(edited by Corebot.2701)
Current Scoring = Poor PVP Decision Making
Real question, why do ppl who enjoy and like pvp care about score, since it means nothing ? When I troll on my Necro alt I often get 400+ score, and when I play tpvp on my main I might get 150 – its about winning cause you did a great job, not about the number next to your name on the scoreboard.
And its not like glory does anything but give you some cosmetic items, and you still get tons of glory if you play just abit, I’m R29 atm, with 67k glory unspent.
I don’t see how anything you just said would not still apply if smart, team-focused play didn’t offer the same rewards as zerging?
Doing a ‘great job’ should be reflected on the scoreboard, imo.
LOL Upzia, are you serious right now? Troll post…
I’m with you man,whenever i leave the Guardian for the Thief i pretty much always end up top of the table,and i don’t do much at all just spam PW and a couple more and then just die (after having killed 2 of them magically).Then i hop on the Guardian,have 3 minute long on-the-edge fights,defending and capping points all over the place but end up 3rd at best.I just stop caring after a while,it is a bit unfair though.
I agree so much with the OP. Points need to be awarded to defenders staying at nodes at the very least.
You’ve obviously missed the point. I was laughing at…
“its about winning cause you did a great job, not about the number next to your name on the scoreboard. And its not like glory does anything but give you some cosmetic items”
because this is not the general, pug only point-of-view
You’ve obviously missed the point. I was laughing at…
“its about winning cause you did a great job, not about the number next to your name on the scoreboard. And its not like glory does anything but give you some cosmetic items”
because this is not the general, pug only point-of-view
I don’t get it. The score next to your name doesn’t mean much in terms of a player’s contribution to the winning of the match.
Those thieves do serve their purpose.
Maybe, perhaps if you understand what their role is, you’ll understand they are being a team player.
thieves serve an amazing purpose as roamer, or floater, someone who goes back and forth between nodes and cap them, or help cap them, or help defend. The reason they get so much more glory is because they are out there, roaming, capturing points, defending points, and taking out the enemy team if they come across them inbetween points.
They are helping the team, whether you believe they are or not. If their builds are not cut out for the roaming style, then they are not helping at all, and granted, you have a point.
However, roamers serve their purpose, if done right. I often, on my ranger go and harass them at svanir (if I am blue team) and delay their team from getting keep, long enough that my team usually caps it and can form a defense, at my expense. I will cap points if 1 or less players are defending it and yes, in the end, I can wind up with a great many points, rather than my guardian who stands there and gets zerged. (but he’s a big boy, he can handle it)
You’ve obviously missed the point. I was laughing at…
“its about winning cause you did a great job, not about the number next to your name on the scoreboard. And its not like glory does anything but give you some cosmetic items”
because this is not the general, pug only point-of-view
I don’t get it. The score next to your name doesn’t mean much in terms of a player’s contribution to the winning of the match.
That’s exactly the point. No one cares about winning in pugs, they care about the score next to their name. Try to keep up please.
Teviko you can make this about rogues if you want, but you whiffed the ball, broski.
This is about roaming and being productive vs spamming and zerging. I roam, you roam, we roam. By the sounds of your post you are an incredible player and I respect that. But what you said really doesn’t change what I and several other said.
More evidence: see trebuchet pic in this thread. Did he help? Yes absolutely. Did he get 400 points because he was really productive and changed the game? Nope, he just spammed aoe, tagged a ton of people.
Those kills gave his team what, 50 points? The other 450 came from people capping, holding and working as a team. Meanwhile, he got 400 glory and they got a fraction. You will never, ever get 400 glory effectively roaming, capping, defending.
Dats all.
I agree that scoring is pretty illogical at the moment. It does not reward in a way that makes sense but instead feels more like a call of duty match where kills and zerging the enemy is where the points are. For a game that professes tactical gameplay and strategy within team and builds it sure does seem like a homogeneous WvW on a smaller scale. Don’t get me wrong I play the way I think it’s ment to be played (just as the OP states he does) but it does get disheartening when the match ends and the winning rewards are shown. I have gotten to the point where I immediately close the window so I try not to notice it as much.
More to the point, why do we get glory rewards for playing 8v8 anyway? It’s actually quicker than 5v5 for glory, especially considering the ready times we’ve got to deal with in tPvP. As far as I can tell 8v8 is just a mode for farming glory and kittening around, which is fine, but it does undermine the glory/title system.
I don’t see how anything you just said would not still apply if smart, team-focused play didn’t offer the same rewards as zerging?
Doing a ‘great job’ should be reflected on the scoreboard, imo.
it is reflected on the score board as a win. Stop the carrot on the stick pvp gear grind mindset. They should just get rid of individual score, make it a team score and base the glory you recieve on the win or loss.
at least then they’ll concentrate on reviving downed teammates and trying to win then their stupid kitten and ZOMGWTFPWNAGE
Thanks Corebot, I need people like you on my team. Every house needs a strong foundation.
I roam on my warrior and end up in first place in sPvP a lot. I hardly really feel like I’m the Michael Jordan of my team though and were winning because of me.
When I am doing things vital for my team to win and feel as if I should have a lot of points when I look at the score board, I usually end up closer to the bottom of the totem pole, but we need people who play like this in order to win.
Thanks for playing the role of unsung hero so I can shine
I don’t see how anything you just said would not still apply if smart, team-focused play didn’t offer the same rewards as zerging?
Doing a ‘great job’ should be reflected on the scoreboard, imo.
it is reflected on the score board as a win. Stop the carrot on the stick pvp gear grind mindset. They should just get rid of individual score, make it a team score and base the glory you recieve on the win or loss.
at least then they’ll concentrate on reviving downed teammates and trying to win then their stupid kitten and ZOMGWTFPWNAGE
I have had this game where I was defending a point for the whole round of 10 minutes after capping it. As a defensive player who does not deal much damage but is extremely tough and always keeps standing on the point to keep my team’s colour, while fighting two enemies the whole match.
I was basically keeping 2/8 enemy players from capping that point and thus I made the enemy team gain less points than my team and made my team fight 7 on 6.
I was definitely credit to my team, but my score did not reflect that effort. I surely had lots of fun keeping them off the point, but seeing myself at the lower end of the scoreboard does not encourage me to do that again.
The score should reflect the individual players’ part of participation in working towards the 500 points. It currently does not.
Thanks Corebot, I need people like you on my team. Every house needs a strong foundation.
I roam on my warrior and end up in first place in sPvP a lot. I hardly really feel like I’m the Michael Jordan of my team though and were winning because of me.
When I am doing things vital for my team to win and feel as if I should have a lot of points when I look at the score board, I usually end up closer to the bottom of the totem pole, but we need people who play like this in order to win.
Thanks for playing the role of unsung hero so I can shine
I sense much smart-assery here, but it’s well crafted and I accept it. Well done sir.
I played a quickness/HB warrior with longbow off set for a while yesterday. I’m really not very good at it at all but I did rack up some nice scores.
C’est la vie.