Football. Archery. Chess. Poker.
All tournament worthy.
Their differences show you what doesn’t matter.
Their similarities show you what do matter.
I’m going to tell you why Guild Wars 2 is not tournament worthy and how to change.
More specifically, how you need to think so you can change.
Archery is possibly the greatest example because you can clearly see how simple it is.
You can argue many concepts, like the archers paradox. I know.
However it’s awesome to see and truly comprehend why it’s tournament worthy.
In GW2, everyone and no one is equal, but in the bad way of both spectrums.
Everyone can choose any profession or build.
In choosing any profession or build you must do it preemptively.
It is a blind folded and soundless game of poker with only one round.
No one… Wants to play a blind folded, soundless, single round of poker.
Beyond a certain skill level, it is merely build vs build. Not player vs player.
Confronting a build where it is impossible to kill them.
Confronting a build where they can make 10 mistakes but you only maybe make 1.
In GW2, the skill ceiling is very reachable at low skill.
In all other tournament worthy games the skill ceiling is near infinite.
I’m not talking about player level.
I’m talking how far an individuals skill gets them.
The peak of which, on a single build.
In this game is very reachable at low skill.
…Assuming proper understanding exists.
In GW2, the separation between the skilled and those lesser is almost nonexistent.
The difference between a good player, and a ever so slightly better player…
If they are of different professions, unless the skill gap is extreme…
No one knows who’s better.
So how do you make a tournament worthy game?
Well… You may not like the answer.
Tell me what to do kitten!
Don’t you realize every first person shooter has been tournament worthy?!
Every single one… and with that, every single character was truly equal.
They don’t need to be visually the same or exactly the same mechanics.
…but they do need the exact same end potential in all aspects when against each other.
That is what truly makes something tournament worthy.
Again, they don’t need to be exactly the same. They can be their own little snowflake.
However you can’t, make one a screw driver and the other held together by screws.
You also can’t make one a screw driver and another a hammer.
Stop trying to make professions unrecognizably different.
I know every other MMORPG in the history of forever has done this…
…but if you want to be tournament worthy you cannot.
It’s why no other MMORPG has ever been tournament worthy.
You can’t force a game to be tournament worthy with hype.
It has to exist as.
Now to raise the skill bar you need more player on demand mechanics.
For example, get rid of the kitten 180CD 120CD 60CD we don’t have many skills!
Yes we have timings for them but half is in a combo with a very obvious timing!
I’m not saying to do the following but for you to understand…
Imagine a block with a recharging bar.
Hold down your key and it will deplete in 1 second.
Recharges slowly and get to full by like 20 seconds or whatever… Everyone has it.
This creates a highly skill based mechanic players can deeply benefit from by flicking.
Hitting it at exactly the right time before the damage lands. Let go immediately.
In the hands of the right player they can do crazy awesome stuff with it.
Rapid fires can be dealt with by interrupts.
These are just examples, I pulled these idea’s out my kitten.
Obviously many mechanics would need changed for this to be viable.(like 180CDs)
Of course actually implementing it isn’t my point either.
My point was to give an example of a skill based mechanic with a high ceiling.
Why do ranged attacks do the same damage as melee attacks?
Why do so many AOE attacks do more single target damage than single target attacks?
Why can a purely melee in full glass do less damage than all ranged with healing stats?
This is common sense stuff!!!!!
Doesn’t GW2 want to be tournament worthy?!
I’m deeply under the impression from all I’ve heard and been told that you do.
Deeply heed what I’ve said if you wish to be tournament worthy GW2 Developers.
Ask yourself what core, fundamental, mechanic based differences do you have from all other tournament games? What is ruining you?
1] The skill ceiling for everything is overly low.
2] Each profession/build has drastically different skill ceilings.
3] You’re a blindfolded soundless single round of poker on your builds vs builds.
4] Skill between players is not linear, it’s twisty and fluctuating and no one see’s it.