in a day ?
To be fair: They already explained the process in to how changes are made, if you did a search it will turn up.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Walks past water cooler: “An ele killed me earlier, took a minute”
reply: “Don`t worry, we`ll have more nerfs inc”
Day later same dev walks past cooler:
“Meh, a thief killed me, took 1-2 seconds”
Reply “lol l2pnoob”
grabs a donut
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Here is a video of the spvp developers at work and attempting to balance the game:
(edited by Julius.1094)
Lmao! I couldn’t NOT think about this video:
Maybe if Anet partners with Sesame Street and gets some muppets on the dev team some buttons will actually get pushed LOL!!!
(edited by Spelling B Champ.3264)
I think what takes the most time would be the Test-cases and Localisation. Whether they always get them right or not, that’s a different story (look at the elementalists sig of air [+10 second cd] change, and how it working with written in stone wasn’t picked up). Every change that they make has to be translated into every language the game is sold in.
So Dev 1 would be like, changed x and tested for 3 hours, seemed to be good.
Dev lead would be like, great, prepped for extra testing.
Dev 2 … Dev N would be working on other changes and testing then sending them to testing.
Testing team (possibly comprised of dev team and other people?) would be like, yep, feedback on these changes is good send to localisation team and prepare
Localisation team would then translate all of the patch and the patch would be prepped for release (remembering they have to translate all changes to PvP, PvE and WvW as well as all released documents, for example, patch notes, write ups of the upcoming PvE story etc etc).
So I would say the dev day would be:
Week 1 into 2 week cycle:
Read forums, find bugs, fix easier ones. Investigate meta, see what needs buffs where (for previous testing data) and work on said fixes / balance changes.
Week 2 into 2 week cycle:
Testing with test team using (hopefully) test cases, pushing out bugs, getting feedback on balance changes from the test team then sending finalised changes to localisation team.
Infact I think their cycle would be less then 2 weeks. I think it would be more a 1 week cycle of:
(Week 1) Tinker -> Test -> (Week 2) Tinker -> Test -> Localisation -> (Week 3) Tinker -> …… Week N
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows