Deathly Claws = ummm huh
6-7k that can be blocked,blinded,reflected,destroyed. That leaves the caster open to literally anything and everything you can throw at him.. Popping lich form is like saying (SOMEBODY CRATE ME)…it better hit hard.
You’re really complaining about something that has slow, easy to dodge projectiles, that has already been nerfed by the transformation skill change and had it’s duration cut down by a third?
Don’t you mean 6-7k that cannot be blocked,blinded,reflected,destroyed while feared of stunned
Don’t you mean 6-7k that cannot be blocked,blinded,reflected,destroyed while feared of stunned
Lich form can’t fear or stun, what are you on about?
Don’t you mean 6-7k that cannot be blocked,blinded,reflected,destroyed while feared of stunned
One. The lich form itself can not fear or stun. And a fear from a power necro will not last long enough to prevent you from dodging.
Two. Necros do not have access to stuns.
Three. I have no idea why you did not have a CC breaker to deal with a necro in 1v1.
Four. If it was NOT 1v1 and you were feared or stunned by say a warrior. Then again. Use a stun break and GTFO. I have to assume you were 1v2ing in this situation. Which means you died due to the coordination of your enemies and your failure to bring something to stop it. That and you were probably distracted by something and failed to notice the giant green thing pointing menacingly at you.
Five. If you were in the middle of a team fight and this happened. Then the enemy team in that engagement did the right thing. And your team did not. No one attempting to peel for you. No one attempted to interfere with the necro in any way. As it takes very little to shut one down. Hell simply putting weakness on it is enough to make its damage MUCH less concerning. Meaning your team got outplayed.
Edit: I will not say that lich form isn’t strong. It deserves to be. it is after all an elite that puts a HEAVY risk on the user. Giving up all resistance to soft CC except for LF #5. Making you a giant target. Preventing you from using your heal. And if the enemy has a boon stripper turning you into a giant glowing pinata. It DESERVES the sheer amount of damage it does. As does the necro that uses it as it has probably invested HEAVILY into the damage its doing to you.
(edited by Shadelang.3012)
Lich form has its time and place. It’s really strong popped midfight at a point where if you run or try to hide from the projectiles you lose the point. Out in the open I just hit Rush and am out of range before the necro can say “Wut?”
Yeah you can also immobilize the lich then walk behind or beside it as the lich cannot turn while shooting auto attacks.
Warrior will have hard time against lich that’s for sure for the lack of having not much access to dodge, block, blind, invisible, and no boon strip so not cc able.
the best way is to run away, if you can not, what i would try to survive is to stay melee range and keep getting back of him so hes projectile will be less likely to be executed if hes not that experienced. also apply weakness if you have wh or ham
Yeah you can also immobilize the lich then walk behind or beside it as the lich cannot turn while shooting auto attacks.
Not that it really matters, since Lich Form auto attacks don’t require facing.
That said, since you can strafe the Lich Form attacks to avoid them, it doesn’t take much in the way of builds to deal with it. In that combat log, you were being hit by two enemies (a Warrior and a Necro), so you would have had a more difficult time. In the future, if that happens again, do whatever is in your power to avoid the Lich attacks, as they will hurt more. This is not easy, especially if your other foe has a stun/fear/immobilize.
(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
Like someone else said,immobi and get behind him,run in circles evade alot..Pop ep whatever…Lich hits hard but there are enough ways to deal with it.ANd ifyou Really can’t handle it for e.g fighting someone else,nec joins and pops lich…Just get out of there and wait for lich to end.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Huh? Sure it’s a cooldown like rampage, but 6-7k as a spammable. Nasty!
Only if you stand still and let them hit you. Seems its what most people do.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
It is an incredibly powerful skill, a long range autoattack that pierces and can two shot some builds. If you use it at the right time you can take out the entire enemy team in a team fight. Life blast is no joke either….
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
Fresh air isn’t rare. Maybe on EU it is, but that’s because EU is more conservative and less experimental with builds.
It’s one of the skill that is out of balance by at least 15%.
They would rather nerf the ele with his hard to land churning earth.
It’s an ELITE……It is suppose to be ELITE. That is what you will be told by devs. It already got massively nerfed and is easily counter-able. If you get Moa’d you might as well be one shot too…. Different class elites serve their purpose to go well together. Some are more CC based and some are more damage based. You can counter them all. They can also ALL be detrimental in a fight where the enemy isn’t paying attention.
#1 Player Comoros
Change entire concept of Power Necro to be more viable, then we talk.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
It’s an ELITE……It is suppose to be ELITE. That is what you will be told by devs. It already got massively nerfed and is easily counter-able. If you get Moa’d you might as well be one shot too…. Different class elites serve their purpose to go well together. Some are more CC based and some are more damage based. You can counter them all. They can also ALL be detrimental in a fight where the enemy isn’t paying attention.
Oh it is an ELITE skill….. Tell that to mortar, tornado, gliph of elementals, rampage, tomes, and all the other weak as hell elite skills… I dont see other elites having such a high impact in a fight. The few things that are on the same lvl as lich in changing a 1v1 fight are supply crate, thieves guild and a few others. People saying that the best strategy is run away and line of sight for 20s is already a good indicative of how it is strong.
How do you propose nerfing it then since everyone acknowledges it’s strong. Unless we want to continue this ’it’s too strong—it should be’ circlejerk?
Lol you going to bring those Elites in? Then why don’t we bring plague form elite in…even more useless. Rampage is OP..just because you don’t use it or see it as often doesn’t mean it isn’t. People choose crate for the stun & so they can still use their regular skills. Rampage has an AOE stun that is even better & more CC. Gliph is OP as hell for a zerker build. Just because you are cele, that’s their problem. Gliph hits just as hard as lich.
You don’t even need to LOS the lich…just boon strip it and CC and the whole thing is useless. Or you can just Moa it… Can’t tell me you don’t have a thief, mesmer or necro on your team that can all boon strip (and there are more classes too). All you need to do is get rid of the Stab and it’s GG for the guy in Lich form.
#1 Player Comoros
It’s an ELITE……It is suppose to be ELITE. That is what you will be told by devs. It already got massively nerfed and is easily counter-able. If you get Moa’d you might as well be one shot too…. Different class elites serve their purpose to go well together. Some are more CC based and some are more damage based. You can counter them all. They can also ALL be detrimental in a fight where the enemy isn’t paying attention.
Oh it is an ELITE skill….. Tell that to mortar, tornado, gliph of elementals, rampage, tomes, and all the other weak as hell elite skills… I dont see other elites having such a high impact in a fight. The few things that are on the same lvl as lich in changing a 1v1 fight are supply crate, thieves guild and a few others. People saying that the best strategy is run away and line of sight for 20s is already a good indicative of how it is strong.
Stand underneath the kittening lich. Jesus Christ whoever said you don’t need to be facing an opponent to spam lich 1 I’d kittening wrong. If your opponent is constantly moving underneath you you cannot spam 1. Yes you can use the marks. that’s about it. Considering this is almost all a power necro is good for I find it laughable anyone is crying about lich 1.
Literally so many way to shut down A lich people get kitten when it actually works. Guess what? It should kittening work sometimes.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
It’s an ELITE……It is suppose to be ELITE. That is what you will be told by devs. It already got massively nerfed and is easily counter-able. If you get Moa’d you might as well be one shot too…. Different class elites serve their purpose to go well together. Some are more CC based and some are more damage based. You can counter them all. They can also ALL be detrimental in a fight where the enemy isn’t paying attention.
Oh it is an ELITE skill….. Tell that to mortar, tornado, gliph of elementals, rampage, tomes, and all the other weak as hell elite skills… I dont see other elites having such a high impact in a fight. The few things that are on the same lvl as lich in changing a 1v1 fight are supply crate, thieves guild and a few others. People saying that the best strategy is run away and line of sight for 20s is already a good indicative of how it is strong.
Lich is good against:
-people who don’t notice the giant green demon
-people without cooldowns
-uncoordnated teams
Here are some crazy obvious strategies for you:
-blind, block, or reflect
-focus the power necro at all times
-strip or corrupt the stability and make the biggest greenest beach ball in GW2.
Plenty of players counter lich successfully in every match I’ve ever used it in. It’s only strong situationally. This is no different than complaining about a ranger at 1500 range or how effective bunker guardians are. It’s the strength of that spec.
i just want power necros to have a unique skill combination to get there damage out, 11111111111 for days seems cheap, on my engineer (no meta) it involves quite a few clicks and decent timing and having a power necro run in with its ds or lich and just 1111111ing me to death just feels cheap and nasty, essentially im okay with the damage but im much rather be like “o nice that necro just did this this and this and wreaked me with it” rather then “o great he really showed me how skillful he was with that auto”, now i know that you notice a good power necro because of how well he utilizes his ds and other such things but i doubt itll be hard for a good necro to use good timing and skill combinations to pull off something amazing.
If our other buttons did something useful we wouldn’t complain.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Steal -> Use stolen skill -> profit.
Edit: I had a power necro constantly trying to 1v1 me the entire match. I used the exact same tactic to waste his Lich every single time. He kept coming back and literally was the reason his team lost that match!
2nd edit: typo. Thanks adozu. :p
(edited by Geiir.7603)
Whether or not Lich can be countered is besides the point. Lich, Rampage, and some other stuff are cheap mechanics.
Whether or not Lich can be countered is besides the point. Lich, Rampage, and some other stuff are cheap mechanics.
You could say the same about stealth, illusions, turrets, fresh air, ranger longbow 2 and meditations.
Every class is OP!
Whether or not Lich can be countered is besides the point. Lich, Rampage, and some other stuff are cheap mechanics.
Yes, but you could so that the majority of classes has an elite that’s a “cheap” mechanic…
Lich Form, Supply Crate, Moa, Battle Standard, Entangle, Tornado…
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Moa form and Supply crate are auto win buttons as well. There are even less counters to moa form than there is to lich form.
But as Drarnor explained, you can simply avoid the attacks by LoS and strafing. Countering Lich form isn’t difficult. And you aren’t forced to run cele engi, cele ele, shoutbow, or d/p thief (apparently this is the current meta according to There are plenty of builds that provide counters to lich.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
It’s called “strafing”. Lich Form attacks are slow and non-homing. You can avoid 100% of them without using a skill or a dodge roll.
And walking away is a tactic people should really use more often in Conquest. When your options are “leave until nasty skill is done” and “get killed by nasty skill,” I see too many people choose the later. In both cases, your opponent with the nasty skill will have the point, but in one case, they also kill you and get the score from that.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
Fresh air isn’t rare. Maybe on EU it is, but that’s because EU is more conservative and less experimental with builds.
Are you high? Did you get EU and NA mixed up? Fresh air is incredibly common on EU, where do you people even come up with this stuff? Mars?
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
Fresh air isn’t rare. Maybe on EU it is, but that’s because EU is more conservative and less experimental with builds.
Are you high? Did you get EU and NA mixed up? Fresh air is incredibly common on EU, where do you people even come up with this stuff? Mars?
I’ve play on both. Fresh Air on EU is not that common and rather common on NA. Keep on with the stupid statements and questions.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
Fresh air isn’t rare. Maybe on EU it is, but that’s because EU is more conservative and less experimental with builds.
Are you high? Did you get EU and NA mixed up? Fresh air is incredibly common on EU, where do you people even come up with this stuff? Mars?
I’ve play on both. Fresh Air on EU is not that common and rather common on NA. Keep on with the stupid statements and questions.
I have accounts on both. You have no clue what you’re talking about. Sorry.
YEP deathly claws and lich form are so OP that’s why you see so many teams running power necros… oh wait. This is a massive L2P issue. As others have said there are numerous ways for every single class to deal with lich form. In all honestly if you die to a power necro on any of the meta builds its cause you got outplayed. The build has no burst, and eats cc like its a job.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
YEP deathly claws and lich form are so OP that’s why you see so many teams running power necros… oh wait. This is a massive L2P issue. As others have said there are numerous ways for every single class to deal with lich form. In all honestly if you die to a power necro on any of the meta builds its cause you got outplayed. The build has no burst, and eats cc like its a job.
Except lich form (Correct me if I’m wrong) grants stability, that not everyone can remove. Necro’s also have the potential to get upwards of 50k+ Hp through the use of death shroud and lich form, soo.. Yeah, necro’s aren’t in the greatest of spots, they’re certainly not unviable, the reason there are no power builds is because the fear/condition necro is simply that much stronger and still has insane pressure.
Still doesn’t change the fact that whether it’s an Elite or not, having a 7k damage auto attack that can be cast from range with no cooldown is stupidly OP, where’s my tome for my guardian that constantly crits 7k and is an auto attack?
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
YEP deathly claws and lich form are so OP that’s why you see so many teams running power necros… oh wait. This is a massive L2P issue. As others have said there are numerous ways for every single class to deal with lich form. In all honestly if you die to a power necro on any of the meta builds its cause you got outplayed. The build has no burst, and eats cc like its a job.
Except lich form (Correct me if I’m wrong) grants stability, that not everyone can remove. Necro’s also have the potential to get upwards of 50k+ Hp through the use of death shroud and lich form, soo.. Yeah, necro’s aren’t in the greatest of spots, they’re certainly not unviable, the reason there are no power builds is because the fear/condition necro is simply that much stronger and still has insane pressure.
Still doesn’t change the fact that whether it’s an Elite or not, having a 7k damage auto attack that can be cast from range with no cooldown is stupidly OP, where’s my tome for my guardian that constantly crits 7k and is an auto attack?
Tome of Wrath can do that, IIRC. Granted, the damage is split between the Burning and direct damage. You don’t see people doing that because the Stability requires 4 points in Virtues instead of a traitline that gives damage, so those hits are either unreliable (no stability) or weaker.
And Renewed Focus is just great all the time.
(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)
YEP deathly claws and lich form are so OP that’s why you see so many teams running power necros… oh wait. This is a massive L2P issue. As others have said there are numerous ways for every single class to deal with lich form. In all honestly if you die to a power necro on any of the meta builds its cause you got outplayed. The build has no burst, and eats cc like its a job.
Except lich form (Correct me if I’m wrong) grants stability, that not everyone can remove. Necro’s also have the potential to get upwards of 50k+ Hp through the use of death shroud and lich form, soo.. Yeah, necro’s aren’t in the greatest of spots, they’re certainly not unviable, the reason there are no power builds is because the fear/condition necro is simply that much stronger and still has insane pressure.
Still doesn’t change the fact that whether it’s an Elite or not, having a 7k damage auto attack that can be cast from range with no cooldown is stupidly OP, where’s my tome for my guardian that constantly crits 7k and is an auto attack?
Tome of Wrath can do that, IIRC. Granted, the damage is split between the Burning and direct damage. You don’t see people doing that because the Stability requires 4 points in Virtues instead of a traitline that gives damage, so those hits are either unreliable (no stability) or weaker.
And Renewed Focus is just great all the time.
Well, thanks for informing me of these, i wasn’t aware it was capable of doing that much damage, may have to try it out now, even if it garbage, might be a bit of fun.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
We are in a sustain meta so skills like lich form, moa, spirit of nature – are all out of favor due to their long cool downs.
You’re not going to see it in a high end match, but it will annoy the hell out of you in unranked/hotjoin.
Expect this to be the way it is until cele amulet is nerfed.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
i just want power necros to have a unique skill combination to get there damage out, 11111111111 for days seems cheap, on my engineer (no meta) it involves quite a few clicks and decent timing and having a power necro run in with its ds or lich and just 1111111ing me to death just feels cheap and nasty, essentially im okay with the damage but im much rather be like “o nice that necro just did this this and this and wreaked me with it” rather then “o great he really showed me how skillful he was with that auto”, now i know that you notice a good power necro because of how well he utilizes his ds and other such things but i doubt itll be hard for a good necro to use good timing and skill combinations to pull off something amazing.
Try playing Power at any decent level. Spamming Life Blast is probably the worst tactic Necro can do against competent opponents.
If you want to see how Power Necro is meant to be played, you can message me in-game. You’d be surprised about the complexity of timing and thinking involved.
I would say, you have to have much better game knowledge, awarness and fast thinking with Power Necro than for example, an Engineer. It’s all pro-active.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Lol you going to bring those Elites in? Then why don’t we bring plague form elite in…even more useless. Rampage is OP..just because you don’t use it or see it as often doesn’t mean it isn’t. People choose crate for the stun & so they can still use their regular skills. Rampage has an AOE stun that is even better & more CC. Gliph is OP as hell for a zerker build. Just because you are cele, that’s their problem. Gliph hits just as hard as lich.
You don’t even need to LOS the lich…just boon strip it and CC and the whole thing is useless. Or you can just Moa it… Can’t tell me you don’t have a thief, mesmer or necro on your team that can all boon strip (and there are more classes too). All you need to do is get rid of the Stab and it’s GG for the guy in Lich form.
Just bring a knife to a gun fight via Thief and have them steal then fear the piñata.
I’m all for improving Necro viability, and nerfing this skill would plain wrong. Sure, it’s a skill that would make even the worst Necro shine (and sometimes I even get mad a lot when I die to a Lich Necro), but still, I think it’s needed.
Not every class can spam immunes dodges or blinds for 20s. I agree that lich form is too strong right now. Compared with all the other transformation skill like tornado, rampage, tomes, etc it is op. They should reduce the direct dmg of spamming 1 and make people use more the other 4 skills. The cooldown could also be reduced it spamming 1 was not so broken.
Last I checked, every class can walk indefinitely, which is all that’s necessary to avoid Lich Form attacks.
Other options include using Line of Sight, throwing up a reflect (2-3 reflected shots will down the Necro himself), boon strip and CCing the glowing pinata… It is very much counterable. Two of the methods are even usable regardless of your build.
From the current meta how many are running reflects? Mesmer a short duration one and who else? Walk away is not a really “counter” in conquest mode. How many have boon strips? only 3 out of 8 professions.
Of course power necros overall are not op but Lich form is broken. Too much rewarding for spamming 1. Imagine if elementalists had a skill like that as elite.
Fresh air ele wrecks lich form. Earth4 reflects the lich’s projectiles, air4 destroys them in an aoe, and earth5 destroys them if they hit you. Fresh air ele may not be in the meta at the top-top level, but it’s still viable in most games where you’re going to see a power necro.
Regarding some of the other posts — the lich can autoattack even if he’s not facing you, so running behind him and/or immobilizing him will do nothing. I can go lich form, start running away from you while hitting 1, and my attacks will fly backwards through my body and hit you.
I think if you’re far enough away from the lich, you can juke the attacks by shuffling left and right. I recall the juking only working at range, although I might be wrong about this.
Also, since you brought up mesmer, the easy counter for mesmers is to just moa the lich.
Fresh ele? When was the last time you saw one? Basically almost all the ele playerbase is celestial d/d or celestial staff. He can dodge moa, the mesmer has 1 shot. The lich has 20s of spamming 1.
Fresh air isn’t rare. Maybe on EU it is, but that’s because EU is more conservative and less experimental with builds.
It might be shifting a bit now in EU, after the influx of new players from the sale and the recent balance patch. I’ve seen all sorts of “non-meta” builds running around unranked the last two weeks. GS warriors, rifle warriors, fresh air eles (8/10 eles I saw the day after the patch ran this for some reason), shout regen rangers, p/d condi thieves and condi mesmers, to name a few. Naturally most aren’t being as effective, and some are just downright useless, as their meta build counterparts, but at least it’s a change of pace for a bit.
I will say that I think Lich Form is an awful elite in principle because its entire value is in spamming 1. I think it’d be a much more interesting elite if the 1 were weaker and the other 4 skills much stronger so that the proper rotation involved some brainpower and positioning instead of what we have now. That’s my two cents.
i just want power necros to have a unique skill combination to get there damage out, 11111111111 for days seems cheap, on my engineer (no meta) it involves quite a few clicks and decent timing and having a power necro run in with its ds or lich and just 1111111ing me to death just feels cheap and nasty, essentially im okay with the damage but im much rather be like “o nice that necro just did this this and this and wreaked me with it” rather then “o great he really showed me how skillful he was with that auto”, now i know that you notice a good power necro because of how well he utilizes his ds and other such things but i doubt itll be hard for a good necro to use good timing and skill combinations to pull off something amazing.
Try playing Power at any decent level. Spamming Life Blast is probably the worst tactic Necro can do against competent opponents.
If you want to see how Power Necro is meant to be played, you can message me in-game
. You’d be surprised about the complexity of timing and thinking involved.
I would say, you have to have much better game knowledge, awarness and fast thinking with Power Necro than for example, an Engineer. It’s all pro-active.
let me rephrase you notice a good power necro because of how he uses his utility but id rather see more of there damage output(not to be confused with utility) coming from skill combos and taking advantage of situations and not mainly there auto attack, also thank you for assuming i play some multikit condi or hybrid engineer that uses toolkit and elixir S, it was really nice of you to make a direct comparison of power necro to what you assume is an engineer.