I’m making this post in order to carify the situation of DHs in the current meta game and how to avoid them/how to counter them.
Before we begin we need to take a look at the notes from balance patch. The most important things that pop up are:
-Traps didn’t get buffed
-Longbow didn’t get buffed, it requires more skill now with #3 with knockback.
-HP pool didn’t get buffed
-Symbols were added to scepter 2 and sword 2
-Shield of courage can’t be interrupted (if traited)
-Wings always heal a minimum of 2 conditions (+3 if traited)
Most complains I’ve seen are focused on the traps. But don’t you find it weird that traps are the same as previous season yet previous season no one complained about traps? What changed?
The answer is nothing. Traps are the same, deal the same damage. The problem is that due to the abundance of ppl playing DH, unaware people who get 1 shot by traps increased. I know they can get a bit tedious in teamfights if a team manages to pop 2 sets of traps (let’s say Test of Faith and Proccesion of Blades (ToF and PoB from now onwards)), yet last season some teams did that yet they acomplished nothing.
What’s wrong then? Why all the complains?
Ppl are arguiing now that the DH are unbeatable now. We need to analyze this statement and I’m going to make some comparisons with warrior from Season 3 (S3 from now onwards).
What changed?
-Blocking time remained the same
-Healings remained the same
-Slug movement remained the same
-Condi cleanse increased: Now DHs are able to cleanse 2 condis with wings of resolve. This means that DHs can relieve a lot more pressure than they could before. If we pop Wings + Smite conditions we can get rid of 4 conditions at once (2 more if we pop our healing trap). This heavily increased our survival in the heavy condition environment that was S3. What else? Now we can’t get our main shield/stunbreaker interrupted which is, imho, logic.
-Overall damage increased due to symbols: The adition of symbols to sword and scepter allowed DHs to actually stand their ground when fighting a point. The ability to permanently pop symbols if you manage to work the rotations properly allowed DHs to stand in the middle of a point while fending attackers. This can be specially nasty against low armor enemies.
So what do we have now… NONE of the skills received a %dmg increase. It’s just that sword went from having no useful skills to have 3 viable skills (symbol, zealot and autoattack (AA from now on)). Scepter went from being complete trash to being somewhat viable due to the increase in AA projectile speed and the placement of a symbol.
The problem now lies in the fact that thanks to symbol uptime + traps uptime the DHs are able to contest a point while deploying overtime AoE attacks. However none of that skills per se are able to deal sufficient damage alone for them being extremely easy to dodge. If they pop everything at once, stand aside.. then contest again and fight an oponent with all their skills on cooldown
When I mentioned that I was going to make comparisons with warrior from S3 I meant to say that a class that was trash tier received a change in its mechanics. Warriors received a great deffensive and offensive upgrade (they were later nerfed though). DHs in this season received only an offensive upgrade since the condi cleanse doesn’t grant increased healing nor can it be the key skill in determining wether a fight is a win or lose (generaly speaking. In highers levels of pvp it will be).
How to handle DHs:
You need to analyse a bit what your opponent is using before you engage in a fight.
Given the sluggish movement of guardians you know for sure they will have Judge’s Intervention. That leaves 2 utilities. One of them for sure is going to be ToF. 1 Reamining now: 2 possible alternatives for the last utilities which can be either Smite Conditions or PoB.
If you see them popping PoB you can infer that their condi cleanse will be subpar so you can condi focus on them. If they don’t have PoB you now know that their “cap” pressure is going to be lower yet their condi cleanse higher.
Advice Here: If they pop ToF on your head, stand iddle in the center of the trap. The damage it does overtime is irrisory
So now what’s the situation: either a big trapper or a a decent condi cleanser.
How do you avoid them?
Keep in mind that the guardian is by far the slowest class in the game and in the curreny meta has only 2 gap closers (sword 2 and Judge’s Intervention). If you remember S3 guardians were meat for ranged attacks because they couldn’t sustain permanent ranged pressure.
As DHs sustain didn’t change they are still vulnerable to that. So a word of advice. If you see there are several DH on a team don’t try to blindly enter the fray as you will get trapped x2 or x3 + symbols and yes, you will get damaged.
If you’re fighting 1 on 1 against a DH but you’re a Revenant, Druid, Engi or p/p Thief you already won (on equal skill level and map awareness). There’s no need advice. For the rest of the classes keep in mind that even though scepter has it’s AA speed increased it can still be dodged by walking sideways.
The key to handling DHs is kiting them. THEY ARE SLUGS they won’t chase you. The healing trap has a downside. It only heals a lot if you step on it. DHs depend on the enemy to heal. Force them to pop their heal traps on a place where you will never walk again while maintaining ranged pressure and the DH will fall.
In group fights the dynamic should still be the same. Only step inside the cap which is usually bigger than the trap radius to avoid the enemy capping. Bear in mind that Renewed Focus doesn’t contribute to point capping thus relieving your capping pressure.
Regarding DHs shield of courage
This skill offers a 5sec frontal block. This doesn’t mean by any chance that DHs become invulnerable as they are able to be attacked from the rear. The key again is to force DHs to move.
As in any fight you aim to hit to your opponents’ weak points.
If you complain about DHs frontal blocks you have to complain of warriors endure pain, Reves glint heal, Druids 0 damage signet, Thieves block, Engi AA block, etc.
Now that we have somehow “revised” the current state of the DH, it’s time to make the final comparison with warriors from S3. Just because a class was “an easy win” in a previous season and now isn’t will for sure trigger players who still want an easy win. The same thing happened with warriors and engis.
I don’t mean by this that the guardian doesn’t have to be toned down. Maybe a slight damage reduction to the symbols can work. Yet as it always happens, you need to learn how to fight new opponents.
Hope I could give you some insight on the class and maybe help a bit with your struggles. I personally like the changes they made to guardian. The class feels more unique now as guardian is now a synonym fro symbols and aegis (kinda).
I do feel however that dying to traps is more of an awareness problem than the traps itself dealing a lot of damage. But DHs are not unbeatable trust me. Bear in mind that there isn’t a preset on how to fight a DH. As against any other players the DH will try to kill you and won’t deply the skills in the same way. The more you play the more comfortable you’ll feel against them.
As a DH myself I’m struggling A LOT and I mean A LOT against druids. Yet before complaining I’m trying to see in which ways I can improve.