DC Punishment

DC Punishment

in PvP

Posted by: Dei Veien.2456

Dei Veien.2456

So over the course of the last few days I have been encountering crazy ammounts of dc’s.
Under normal circumstances it isn’t too bad but every now and then I have a huge increase in lag then will start getting randomly kicked for no apparent reason.
Yes this has occurred in the past but never to this extent and it will occur randomly.

I know that there is a punishment system in place for players that choose to dc during match ups so as to prevent teams from having to fight 4v5 however I am talking about the legitimate lagging out issues that are occurring.
When I did lag out I immediately went back into game (win or loose I do the same if I can) however my points in the team had completely reset and since the match was reaching it’s closure I wound up with the over all score of 0. This was extremely frustrating, since prior to the dc I had a fairly decent amount of contribution points.

I guess what I want to know is whether or not it is possible to have a grace period in which you have a chance to reenter the game without worrying about being punished for something you have little to no control over.

Order of Intoxication [PSY]