Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Godzilla.2847


PvP with control points and layers upon layers of objectives are for 5 player teams that eat, sleep and breath in unison 24/7. Most of us aren’t like that, though. I can’t coordinate my life with 4 other people to the point of being competitively viable; it’s not an option for me or the vast majority of people who play this game.

Now the solution is simple; competitive 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 death-match style PvP. No awkward levels of communication or symbiosis required when the only objective is to kill the other team; a PuG full of talented players can easily compete with some hive-mind of unemployed robots. Hell, I like my odds of at least competing even if my team-mates are nothing more than distraction and fodder.

It’s FUN and since the rewards for progression are purely cosmetic I don’t even care if it’s all that balanced, so ANET can focus on it’s e-sport team dreams without worrying about 1v1 balance.

(edited by Godzilla.2847)

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Nawal.5729


Totally agree, 90% of players need 2v2 and 3v3 small maps deathmatch with ranking system + solo/group que.

I myself, no longer play the game, because i can’t get 5 players on my skill level, and i’m looking for better mmo where i can earn high rank with my 1 or 2 friends, considering buying wow MoP, but now it’s too bursty and unbalanced. GW2 pvp is much much better but because lack of arena there is no option for me to play.

There will be no responses to this thread because players like us gave up, moved to another games, they are no longer interested in the game and not reading forums.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Godzilla.2847


Competitive PvP you can solo-queue for is why I’m anxiously awaiting the SC2 expansion, but I’d love is JUST ONE MMORPG could get it right.

The combat in this game is a lot of fun to and it’s a shame that the ridiculous co-op requirements for competitive play make it pointless for most of the people who want to do it.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’d rather do hardcore 3v3 with teammates than Conquest any day.

There is still ALOT of strategy, and on the fly strategy that is just addicting, although that depends on how small the TTK is….

And really, conquest is just boring. If they want to stay away from just normal deathmatch for Esports then they need something with more depth and will have more varied play than Conquest.

But god this game desperately needs a competitive solo queue.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: dimyzuka.7051


yea this game needs 3vs3 deathmatch.

its too hard to organize 5 ppl with the same skill level/dedication to be online at the same time. everyone i know has gone back to wow arena, and i probably will too soon if something doesn’t happen.

and this game needs a dueling system aswell.

+1 for dueling in the mists.
+1 for 3v3 or 2v2 deathmatch

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


It’s a great idea to choose a single game mode to focus on and balance around… assuming you choose the right one.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


deathmatches are boring IMO requiring no thinking or strategy, just smashing your face into the keyboard as fast as you can with whichever fotm class is doing the most dmg with the least amount of risk /yawn

if there were any way to make it interesting though it would be to have a 2v2v2 or a 3v3v3 or maybe even take it up to a 4 team map. maybe even put it inside of a maze. that actually could be pretty wild no that I think of it…

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Zardar.7508


What can i say,i dropped sPvP a long time ago cause it aint good,just bursty zergie overcrowded cages and i cant find a team because all my friends quit,know why?The same as above ‘’it aint good’‘!People on this thread say it right,2v2,3v3 deathmatch is mush greater,but more great(almost heaven) would be 1v1.Just add some special rewards,hero system(like a commander title or global chat 1min cd)for the person who’s best at pvp solo for very class or anything else u can come up with.As far as i know this civilization is based on 1v1,we all deepheart want to be the best,human nature,cant supress it,even in mmosThat’s the only way to do it right Anet.1v1 and 2v2,3v3!It’s not hard.

If i hear someone sayin that 1v1 or the rest are not cool and not fun,then…I wont say it here cause i ll get banned for onother time about referring to 1v1,but you all know what the rest of this sentence is…. (nothin about bad words but skills)…

Cheers and give us hell Anet

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: SerratedOcean.7398


Yes I vouch for this 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, hell 2v2v2 or 3v3v3 just like the other poster said. I have chose not tPVP since I can’t commit that kind of time nor I can find a team that just does it casually. I’ve Been there and done that with another game it isn’t viable with my 8 hours work day schedule. I like to able to play my games and able to jump in and jump out yet feel like I have a bit of progress.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Godzilla.2847


1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 can absolutely be challenging and competitive. I can’t think of an single class that’s impossible to beat 1v1, and the opportunity to fight 1v1 more frequently than just getting randomly ganked in WvW will give you tons of opportunities to flush out weaknesses in popular builds.

The current game PvP is built around isn’t very good to casual players, and only really requires skill when the 5% that can REALLY participate face each other. 95% of structured PvP now is just unorganized teams flailing at each-other and getting crushed by the few teams that can make a system like this work. That’s NOT good competitive PvP.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: jazx.7319


totally agree with ts

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: KnarleyMarley.6937


This is an issue in every single game where there are objectives, and it always will be. The good news is that anyone who’s even remotely game aware or gaming oriented is starting to pick up on this.

We all know the frustration tho, I’m always the one actually typing kitten out in team chat, trying to co-ordinate kitten, trying to encourage fighting on points not roads etc… calling inc’s etc… But you do get those players who get it, you get some fantastic randoms that restore your faith in the human race.

Anyways, the solution for now. Just start typing up your ’LF’s’ to put out in map chat in the mists. It’s not hard at all to get a group pre-organized and even if they’re kitten, it really is so much more bearable being in a group that has already started on the premise of working together towards objectives. Even if they’re horrible pvp solo players, you actually working as a group is usually enough to beat the zerg regardless of player skill.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Calia.1348


Agreed. Lots of people stopped playing and are waiting for deathmatches. Right now PvP requires too much time for most people to play. Solo queues take the ’i’m appointed with a team i have to play at this time’ thing from ppl’s lives – and that’s the most awesome thing in it. The game is supposed to be an entertainment not something scheduled like work or sth.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Ammandril.9150


Agreed so hardly. I also won’t pay my life(school, friends, family, sleep) to play for 4-5 hours every day… That’s just impossible and it throws away competitive players with life(yes ANet, those really exist!).

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


Need solo-only queues (with ranked matchmaking). The concept that Team vs PUG stomping isn’t fun is actually quite easy to grasp….

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: dimyzuka.7051


*+dueling in mists
*+3vs3 or 2vs2 rated deathmatch arena
*nerf guardians, staff eles,thieves and mesmer portal(i play a mesmer)
*reduce paid ticket prices and/or make it 4 team tournys.

+1 for dueling in the mists.
+1 for 3v3 or 2v2 deathmatch

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


You are SO right! This would work out as the arenas in World of Warcraft, for example. What a good idea. They could get dueling in the mists instead of 1v1 though, just like dimyzuka said.

all is vain

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Stop trying to fix an idea that isn’t broken, How do you expect the competitive scene to grow when new players need to find 4 other players and then endure loss after loss after loss just to enter the competitive scene.

The only reason arenas in WoW aren’t Great is because of the stupid 45min games due to healers, Luckily GW2 have removed healers and 2v2 / 3v3 DM arenas would be absolutely amazing and EASY for new players to try out.

I truly am confused as to why Arena Net refuse to implement the BEST competitive PvP mode into their game, it’s easier and more interesting to watch, it’s easy to learn and anyone can grab a friend or two and start practising.

Please get over your pride or whatever it is which is stopping you implementing 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch arenas, Who cares if it’s in WoW, It is a better idea and a more suitable mode for an mmorpg. You are making it FAR too complicated for GW2 to become an e sport, there are already hundreds of proffesion line ups, don’t make 5v5 domination on a large map and expect it to develop into an e sport, It is WAY to hard for new players to pick up and EXTREMELY hard for a team to master.

TL:DR, GW2 has no hope of becoming a successful e sport if 5v5 domination on various large maps is the only competitive format, Just implement 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch already and watch what happens…

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


? 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch modes in a small arena are :

- Quick (Games will only last for 1-10 minutes)
- Easy to organise (grab a friend or two or solo que)
- Simple to understand (kill the other team)
- Fun to watch (Small map, high action, easily recognisable objective…)
- Competitive (Thousands of profession combo’s for players to invent)

There are a lot of players out there who simply don’t have the time to become competitive in the current 5v5 domination game mode (with various other ways of getting points on different maps…), Not only is it very hard to learn what is best to do, the matches are long and very hard for the average player to practice.

There are already tons of different ways players can play their profession, PvP doesn’t need to be any more complicated.

Short 5 minute deathmatches with 1 or 2 other players will still create an interesting competitive scene with a lot of different proffesion line ups which are specialised differently.

Tournaments will be more viable when you can have best of 3/5/7 matches between teams which will last less than 30mins each, I can easily see 32 teams completing an elimination tournament in less than 3 hours, I’m concerned that not all players have the free time to compete in tournaments which are too time consuming, a game such as SC2 is different because the games last roughly 20 minutes, BUT it is 2 people playing, not 10 people all on at the same time.

Please add a 2v2 / 3v3 Deathmatch mode in a small arena map/s, The reason my friends and i stopped playing this game was because it was far too hard to participate in end game PvP. You don’t even have to add a rating system if it’s too much effort, just let us players play with our friends in a simple short and fun game mode

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Ziddy.2583


Is there even a point to playing a tank in a deathmatch? How many deathmatch threads need to be made everyday?

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Agreed, 3v3 deathmatch would be awesome

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Lavexis.5360


100 % agreed with this.
IMO if they use dm instead of conquest when they release the game i think more people would’ve stayed.. conquest is just too complicated and too dependant on team mate.

1v1 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 dm is way more fun to watch than 5 v 5 or 8 v 8 conquest. I’m pretty sure that the spvp community will grow if they add dm to the game.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Chakuna.6325


I couldn’t agree more; give us Deathmatch with no Downed state.

GW2 tPvP is like playing Domination on Call of Duty with everyone running around in Juggernaut suits with Second Chance on.

ikr, perfect analogy.

I’m trying to go back, but I’m still here.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Derpastan.8269


Please just add one simple small arena map with maybe 1 or 2 objects to line of sight behind.

And then make a way we can que with a friend or 2 against opponents (or solo que), It doesn’t need rating, It doesn’t need a rewards system. It doesn’t matter if it isn’t a finished feature, (lets be honest GW2 is still in beta) Just give us something to do in terms of pvp which is fun..

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


1v1 with matchmaking would be the best way for players to get better, and developers to balance the game. Developers could gather basic statistics such as win/loss ratios between 1v1 profession fights, but also much deeper stats such as which abilities were the most used and how much they contributed to total damage, making it a lot easier to cross-balance. Also, imagine if the game was known for providing near 50/50 win ratio, you would know that any player that beats you actually really outplayed you rather than carried by his chosen profession.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Deathmatch is alot more fun….. and I cant understand why they have no dueling.

Deathmatch must be added and quickly I like the game but am finding fewer and fewer friends playing they are sick of spvp and tpvp just like I am.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


1v1 with matchmaking would be the best way for players to get better, and developers to balance the game. Developers could gather basic statistics such as win/loss ratios between 1v1 profession fights, but also much deeper stats such as which abilities were the most used and how much they contributed to total damage, making it a lot easier to cross-balance. Also, imagine if the game was known for providing near 50/50 win ratio, you would know that any player that beats you actually really outplayed you rather than carried by his chosen profession.

Except this game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s, as its a team game and a large number of abilities are team-based.

What happens when a guardian bunker and staff ele get matched up in the 1v1? Fun times.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


1v1 with matchmaking would be the best way for players to get better, and developers to balance the game. Developers could gather basic statistics such as win/loss ratios between 1v1 profession fights, but also much deeper stats such as which abilities were the most used and how much they contributed to total damage, making it a lot easier to cross-balance. Also, imagine if the game was known for providing near 50/50 win ratio, you would know that any player that beats you actually really outplayed you rather than carried by his chosen profession.

Except this game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s, as its a team game and a large number of abilities are team-based.

What happens when a guardian bunker and staff ele get matched up in the 1v1? Fun times.

Simple have a time limit on the match. But in reality anyone going into a 1v1 with a bunker build is not going to win ever against an equal opponent since they simply do not have the damage.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: miracle.4216


I’m sick and tired of devs ignoring this topic as it’s obviously an issue that needs to be addressed. TDM should have been released with this game at launch like it was with GW1. There is NO excuse. Conquest should have been left for a much later expansion (although there is no need for it in this game at ALL). No one I know enjoys conquest. Conquest is NOT “PvP”. They need to STOP spending time on this.

That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing 4v4 TDM like in GW1 or 5v5.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


1v1 with matchmaking would be the best way for players to get better, and developers to balance the game. Developers could gather basic statistics such as win/loss ratios between 1v1 profession fights, but also much deeper stats such as which abilities were the most used and how much they contributed to total damage, making it a lot easier to cross-balance. Also, imagine if the game was known for providing near 50/50 win ratio, you would know that any player that beats you actually really outplayed you rather than carried by his chosen profession.

Except this game isn’t balanced around 1v1’s, as its a team game and a large number of abilities are team-based.

What happens when a guardian bunker and staff ele get matched up in the 1v1? Fun times.

If competitive 1v1 was implemented, you could use statistics to cross balance professions and builds. I actually can’t think of a more reliable way to build an almost perfectly balanced game. If you have stats and could continuously tweak stuff based on stats rather than experience and/or feedback, you would end up with a game balanced on numbers and you cannot discredit numbers. Also, if all players are of equal value then when you scale this up into a team, there would be far less variables to balance. Balance should always be attained on the smallest entity possible before scaling up, because you want to stabilize the variables you have before integrating new ones.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


You never answered my question. What happens when two bunker builds meet each other? No one will die or can win….What useful statics is Anet getting exactly?

And why should things be balanced on the smallest entity possible first? Its a team game, and thus should be orientated around that.

Imagine if League of Legends had competitive 1v1….how useless would those statistics be when so much of the characters skills are based around being in a team, whereas some are based around 1v1 situations…

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Jake.8639


100% agree with OP.

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


I’ve been playing 5v5 hotjoin for a while, and it has blown me away. It’s allowed me to build my elementalist a little more glassy and its just unbelievably fun with all these duels and 2v2+3v3’s. The latest bugfixes and various range/velocity increases make my chars play and feel much smoother. I want to commend you guys for listening and putting in these 5v5’s and even though my ele got some hefty nerfs i’m still very happy with the patch overall.

I imagine these kind of fun matches in rapid succession, where positioning matters more because we arent forced to dance around a sombrero for points, with matchmaking and no leavers long before the match is decided, and i see this game being a crapton of fun indeed.

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


1v1 with matchmaking would be the best way for players to get better, and developers to balance the game. Developers could gather basic statistics such as win/loss ratios between 1v1 profession fights, but also much deeper stats such as which abilities were the most used and how much they contributed to total damage, making it a lot easier to cross-balance.

That doesnt really make sense. Certain abilities do damage in aoe, or provide healing or buffs in aoe. The stats would be totally screwed up if people start playing in bigger formats if you balance around 1v1. Balancing around bigger formats also keeps the classes different as it allows you to give them clear weaknesses and strengths which would probably suck in a 1v1 game. (example: bunker vs bunker argument above). Not to mention combo fields, we’ll probably see these used to much greater effect in competitive deathmatches and the whole system is obviously also balanced around teamfights.

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: Kultas Sunstrider.9218

Kultas Sunstrider.9218

agree, 3v3 deathmatch would be really really awesome. please anet, listen to us

Kultas / Thief / Desolation [EU]
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”

Deathmatch PvP for solo-queue players

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


That doesnt really make sense. Certain abilities do damage in aoe, or provide healing or buffs in aoe. The stats would be totally screwed up if people start playing in bigger formats if you balance around 1v1. Balancing around bigger formats also keeps the classes different as it allows you to give them clear weaknesses and strengths which would probably suck in a 1v1 game. (example: bunker vs bunker argument above). Not to mention combo fields, we’ll probably see these used to much greater effect in competitive deathmatches and the whole system is obviously also balanced around teamfights.

The AOE stuff doesn’t matter as professions would be balanced as individual entities first and only afterwards their AOE skills would be balanced for teamplay. It sounds like you enjoy the fact that MMOs are the typical rock, paper, scissors where one class doesn’t require as much skill to kill another. I don’t. That’s why I’d like to see better 1v1 focus in MMOs. Duels are an extremely popular feature that should be leveraged by MMOs.

As for bunker vs bunker… Bunkers are boring and don’t even fit with the original GW2 philosophy of offensive combat. Correcting this would go a long way to allow interesting fights between any builds.