Definition of Insanity - Negative Posts

Definition of Insanity - Negative Posts

in PvP

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

This is technically not correct, but is a great quote I’ve heard over the last few years that I’ve noticed finally gets people to stop and think sometimes.

“To do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the definition of insanity.”

Honestly, I haven’t signed into GW2 for about 3 months, and it was almost 6 months that I had last signed in before that. I loved GW1. I mean, really LOVED IT. It was literally the best PvP experience I had ever had in any videogame. So I had high expectations for GW2 PvP. The truth is though, ArenaNet has every right to prioritize their focus where it will make them the most money. Believe it or not, because they are incorporated, they have a legal obligation to make as much money as possible for their shareholders. That’s how corporations work unfortunately, and will not change anytime soon. PvE and WvW content cater to a much larger player base then PvP does, and that will probably also not change any time soon.

So what am I getting at? To keep posting the same issues over and over is not getting you anywhere. It’s clearly not even a good outlet for venting frustration, as most of the same posters come back again and again, often with the same complaints.

So I invite you to do the following: Sum up your grievances here with one short, clear, and final post. Then if you really feel these issues are gamebreaking, it’s time to find a new game to satisfy your PvP cravings. Your complaints are clearly not changing the nature of the game, and are influencing other players in a negative capacity.

Again, I’m one of the players who already left, so I’m not trying to criticize you for being negative, I understand your woes painfully. I assure you there are other games out there, but you will never find the one you like if you keep playing one you’ve already decided against.

Arenanet forum employees: You may be tempted to flag or remove my post, but please think carefully before you do that. The forum rage has gotten pretty serious in the last 3-6 months, and it would probably be better off if you just let some of us angry posters gather here and then go, as opposed to censoring this post in the hopes we can all just pretend that everyone is happy and pretend the game is going in a direction it’s not. You make more money off of PvE content/players, that is fine, there’s nothing wrong with saying so. The only reason you have this many angry players is because you keep telling them their feelings are being addressed, when they’re not.

I’m telling you guys: Take a deep breath, let it go, and move on. Guild Wars 2 will never be Guild Wars 1. You will thank me later.

Definition of Insanity - Negative Posts

in PvP

Posted by: Charak.9761


Time vs. Skill vs. Reward

Definition of Insanity - Negative Posts

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I do agree that if someone doesn’t enjoy a video game he’s playing just for fun, then there’s a logical disconnect. The entire purpose of video games is to have fun in your spare time, and if that’s not happening, forum posts probably will not change it.

I’d like to take your concept a step further. If someone has played several games over the past several years, and have ended up feeling frustrated, angry, or disillusioned about many of them, you may want to change something in the way you approach video games. If you’re not having fun doing what you do for fun, you need to change something about you.

I don’t think these forums have gotten more negative than they were, say, one year ago, or a year and a half ago. There was a nice thread in the general discussion a while back that analyzed several dozen threads at random from given time periods, and it suggested that in general the forums are happier now than they were a year ago.