Depressing solo q story

Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


I am sure everyone has had idiots in solo q and I’ve seen quite a few myself but this take the cake….
this is qq but it is understandable qq….

started out getting wiped 0-150.
They had a dc.
We came back 400-250
Then we got a dc and theirs came back… (karma I hate you…)
This is temple of silent storm… They got top buff and triple capped us at 495-400.
heres the bad part…

3 people on other team were down. For nearly 20 seconds NO ONE FROM MY TEAM attempted to stomp any of them. They got resses from 1 guy. (4v3 at bottom)

really? NO ONE even attempted the stomp that would of won us the game… but no they NEVER even attempted. We lost 500-495. I have lost any hope for people’s intelligence in this game.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


That’s a stare at the monitor and shake your head moment. The pain is seeping through the words sir

Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: salt and pepper.4738

salt and pepper.4738

since everyone leaves this game you will be matched with such sort of people more and more often. just deal with it. i lost my last 5 matches vs the same top 200 team (in soloQ), even though my mates arenĀ“t even listed in the top1000. there are no people playing anymore and the mmr isn`t well made, so prepare to get those mates more often.

Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


My best solo-q story:

Was winning 450-250. One guy on team d/c. Another guy said “Im gonna afk now and facebook.” Third guy saw this nonsense and too raged. Ended with a loss. GG
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Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


Best moment some days ago:

about 10-20s before the match starts.
It almost looks like it could be a 5 vs 5 match as every player is already on the map.


On the enemy team, 1 player disappears (the match hasnt started, yet).
Second player on the enemy team curses in map chat and ragequites.
Then: the 1. player (the one who disappeared) appears again. Probably, he had a DC / switched profession.

So it ended up 4 vs 5…

Depressing solo q story

in PvP

Posted by: Nezia.8154


I would have spammed “STOOOOOOOOOOOMP” on team chat. LOL.
I’ve had teammates worse than that. T-T

If you close your mind to new information, you are not being a productive member of the society.
You are the useless log of flesh we have to drag behind us as we move forward.

(edited by Nezia.8154)