Custom Arenas Update for Lost Shores Patch?

Custom Arenas Update for Lost Shores Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: CorruptDropbear.4721




I haven’t heard much progress or information about Custom Arenas which were talked about in the sPvP update blog post a while back. As a tournament organiser (actually, probably the only tournament organiser even bothering with the game right now), it would be very helpful to know any sort of details on when the ability to have two teams face each other on a passworded server can be implemented. A extreme plea would be to release some sort of beta for us to test so we can try to keep sPvP’s competitive scene alive, but I understand if this is not possible. Any sort of information is needed so that we can start pre-registration for competitions and be able to plan out how we can run stuff like this. While we appreciate the work gone into paid and free ingame tournaments, they’re useless for having two chosen teams with similar abilities fight together in scrims or in an outside competition, and any sort of expansion of the game’s eSport can’t be done by the actual players, and solely relying on ArenaNet to do competitions and such.

So in short: anything with Custom Arenas happening in the Nov 15 patch or will it be pushed to next year?

Owner/Admin of

Custom Arenas Update for Lost Shores Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Im also tournament ograniser even for only limited part of the community. And im also really interested to see this question answered

Thank you

Administrator of

Custom Arenas Update for Lost Shores Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: jazx.7319


Plus one for this. I am extremely curious about this question? Will custom arena come with this patch? Please dont dodge the question please ,