DH's trap daze is way too much.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: JKatz.1230


On top of the big damage, annoying traps (especially those hold traps) and random long boons and heal, the daze is just way too much. If every maps are just big fields like Mid foefire then it wouldn’t be that bad but some locations are just silly when a Guar can daze half a dozen times… AoE. I don’t think there’s any class get access to that much aoe disable burst not to mention the power of the traps. And then there’s LB5. Just way too much close quarter control.

One of the first thing Anet should look at is the insanely low cast time of traps. I don’t see why such ridiculously powerful abilities do not give other players chances to counter play by looking at animation, interrupt or calculate timing like many other abilities.

Instant activation of daze on traps is way too strong. I suggest the trap dropping a dazing light with small delay activation to give other players a little visual feedback and a chance to react.

I feel like these kind of small tweak should benefit both side in term of skill and tone down the DH traps plaguing PvP atm.

IGN: Mint Elbolt (Asura Ranger)

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Elpredator.8523


No stop asking for nerfs DH has counters stop whining and learn to counter.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


No stop asking for nerfs DH has counters stop whining and learn to counter.

Please explain these counters, just sounds like you don’t want your class nerfed.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Elpredator.8523


Scrapper ,reapers easily beat DH you sacrifice sustain by using traps….dodge the friggin traps if you see them place the traps don’t kitten jump on them honestly there’s so many counters and they have barely any condi clear as DH stop whining and learn.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


Scrapper ,reapers easily beat DH you sacrifice sustain by using traps….dodge the friggin traps if you see them place the traps don’t kitten jump on them honestly there’s so many counters and they have barely any condi clear as DH stop whining and learn.

Reaper will beat them in a 1 vs 1 if they are terrible maybe but they lack any teleport to get out of barriers, wait till their stability is over and then you got 20 seconds to hit him with a barrier, which is pretty easy with 2 pulls, if he dodges both then just walk up to him and place it, game over. Scrapper sure since it has 2 invulnerability procs and a ton of sustain and sustain damage but it isn’t going to nuke it in a team fight and neither is Reaper. Condition damage counters everything if you don’t nuke them as DH since I still die nearly instantly to condition builds with 1 condition removed a second and damaging removed guaranteed every 20 seconds and constant removal of movement impairments.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


Scrapper ,reapers easily beat DH you sacrifice sustain by using traps….dodge the friggin traps if you see them place the traps don’t kitten jump on them honestly there’s so many counters and they have barely any condi clear as DH stop whining and learn.

The circle of life in GW2 pvp means there will be continuous balance and always at least one OP spec. People will QQ till DH gets nerfed to oblivion. Players will move to next OP class (probably scrapper which is looking real good right now). All the QQ will move to that class. Then probably reaper.

The trick is to enjoy pvp the best you can. If that means playing your fav class whether it is OP or not or bandwagoning like a lot of other players. Its up to you.

I have only ever seriously pvp’ed with Warrior and Guard. But Rev will be my next level 80 toon and pvp toon, although Scrapper is calling me too.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: epouvante.7392


Dh all the time say “just learn to dodge traps” but pvp is not 1v1. You have to dodge traps, chrono wells etc etc and after two dodges… You are lock with one trap, another invisible barrier block you, your cast is kick by daze, and finally you die. Oh i have played a lot of times DH to understand traps and learn to counter them but there are too op. If you dodge the elite trap but another player does not do it, what happened? You are in the traps and ready to die by the dh team. So stop repeat all the time " just learn to counter" and admit that the traps are so op!

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


DH does not sacrifice sustain for their damage. Sick of people saying that. I’ve had enough 1v1s and 2v1s against a DH to know they’re very good at sustaining themselves and drawing out a fight.

… I still want tengu.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


No stop asking for nerfs DH has counters stop whining and learn to counter.

Please explain these counters, just sounds like you don’t want your class nerfed.

inb4 the infamous video.

Alerie Despins

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Stop saying L2P, when this isn’t a 1v1 game. Honestly with right team support DH sits back in mid waiting for someone to move 1 step outta place or half life, you teleport to the target, insta lockdown with massive burst.

Yes I can beat DH 1v1 but in Team Fights there not the only target I have to dodge and use my “Save Me” skills. I’ve lost track of amount of times I’ve just used my stun-breakers escaping burst and my Stability is on CD just have DH teleport to me and CC/Burst me to death with 0 way to escape or counter play I have to eat it, it’s not like I can ask team mate to support the damage is so fast by team mate rotates his skills to support its to late damage is done.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I think the Daze is fine except for Test of Faith’s Unblockable also applying to the Daze. It’s meant to be for crossing it only.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: rennlc.7346


DH is kind of strange because everything people say about them is true to an extent.. At times, they’re incredibly strong and at others, they can be easily focused out of a fight. Part of this is certainly the skill of the DH and those attempting to down him, but I think it also speaks to some poor aspects of how DH and their traps are designed. They’re just so effective in disorganized team fights and yet still so simply countered through teamwork. Even without changes, DH will get progressively weaker as we play them more but they’re also probably preventing newer players from enjoying and continuing to play sPvP. Their design isn’t necessarily bad balance, especially at high levels of competition, but it does seem unhealthy for a game that’s attempting to expand its PvP scene from the ground up.

(edited by rennlc.7346)

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I don’t see why such ridiculously powerful abilities do not give other players chances to counter play by looking at animation, interrupt or calculate timing like many other abilities.

Instant activation of daze on traps is way too strong.

But its an “Elite” spec, you can’t expect it to be the same as mere utilities on other classes. If these new specs weren’t massively OP it would lessen the motivation for spvpers to buy the expansion right?

Get with the program. As one DH said to me recently, “Play a real class”.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Now we’re gonna complain about the daze too? kitten, might as well just delete the spec at this point.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Now we’re gonna complain about the daze too? kitten, might as well just delete the spec at this point.

Well the daze is one of the most powerful aspects of the traps, its an incredibly strong trait. The ranger equivalent is a trait that applies cripple that only works on offensive traps.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

I prefer to be in a DH trap from a well of a chronomancer.

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: assassin.7895


bump, needs more attention

DH's trap daze is way too much.

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


TBH the only thing that bothers me about DH is that, lke with RoF, when TPing away it will hit you anyways. Everything else is fine imo…