Dear League Developers

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


Do NOT make this a farm-to-win League.
Reward Winners not farmers.
Punish losers the higher they go on the ladder and reduce the reward of winning as well. Make winning actually worth something rather than just spamming games.
Moreover, Please reduce the reward of winning if you are up against lower league players and increase the lose value if you actually lose to lower league players.

Team Queues and Solo queues should be separated by offering Solo queue a maximum of Two premades (Duo Queue) While Team Queue MUST be 5 people. Do NOT allow team queue vs Solo queue situation because we all know how that will end.

Any Premade High tier team should be able to beat Duo/Solo queue high tier purely because they have access to voice comms, already have developed synergy, and a working Team composition.

- Do not make this a farm-to-win league.
- Separate Solo/Duo queue from Team queues for obvious reasons.
- Punish the loss to lower leagues and reward less as well for obvious reasons and vice versa.
- Force Team queues to be 5 premade to make this an actual Team queue. Even if the queue time were to potentially become longer it is worth it as it is incredibley unfair for a Full Premade Team to face a group of solo queues with a shattered team comp.

These are all Suggestions based on experience from famous working Matchmaking MMR system that we are all aware of. There is a reason they are made this way. Please do not try new stuff as we already endured years of your testing and we all know how that ended.

Thank you and good bye.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Maybe copy paste this in one of the other threads. Otherwise it’ll be all over the place.

Anyway, I couldn’t agree more.

Anet plis

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


I feel like in order for Anet to actually read our concerns 100s of posts needs to be written for them to actually make it a priority rather than wasting 6 months into fixing it due to other priorities. (d/d ele for instance.)

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Stalima.5490


Do NOT make this a League.

Thank you and good bye.

I think this is better

League > Toxic
Toxic > Bad community
Bad community > Worse community
Worse Community > Troll Fest
Troll Fest > League

A league brings one step higher on the mountain of negativity

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I think these rules work for things like a round-robin tournament, where everyone involved must participate, everyone will face opponents of all experience levels and ‘extraneous circumstances’ such as disconnects/AFK will be taken into consideration.

Take a casual pvper who is a few standard deviations better than average, plays a few hours per week or sometimes more when work is light but never hardcore with a structured team; is it really fair to punish them with lower rewards because they happen to face a few other teams with low ranking when they play? They can’t help the matchmaking. Is it fair to punish them more harshly if they lose to a low rank team because one of their members disconnects, making their team outnumbered?

How are these rules going to effect the average player? They seem aimed at the top 1%

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


I think these rules work for things like a round-robin tournament, where everyone involved must participate, everyone will face opponents of all experience levels and ‘extraneous circumstances’ such as disconnects/AFK will be taken into consideration.

Take a casual pvper who is a few standard deviations better than average, plays a few hours per week or sometimes more when work is light but never hardcore with a structured team; is it really fair to punish them with lower rewards because they happen to face a few other teams with low ranking when they play? They can’t help the matchmaking. Is it fair to punish them more harshly if they lose to a low rank team because one of their members disconnects, making their team outnumbered?

How are these rules going to effect the average player? They seem aimed at the top 1%

By that logic, is it fair to have the more…structured and devoted player to have the same rewards as the casual player? Which has already been going for 2 years? There’s also been steps to decrease the number of disconnects each game.

And these rules aren’t aimed at the top 1%. They’re aimed at giving the whole community a more competitive vibe, and furthermore I would argue that the casual player wouldn’t care too much about rewards as much as the devoted player since they are more casual. If the casual player does, than that’s like saying I want to put in little effort for huge rewards.

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Mia Crazymike.1780

Mia Crazymike.1780

Why would you allow two people playing together/teamed up to be allowed in Solo queue.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


Man I hope they separate solo and team queues, a maximum of 2 in solo sounds fair too.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Velimere.7685


I think keeping the entire event solo queue would just be easier and would maintain prompt queue times for all; we already get a minute to counter-comp anyway. Maybe just extend that to two minutes to compensate.

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: PlatinumMember.5274


I think keeping the entire event solo queue would just be easier and would maintain prompt queue times for all; we already get a minute to counter-comp anyway. Maybe just extend that to two minutes to compensate.

I initially thought league would be solo then guild teams would be group based. Since guild teams will be the ones for ESL and WTS.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Why would you allow two people playing together/teamed up to be allowed in Solo queue.

Why would you allow anything else but a full team in a teamqueue? Yet that’s something that a lot of people want.
I realize that’s for population issues, but still.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Patchi.9061


The reason you can allow two people in a solo queue is self explanatory in a sense. First of, 2/5 is not a majority and that would make the team either 2 2 1 or 2 1 1 1 which in itself is fair and will not impact it that much. The other reason is there are some good synergies that a Duo queue can do, Thief mesmer for example. The last reason I can think of is it is actually fun to queue with a partner to develop synergy with them. Many teams go through the process of creating synergy by duo qing and I see no reason to prevent that from happening. However, allowing more than 2 people to queue together in a solo queue would become the majority.