Custom Arena (Free World Gear Usable?)

Custom Arena (Free World Gear Usable?)

in PvP

Posted by: Kathy K.6812

Kathy K.6812


Will we be able to use our WvW gear in the custom arenas?

Custom Arena (Free World Gear Usable?)

in PvP

Posted by: Arrow.3856


No. sPvP is a completely seperate part of open world PvE which sort of includes WvWvW as WvWvW uses PvE gear. sPvP is all about being fair in terms of gear. Also sPvP gear has no secondary stats. Putting PvE gear in with sPvP gear would in most cases turn sPvP into a very unfair area.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The