Define: Secondary Objectives in conquest map
I think controling nodes in spirit watch is still very important, still the map is unbalanced as they all are to some extent.
Should have orb timers just like Temple of the silent storm has with the buffs. Would increase teamfights no doubt, also it could give more than 30 points depending on the duration for the respawn. I don’t like the fact it’s up when you come out of the spawn with ele’s instantly getting it. If you play no ele you’re clearly in disadvantage of 30 points right at the start
Trebs: awesome
Orbs: awesome
Buffs: awesome
NPCS involved, i.e sharks, forest creatures, guild lords: meh
The guild lords in Legacy has potential. Make them insta-win and harder to bring down with some sort of revamping escorts and guards locations within the base but not to the point of annoying, impossible to do in a way that ignoring them will be pretty much a way better option to ensure a win.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I can’t appreciate Spirit watch so long as I have to walk on a bridge to chase the Guy I could’ve just teleported to if the map wasn’t broken.
That being said if you hold 2 caps, all you have to do is do some minor stalling to beat out the orb. So you don’t have to run it yourself or throw in a couple quick neuts on the third pt generally to crap all over their orb pts. If anything to me, Spirit watch is a bunker map, because having 2 guys able to hold pts, while you send others to either reinforce,neut or stall is quite effective, where in Temple you’ll want people moving around to pts, and Khylo the treb will bust bunker face.
If Foefire was insta-win, You’d start sending people to upkeep the lord leaving pts free for ghost-capping. Wot.
I agree on increase the orb capture time, It’s unreasonable short.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)