Current Class Tier

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Hey, everyone. I’ve tried looking for an up to date tier list but can’t find any. I’m wanting to get back into the game, and used to be big into WvWvW. Wanna get into sPvP this time around and am curious what class to roll. I originally planned to just continue my thief and just change everything for sPvP but as the forums have told me, Thief is garbage now. Is 2h Warrior worth a kitten ?

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

Tier 0:
Bunker Chronomancer
Bunker Tempest
Viper Rev
Viper Herald

Tier 1:
Condition Reaper
Marauder Scrapper
Heal Tank Beastmaster Druid
Celestial Revenant
Celestial Herald

Tier 2:
Power Revenant
Power Herald
Marauder Dragonhunter
Burn Guardian (if played PERFECTLY)

Tier 3:
Any Build Daredevil (note, this reflects its mobility not combat capability)

Tier 4:
Power Warrior
Condition Berserker (note, this reflects power not mobility)
Celestial Elementalist (staff or daggers)

Tier 5:
Base specializations, any build

Any question, I’m willing to answer. This is the bunker meta because bunkers do marauder level damage, healer level heals, and tank level crowd control while still being absurdly tanky.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Nocta.5274


S : Revenant, Mesmers, Tempest
A : Scrappers, Druids, Necros
B : Dragonhunters, Thieves
C : Warrior

Characters :
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Warrior is worth even less than thief while on warrior (when it’s in a good spot) I prefer sword and shield since shield gives an extra interrupt while the sword has a gap closer. Hammer is the best two handed weapon due to its interrupts. Don’t go for pure damage since damage can be mitigated with actives like signet of stone and healed out of whereas interrupts and knockdowns give some control.

From my observations tiers are as follows:

Akuma tier: Nothing is unanimously OP since there are lots of overtuned classes.

High tier: Chrono, Scrapper, Revenant, Tempest.

Mid tier: Druid, Dragonhunter and Reaper. Tempest and druid beats DH and reaper very well in 1v1’s though revenants would have more trouble but can still beat a reaper, though tempest is easier for rev than reaper in a 1v1 setting. Certain dragonhunter builds will be trouble. Druid would be top tier but can be easily focused. Yes, the class with CA form, overtuned pets like bristleback, signet of stone, and strength of the pack is mid tier, and pets making 1v1’s 2v1’s practically, let that sink in for a moment…

Low tier: Thief and warrior. Daredevil can be very strong in 1v1’s against druids, reapers, and tempests but since the fights that matter are the big ones at mid thief drops off drastically due to the conditions and AoE CC flying around.

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Pro League Rating, each tier also listed in descending order.

S: Chronomancer, Herald, Scrapper
A: Tempest, Reaper, Druid
B: Dragonhunter, Daredevil
C: Berserker and all non-HoT builds.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Pepsi.8907


Warrior is worth less than thief…
You want to be meta? Pick:
“Cheesy” bunker mesmer
Unkillable tempest
Malyx “broken” Herald
Support “buggy” druid
Marauder bunker Scrapper…

Be prepared for strong grinding against a system that punishes you for winning in order to accumulate as many consecutive win as possible in order to advance in the shiny new league system where the only recognition it provide is the time you put into forming a premade composed of a mix of diamond, legendary and amber so that you can cheese your way through the division so fast you won’t even notice any change in your skills.
But don’t worry, as long as you know how to smash your head in your keyboard, you will be able to overcome any difficulties you may have in letting the computer playing in your stead for long, boring and uneventful fights that can cure any form of insomnia.
Let’s not forget those suspensful match where your teammates randomly disconnects or decides to not play and stay in spawn in order to make your match honorable for whatever reason, creating a marvelous, thrilling, scenario of a 4v5 that you have no chance of winning.
Which doesn’t matter, since the system itself will pair you against a team where you have, anyway, no chance of winning from the beginning when it will judge that your ratio is too high.
Truly awesome PvP

(edited by Pepsi.8907)

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Whoah quick responses lol. What is Scrapper and Herald and all this. I know that the expanded to brought new mechanics and I’ve been seeing these names around. I’ve picked up thay daredevil is thief, right?

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Tier 0:
Viper Rev
Viper Herald

Tier 1:
Celestial Revenant
Celestial Herald

Tier 2:
Power Revenant
Power Herald
Burn Guardian (if played PERFECTLY)

Tier 3:
Daredevil (note, this reflects its mobility not combat capability)

Tier 4:
Power Warrior
Condition Berserker (note, this reflects power not mobility)
Celestial Elementalist (staff or daggers)

Tier 5:
Base specializations, any build

Any question, I’m willing to answer.

I’m in Diamond now, and after experiencing consecutive win streaks with my team, I fully agree to your ranking. This is pretty much accurate for my expereince against countless pre-mades during this 50 matches.

SS Rank:
Bunker Chrono:
(They’re still UNTOUCHABLE in 1 v 1, and can still double~quadriple cast well of gravity for infinite lockdown in group fight). Portal makes them almost the best home/ far defender ever too.
Glaskin is one of the strongest Mesmer I’ve seen around, and there’s 0 chance anyone can kill him 1 v 1.

Viper Revenant:
One of the strongest 1 v 1 offensive pvp spec, with only 1 weakness against Corruption Necro, Diamond Skin bunker Tempest and nothing else. Can spam 6 conditions with high intensity in one combo under 2 secs, and quite durable too.

S Rank:

Celes/Fresh air Tempest:
Both of them have different purposes, but both of them are super strong in both 1 v 1 and teamfight. Celes diamond skin Tempest is also one of the few specs that directly counters Viper Rev.
Aside from cheap aura spam, I think over-load earth is completely broken, since it grants around 30 secs of protection (-40%) to 5 ppl in ONE CAST, and pulses stability in high intensity that you can never interrupt his channel.

CC king, while being as durable as tempest. These guys are most deadly in teamfight though, and can bunker people for a long time. They can fight outnumbers fight for quite some long time while causing chaos in teamfight.

A combine force of sustain and burst damage. Bristleback and Smoke-scale provides druid with excellent on demand burst while able to spam many many CC while able to heal well. However, they have glaring weakness revealed when their stability is gone, since unlike the other Meta classes, Druid doesn’t has perma protection, block/evade/ invulnerable like most of the Meta classes now. Just focus fire after their stability is gone and they should be dead . Also the CF regeneration nerf makes Druid abit tougher to play too. They also have terrible cleave too.

A Rank:

Has good amount of aoe CCs, but lacks, pre-long sustain, and is not very powerful in 1 v 1 against the current Meta-specs. One of their worst abusive skill is LB5, which generates chain blocks EVEN WHEN YOU DODGED IT. Totally stupid design. Should fix it asap.

Condition Reaper:
This is one of those “kill him first or be killed” burst build around the current Meta. If you let Reaper cause hovac and not bothering him, your team-mate would be dead. They’re also super deadly when in high LF, able to take on many 1 v 1 and cause chaos in group fight. However like all Necro Specs, they’re vulnerable to focus fire in group-fight, which diminishes their value alot.

Power Herald:
I don’t think this one need any explanation. Good team fighter, but weak to many current Meta specs.

Rest of the tier I do not see too much in high ranked play, and tend not to perform as good as the above classes I mentioned. That’s why I’d rank them B or C.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Jackalrat.5493


Condi builds in general are a bit too strong atm.

I have always ran power builds, just kinda my style. Swapped from power reaper to a condi reaper, and was winning so many fights with very little experience with the build.

Buff power or nerf condi. Preferably the former.

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


I’m seeing a lot of AOE and CC here. Is single target dps just irrelevant at this stage?

Sorry I’ve just been gone forever and the meta is SO different now

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Nocta.5274


Whoah quick responses lol. What is Scrapper and Herald and all this. I know that the expanded to brought new mechanics and I’ve been seeing these names around. I’ve picked up thay daredevil is thief, right?

Every class uses their elite spec, which gvies them a new weapons ( not every meta build use the weapon but a lot do ) and a new traitline / mechanics.

Warrior = berzerker ( torch )
Guardian = Dragonhunter ( longbow )
Revenant = Herald ( shield )
Thief = daredevil ( staff )
Engineer = scrapper ( hammer )
Ranger = druid ( staff )
Elementalist = tempest ( warhorn )
Mesmer = chronomancer ( shield )
Necro = reaper ( greatsword )

Characters :
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


faceroll tier:
engi, dh, rev, mesmer

unkillable tier:
elem, druid, mesmer

casual tier:
necro, dh

recycle tier:
thief, warrior

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


faceroll tier:
engi, dh, rev, mesmer

unkillable tier:
elem, druid, mesmer

casual tier:
necro, dh

recycle tier:
thief, warrior

this tier list is quite accurate lol

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Current Class Tier

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


I’m multiclass so here are my list:

As thief :

faceroll tier:
engi, dh, rev, mesmer
unkillable tier:
elem, druid, mesmer
casual tier:
necro, dh
recycle tier:
thief, warrior

As warrior:

faceroll tier:
engi, dh, rev, mesmer
unkillable tier:
elem, druid, mesmer
casual tier:
necro, dh
recycle tier:
thief, warrior

As engineer

faceroll tier:
warrior, dh, rev, mesmer
unkillable tier:
elem, druid, mesmer
casual tier:
necro, dh
recycle tier:
thief, engineer

As..well no need xd