(edited by Criminal.5627)
Current class ranking
btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.
Just a heads up, Defektive has been keeping a surprisingly well maintained thread here — https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/sPvP-Class-Tier-List-Updated-6-30/first that would be a good place for you to post your thoughts.
jo0 Binder
btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.
What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.
The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.
btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.
The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.
there are many aspects to pve and doing a lot of dmg does not mean you are the best comp for a group, thiefs are not wanted for a lot of pve content because of the lack of what they can bring to a group outside of strait dmg and a low health pool. warriors have also proven regularly how they can face tank group content solo.
also the only time that condition dmg is lacking in pve is on world bosses like the dragons when there is so many people spamming conditions that no one person is having any stick for more then 8 sec, if anet ever fixes it so only the highest dmging conditions stay and don’t get overwrited they will be much more viable on these bosses/ encounters as for dungeons, fractals, normal roaming pve, conditions actually do a lot.
(edited by Criminal.5627)
Just a heads up, Defektive has been keeping a surprisingly well maintained thread here — https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/sPvP-Class-Tier-List-Updated-6-30/first that would be a good place for you to post your thoughts.
I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person and lost, or they used to be able to kill one person now they cant, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts. few people will sit and watch duels and go in games with the intention to just watch people play without looking at their own success/failures
(edited by Criminal.5627)
I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.
Your opinion is biased too, no?
jo0 Binder
I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.
Your opinion is biased too, no?
spent 2 days watching people fight, unless they were acting or planning on taking a fall this is based off random sampling without opinions of one class vs another
I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.
Your opinion is biased too, no?
spent 2 days watching people fight, unless they were acting or planning on taking a fall this is based off random sampling without opinions of one class vs another
For a proper random sampling you would need at LEAST 10 000 duels of each class VS each OTHER class.
This thread serves no purpose as there is one already discussing all player opinions, as previously stated.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.
Your opinion is biased too, no?
spent 2 days watching people fight, unless they were acting or planning on taking a fall this is based off random sampling without opinions of one class vs another
For a proper random sampling you would need at LEAST 10 000 duels of each class VS each OTHER class.
This thread serves no purpose as there is one already discussing all player opinions, as previously stated.
there is not that many players in this game and you can only see so many before you start seeing the same people. this is the best I had to work with since I started coming back to the same people and some professions are not as abundant as other professions so seeing some professions preform is actually more difficult then you might think, by all means if we as a community want to get together and actually test to see where classes are with every body we can find it would be a great idea, but resources are lacking and no random sampling is not 10,000, it would have to be based off of total number of each class that is actively playing and participating in pvp with each build actively being used for said class. some classes would have smaller samplings than others for that reason, that would be ideal random sampling and since I don’t have access to that information… not much I can do for you to try to please your urge for real random sampling.
how can you actually say that engineer is the worst class while a good engi can still dominate most 1on1s and synergizes so well with the fotm class necromancer.
consider reworking your ranking mr. engineer and watch the current top teams/meta where every one team is going for conditionoverload and every team has an engineer. the only (EU) top team without and engineer are we and we really think about changing that too.
only because you now have one class that you cant beat 1on1 (equal skill) it doesnt make you the worst of the game.
how can you actually say that engineer is the worst class while a good engi can still dominate most 1on1s and synergizes so well with the fotm class necromancer.
consider reworking your ranking mr. engineer and watch the current top teams/meta where every one team is going for conditionoverload and every team has an engineer. the only (EU) top team without and engineer are we and we really think about changing that too.
im sorry I did not come across any engineers that were able to out perform most other classes regularly during the time I spent observing since the patch and tpvp is not in observer mode yet. this is bassed of 1v1, and fights in pvp without support for outside helpers. there are a few that did really well (3 did really well) but a majority did so kitten poor. and honestly this was the smallest sampling I did because of the lack of people playing them. Have to look at the whole and not only the few that do really well.
(edited by Criminal.5627)
btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.
The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.
there are many aspects to pve and doing a lot of dmg does not mean you are the best comp for a group, thiefs are not wanted for a lot of pve content because of the lack of what they can bring to a group outside of strait dmg and a low health pool. warriors have also proven regularly how they can face tank group content solo.
also the only time that condition dmg is lacking in pve is on world bosses like the dragons when there is so many people spamming conditions that no one person is having any stick for more then 8 sec, if anet ever fixes it so only the highest dmging conditions stay and don’t get overwrited they will be much more viable on these bosses/ encounters as for dungeons, fractals, normal roaming pve, conditions actually do a lot.
No. Berserker beats condi damage by a long shot even if you removed the condition cap. It’s simple math — berserker scales exponentially while condition damage scales in a linear fashion and rather poorly with only a single stat.
Damage and reflection is everything when it comes to dungeons. You don’t need anything else. There is a reason why the meta is 4 warriors 1 guardian, and that’s because the most efficient way to get things done is with damage while guardian reflection eliminates the risk.
Thief is invaluable for speed clears on shadow refuge alone, and it is crucial for high level fractals due to dredge and harpies.
Stop talking about what you don’t know much about. Clearly you haven’t done high level PvE if you are going to make a claim like thieves are a bad PvE class. Overshadowed by warriors, yes. Warriors overshadow everything, not just the thief. But when warriors are nerfed in damage, people will just bring guardians and thieves instead. When warriors are nerfed, people will still not bring necros, engineers, and especially rangers — because they are terrible damage dealers.
btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.
The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.
there are many aspects to pve and doing a lot of dmg does not mean you are the best comp for a group, thiefs are not wanted for a lot of pve content because of the lack of what they can bring to a group outside of strait dmg and a low health pool. warriors have also proven regularly how they can face tank group content solo.
also the only time that condition dmg is lacking in pve is on world bosses like the dragons when there is so many people spamming conditions that no one person is having any stick for more then 8 sec, if anet ever fixes it so only the highest dmging conditions stay and don’t get overwrited they will be much more viable on these bosses/ encounters as for dungeons, fractals, normal roaming pve, conditions actually do a lot.
No. Berserker beats condi damage by a long shot even if you removed the condition cap. It’s simple math — berserker scales exponentially while condition damage scales in a linear fashion and rather poorly with only a single stat.
Damage and reflection is everything when it comes to dungeons. You don’t need anything else. There is a reason why the meta is 4 warriors 1 guardian, and that’s because the most efficient way to get things done is with damage while guardian reflection eliminates the risk.
Thief is invaluable for speed clears on shadow refuge alone, and it is crucial for high level fractals due to dredge and harpies.
Stop talking about what you don’t know much about. Clearly you haven’t done high level PvE if you are going to make a claim like thieves are a bad PvE class. Overshadowed by warriors, yes. Warriors overshadow everything, not just the thief. But when warriors are nerfed in damage, people will just bring guardians and thieves instead. When warriors are nerfed, people will still not bring necros, engineers, and especially rangers — because they are terrible damage dealers.
consider 38-42 fractal high enough pve? necros actually right now can clear out fractals faster than any other profession at these levels because of the amount of mobs, epidemic actually will get you through a high lvl fractal faster than any thief’s shadow refuge would, I know its sad but thief has the lowest health pool in the game and still has a lot of the people playing it that refuse to use range weapons and get one shot by bosses because they wont back off to range at times. Also if you were unaware many necros can get over 2000 cond dmg very easily which also goes even higher once they stack might on top and now with burning and torment they are doing a lot of dmg every second ontop of the conditions the they already previously had access to. im not saying every class can do this but necromancer can do ALOT of condition dmg in any aspect of the game currently…. I mean a real lot, I’m actually preferring necro now in fractals because of the aoe condition dmg they do.
As there is already a constructive thread about this topic we will close this thread now. Please visit this thread for further discussion: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/sPvP-Class-Tier-List-Updated-6-30/page/14