DCs cause pip loss?
he has to dc for 2 min to not lose a pip.
he has to dc for 2 min to not lose a pip.
He was. The teammate was DCed pretty much since the start of the game.
Were you partied with the person? it will still cause pip loss for all players partied to the D/Cer
Not exactly what you mention, but since it may be somewhat related I don’t want to open a new thread.
Just played a game where I got a DC on the first loading screen. Managed to come back in the middle of the game (we were like 175-250 down) and we ended up winning. Still, I got the dishonorable debuff and the match counted as a loss (although the win counted for the league achievements).
Is that how it’s supposed to work?
played a game earlier, yeah counted as a loss in ranked, dude never even showed, yes it still counted as a loss. oddly another game we had 4 v 5 from the start and managed to pull off a 500-470 win and we only got 1 pip that’s about as BS as it comes.
Arkarian and RaGe were probably in the two consecutive games I had earlier where we had a d/c for the first few minutes and came back to win.
Even with the wins, it’s kittening rage-inducing.
I had a dc now too, a pip less
Any official word on this? Do I need to submit a bug report somewhere?
Had this issue sort of myself. Got DC’d last night playing a ranked match. Tried to relog right away, but launcher could not connect (i was able to ping the servers though?).
Finally about 2 minutes later, it connects, i’m back in game, and we’re of course losing now (we were winning beforehand). Game ends, marks me as deserter even though I played for another few minutes in the match.
My party all lost pips, and I had to sit out for 12 minutes because of deserter.
Not cool.
@ Devs: If you need to look up an example of this, look at the game I completed right before the timestamp of the original post.
It happened to me again, and this time was even worse.
The game kicks me out in the middle of the game (my connection was working perfectly but whatever). I log back in and we win. It’s not like I came back 15s before the match ended, I actually stomped the lord to win the game. Anyways, I get the game counted as a loss and I get dishonor.
This time was even worse because I was in a 6-win streak, so instead of winning 2 pips, I lost 1, so basically I lost 3 pips because the game decided to kick me out for no reason.
Can we get some dev to confirm if this is working as intended? While I can see they might want to prevent people from switching chars in the middle of the game, it is plainly stupid to get dishonor+loss if you come back with the same character and you win the game.
If this is actually how it’s supposed to be, next time I won’t even bother to launch the game again, because it doesn’t really matter if you help the team win since you’ll get the loss+dishonor anyways…
PS. I know it’s not the same issue as the OP, but they seem to be kinda related.