Custom Arena Reserve Slots

Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


Do they take up space so absolutely no one can join(19/20 till member player joins)?

or does it make it so that if the game has 20/20 players and a member player wants to join he will bump someone out?

Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


90% sure it means those spots can’t be taken because it never let’s me in rooms with 18/20 when they have 2 reserved spots.


Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


I think they should change this, let the room be full and then if one of those reserve members join then kick one person out. Keeps the games at the 20 limit or w/e you want it to be in the beginning and allows your friends to play.

Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


The problem with that is that if their custom arena is full (meaning they didn’t even reserve a spot for themself) the owner can’t even play in the arena he is paying for until someone leaves.

With the advent of 20-man rooms regardless of custom arenas I don’t see a problem with the people who own their personal ones reserving themselves and a friend a spot.


Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


The problem with that is that if their custom arena is full (meaning they didn’t even reserve a spot for themself) the owner can’t even play in the arena he is paying for until someone leaves.

With the advent of 20-man rooms regardless of custom arenas I don’t see a problem with the people who own their personal ones reserving themselves and a friend a spot.

AHhh, what im saying is that it should let the room get filled to 20/20 by people not on the list, then if someone on the members list wants to join the program will just kick the last person or whoever and make room for said person on the list. All this instead of keeping it 19/20 or less all the time.

Custom Arena Reserve Slots

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

From sPvP team member Steve:

Hey guys,
The way reserved slots work is after a certain point only players on the member list can join. So if you have a 5v5 arena with 4 spectator slots, and no spectators allowed, then once the server population hits 6/10 only members can join. Or if it’s all member slots then only members can join.

Also, owners can always join their own arenas, even if it’s full. That’s a good candidate for a question on our FAQ.

We’re also aware that we have a bug where the server population isn’t showing up correctly right now. The good news is we have a fix in the works and it should be going out soon.

-Steve Bikun

Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
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