Since Grouch closed the thread below and it seems as if Automated Response has been deemed the main culprit for why this build has been so problematic, I am going to repost this here, as I strongly feel it is a mistake. I was also editing my post back and forth as I wasn’t happy with the wording in my first draft(s).
Decap Engineer
Let’s try to identify what needs to be changed by actually looking at what makes the build so problematic:
1. It decaps nodes too quickly and thus gets around the whole concept of having to kill players who are actually controlling the map and defending their nodes in an adequate manner
2. It survives long enough to make it worthwhile in terms of net point gain
Now, as problematic as Automated Response is in itself, being able to survive for an extended amount of time is certainly nothing unique to the engineer class (other classes and builds can achieve similar levels of resilience against attackers), which is why you don’t see other classes circumvent the whole conquest mechanic and flip point generation in their favor almost at a whim.
The obvious answer to balancing the decap engineer build is to prevent it from decapping the node so much quicker than everyone else and as quickly as only they currently can.
How anyone would not see that as the first measure to be applied in order to rein in the build is beyond me.
Now guildwars 2 has opted for a system where CC has no diminishing returns. If I had a say in it, this would change immediately, because in my opinion there’s no room for prolonged CCs in a game as fast paced as guildwars 2. Especially since back to back CCs can very well hit you right as you used your stun break to break free out of the first, thus nullifying your stun break completely.
Since diminishing returns are probably not going to be considered, though, the next best option to address the issue at hand specifically would be to change the knockback and blowout skills, as node control is such an integral part of conquest.
The least intrusive suggestion I can come up with is to alter how knockbacks and blowouts work mechanically. These abilities are meant to push back foes, instead they act as a push back on top of a knockdown, making them clearly superior to knockdowns (a mechanic that is already present in this game) for no apparent reason.
TLDR: Blowouts and knockbacks should be changed to only push foes back without actually knocking them down as well, which is what allows this build to use abilities that keep the opponent off the node for an extended amount of time, because they are incapacitated.
Feel free to remove the thread, if you still think you have gathered enough feedback, however.