Custom Arena Time Token through pvp

Custom Arena Time Token through pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Erwin.5603


Ok, I like everything about the new patch, i agree with the pricing of the CA and Time Tokens, all in all a very good patch for GW2 PvP, BUT:
I am 99% sure that an Arenanet Developer confirmed, that Custom Arena Time Tokens will be available through PvP Gameplay (I think it was in the context of bringing back Gems to sPvP). I might be mistaken, but atm I dont see it anywhere, maybe this was a sweet dream of me or something. Anyone any idea on that matter?
- Fixi


Custom Arena Time Token through pvp

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Yep, I can confirm that. I am also sure, though I am lacking the source. I think it was in some video that they announced it.

But welp, progress in PvP is so slow… it took them so long for the last patch already. I can understand that Arenanet does not want to make any mistakes. But we’re so impatient…