Decay and holiday
It does seem redundant to have both requirements. Ideally, should be one or the other. However, I think the also use decay to prevent the season from becoming a ghost town at the end.
The issue with using just a game limit for the season is that someone could play all their games in a couple weeks and just sit at the top of the leaderboard for the remainder.
The whole system needs some serious reform. Starting late in the season shouldn’t preclude you from a chance at a top leaderboard spot. If you can only play weekends, you shouldn’t have a decay rollercoaster. Is there any point in adding decay once you’ve reach the bottom of platinum (or if you’re below it)?
I would recommend the following:
- Remove temporary decay entirely.
- Cap the minimum games/season at 60 (4 weeks worth). For the first 3 weeks, it will be 15*(week number)
- In order to show up on the leaderboard and get end-of-season placement rewards, you must satisfy the current minimum season games and also have played 15 games in the last 7 days.
Changing the 3 day temporary decay to a weekly game total requirement gives more flexibility to when players participate. And it only affects people in leaderboard range. Lowering the season cap allows someone to start mid-season and still have a reasonable shot at the leaderboard. At the same time, it still forces top players to participate regularly.
Decay sets in with 3 days of being inactive and I think that is a little much. Maybe move it to like 7 days? A lot of things happen in life and people shouldn’t have to suffer too much for that. I also agree with Exedore, decay only effects people in D5/6. You still have the skill rating though for MMR really, so it’s kind of pointless if you’re not on the LB.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)
I agree. I had lags for ~3-5 days so i could not even use skills! This system dropped me from mid gold to mid silver. This system forces me to join ranked match and lost it for 4 people in my team. I think it is not fair to them. Also i plan to go on vacation soon. When i think about it i lose interest to play ranked at all.
Also i can understand why this system exists but for high ranks only. What the point to drop casual players from gold? Leave decay system for diamonds+.
I would recommend the following:
- Remove temporary decay entirely.
- Cap the minimum games/season at 60 (4 weeks worth). For the first 3 weeks, it will be 15*(week number)
- In order to show up on the leaderboard and get end-of-season placement rewards, you must satisfy the current minimum season games and also have played 15 games in the last 7 days.
That would not solve the problem, but it would soften it up a bit… though 15 games in the last week seem tough as well.
You’re all not really addressing the vacation-issue. Minimum games played does not affect that, it’s fine, but decay does.
I just do not understand why I should have to play on the very last days of the season to keep my placement on the leaderbord. I can’t react to other people playing and pass me by, okay, but getting bumped out of the leaderbord, because I played my matches earlier? Still seems totally unfair to me. After 120 matches, everybody should roughly be placed where he belongs. That’s what the PvP-season is about, isn’t it?