DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


After a year + of not spending any huge amounts of glory i had saved up 350k +, after seeing what their adding to vendors on stream i decided that i want 2 things, cultural t3 and custom arena.
I basicly begged guild so i could gather my 60 gold for t3 cultural.
What they didnt show on stream was that there is gonna be wintersday gift vendor aka glory to gold converter.
When i had spend 260k glory + 60 gold i found this gift vendor and decided to get some extra gold from my leftover glory, but then i realized how hard ive f***** up.
Lets do some first grade level math here:
1k glory = 80s-1g
Custom arena on gem shop = 1600 gem. Gem price isnt even 8 gold for 100 atm so 1600 would be ~ 130g, even if i would sell my glory at lowest i have lost here 30g.
Wont even say anything about how i would prefer just spend 120k glory on my cultural instead of begging for 60g.
Just wanted to warn people, always do research before buying anything in this game, just because devs say there will be no glory for gold exchange doesnt mean its true.

DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, it’s generally a good rule anytime you buy something big from a vendor to make sure it’s not available elsewhere cheaper. This has happened with other items in the past as well.

DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


After buying 553 tome to lvl my alts all to 80, I realize I could have just converted all my glory to gold and hired someone to lvl to 80 for me =]
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

in PvP

Posted by: Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Well I bought 2 custom arena so yah i kittened up big time

DON`T buy custom arena for glory.

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Well I bought 2 custom arena so yah i kittened up big time

Naw, you saved yourself from finger cramps trying to spam click for hours getting them gifts
The only exclusive skyhammer stream