Dear Stronghold
I agree with the above 300%. I have an interest in playing Stronghold, but if it’s going to be the russian roulette, I’m not intereted in even trying.
Build savers are not in sight, fail to plan you plan to fail. I changed builds manually but for casuals let’s make it happen. My issue is the single map for mode, TDM only has 1 SH the same…you are just asking for trouble. I understand 1 specialisation but new modes 1 map for each only and only in unranked…just wow.
The issue is one queue might become forgotten and the population is low but they introduced PvP wrong anyway so meh.
The Dhuumfire thread
I agree. Seperate queues by game modes instead of the current, meaningless separation between ranked and unranked.
100% agreed anet needs to actually THINK about what theyre doing for once in their lifetime
I agree with this fall-heartedly.
I’m tired of conquest and the build that’re using in conquest and want to focus on the new mode exclusively.
Why do I have to do russian rouletter to get what I want to play?
I do not want to play conquest when I’m in the mode of stronghold, simple as that.
You will force me to use my stronghold build in conquest because I do not want to play conquest and do not wish to adjust to the build appropriate for conquest.
I agree. Seperate queues by game modes instead of the current, meaningless separation between ranked and unranked.
I think their policy is to only split the community for meaningless reasons. For valid reasons the idea of splitting the community is heresy.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I understand their population concerns but this would hurt stronghold as a gamemode. Heck, it wouldn’t even be a gamemode. It’s just another map for unranked with a gimmick. In the long term splitting both modes is beneficial for the pvp community.
However, which mode will they support in the future? Will they balance for stronghold or conquest? Will they (finally?) create a competitive infrastructure with decent rewards for stronghold, conquest or both? etc etc.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
I can definitely see that there will be tons of ppl that want to play one mode and not the other, because they’re so vastly different.
I understand their population concerns but this would hurt stronghold as a gamemode. Heck, it wouldn’t even be a gamemode. It’s just another map for unranked with a gimmick. In the long term splitting both modes is beneficial for the pvp community.
However, which mode will they support in the future? Will they balance for stronghold or conquest? Will they (finally?) create a competitive infrastructure with decent rewards for stronghold, conquest or both? etc etc.
The way it is being implemented is not just gonna hurt stronghold it will undoubtedly also hurt conquest.
Imagine this: you order a coffee, but are placed in a general ordering queue that only processes what is most voted by other customers !
Yikes, um waiter, I did not order tea, I ordered coffee I want my money back !
I will never visit your restaurant ever again comes to mind.
Same thing is what is gonna go on with this stronghold / conquest shared queue.
With the added bonus of dishonored debuff if you dare leave all conquest matches while trying to get into stronghold. yikes again !
there is no good reason to have them in the same queue. there will be enough players with the expansion to have multiple queues, and most of those new players and returning players will want to play stronghold.
anet. don’t go full kitten.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
I can’t believe this is actually something that is not rectified and addressed by arena net yet. To add a crappy analogy to this crappy decision. In a restaurant if someone orders a steak and you say “you will get fish”, the person will leave and never come back.
You can not force people to do something they do not want to do. It will likely lead to people not having fun and eventually stop playing the game.
Please make separate queues!
I can only imagine the grieving that is going to happen on Tuesday when everyone wants to beta Stronghold. I’m confident that there will be groups voting Courtyard just to troll people.
Just to make sure it’s clear, I’m adding my voice for separate queues in general, not just because of my prediction about the Tuesday beta. We need to be able toplay the game mode we want.
If they dont want to separate stronghold and conquest cus “its going to split the community” then remove this <insert many censored words here> conquest completely, the worse and most boring gamemode ever made. That will solve the problem.
Oh wait #Esport. Gl
I am not sure why Anet haven’t finalized the decision of this issue yet. Was there even a question to begin with?
This is like removing character selection and put a random selection instead on the character select screen.