Cursing at other players etc

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Drew.1865


I have just started to enjoy spvp and noticed this from the opposing team tonight. Is Anet planning on making it where the opposing players can’t communicate? Seems like this would make spvp much less likely to have this occurrence.

Unfortunately I was introducing this part of the game to a guildy and that was the main reason it was offensive.

I reported them so hopefully it gets addressed.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


You can definitely report them. You can also ignore people or open a different text window that shows team chat but not map chat.

They seem to take abuse reports very seriously, though, so that’s probably the best step.

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Tsubaki.2508


Oh. I just reflex block them. I don’t play this game to listen to their kitten. Reporting for abuse is probably the smarter option so that they actually get a warning for behavior that is unacceptable.

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


did the cursing revolve around you playing an OP/FOTM class/spec?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


did the cursing revolve around you playing an OP/FOTM class/spec?

and?you impy they are justified then??
pls for the love of god dont get to the point of abusing those that happen to play a dominating class at that moment..i cant even test builds in hot join anymore without an idiot starting the “ele talk”..all that while im owning his face with my super op testing 30 in air build.

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Reporting function is for tracking bots.
Why would you care about a bunch of bored kids cursing at you through internet? I would advice you stacking more toughtness.

Signed, level 1 alt

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


in real life its your physical/mental ability that gives you the edge so people will congratulate each other when one of them fairly wins.

Back in GW2 someone rolling an Easymode ele/thief is likely to get a lot of hatred,
for playing with such a cheap build.

you really expect everyone to clap and say “bravo! well played!”
when some guy is rolling their face on their keyboard and watching things die?

it is’nt fun to get one shotted by a thief, or to be wailing on a d/d ele and watching their HP constantly shoot back up to full.

it’d be like an NFL player driving a tank to the endzone,
getting out and throwing down the ball (and not getting disqualified).
they’d get a s%%tstorm of hatred for perverting a fun level playing field.

if the game was balanced, and skill determined who won
then you’d likely see more sportsmanship.

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Choops.3710


If it’s just the language that’s upsetting to someone, mature filter is an option. If not, you can always block the person. kitten talking has always been a part of online gaming, I don’t think this game is going to be the one that’s immune to it.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


^^no i expect someone to say gg man you dont play the fotm ele build or thief,your hp never fully regained,you never 1shot me you just outplayed me..I mean a rank 10-20 warrior cant possibly expect to win a rank 40 ele/thief no matter what build they are running.(those rank differences are a valid way to judge skill most of time,problems start at higher ranks)
Not to mention that if you are a good player then you shouldnt bring those builds in hot join.You do your testing there..(full bunker ele in hot join is so stupid anyway :P )
But your analogy is very far stretched as is your perception at what skill is required to do well in the classes you mentioned imo.If eles/thieves and whatever class was that op to considered a tank in the battlefield then everyone would be waving their torches in Jon ^2 faces right now
Also you havent done any comp sporst irl ,did you??People degrade you and suck the win out of you even in most balanced chess!
In conclusion its the people,not the game..

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I like being able to chat with those on the other team – i havent encountered any abuse fom the chat, i have been whispered it but thats it. I have used the map chat to talk to others in the match if we have had a good fight or something like saying congrats on beating me or giving them tips

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Blakey.5670


I admit, i curse on some rare times, when i “rage”.

Usually about someone using the what i would consider an inherently stronger class with less skill and downing me when i slip up. It can be so obvious some times it’s makes me snap.

Usually just 1 message and revolves around skill rather then personal assaults.
Anyone with a shred of confidence would be A – ok.

Behellzebab – lvl 80 pvp egineer