Did soldier amulet really need a change?

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Vinegaroon.4369


Now my guard is glass. I’m assuming that Paladin is supposed to take the place of soldier’s. So i lose thousands of hps and hundreds of toughness. Couldn’t just leave it alone, could you anet? Keep on trying to balance and you’re just making a mess. No one even knows what this game is about anymore, because it’s definitely not about guilds going to war.

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


It was a good choice to remove Soldier. Fighting other players that are too tanky is not fun (e.g. soldiers engi)

Why did you – as a guard – play soldiers in the first place? It was suboptimal for you.
Have fun with marauder or paladin.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Rainweaver.7302


It was a good choice to remove Soldier. Fighting other players that are too tanky is not fun (e.g. soldiers engi)

I recall there were only two functional Soldier builds: Rifle engineer and Minionmancer, and both only used it because of their access to might stacking.That’s definitely not a gamechanging amulet.

Sentinel was also only being abused by chronobunkers, which got a considerable nerf in this patch. No one else used Sentinel for competitive builds.

Both these amulets lack sustain and have clear trade-offs in terms of damge (save for HGH Rifle engi). It’s nowhere as problematic as Celestial that could have sustain, tankiness and damage on the same build.

These amulets were never the problem, very specific builds abusing of them were. So Anet decides to just outright remove them, rather than fix said builds. I thought the game was about build diversity?

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Brockolosso.8316


Bunker Mesmer used Soldiers too, and since they tried to remove Bunker Amulets soldiers had to die
deal with it

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


That’s definitely not a gamechanging amulet. It’s nowhere as problematic as […]
These amulets were never the problem, very specific builds abusing of them were

With the soldier amulet we are not talking about broken.

I’ll quote myself again:

Fighting other players that are too tanky is not fun

There is a difference between removing something because it is broken and removing something because it is not fun to play against. Still, both are legit reasons.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Because they don’t want to give players too much toughness and vitality with maximum power (damage).

It seems that they cap the combo of those stats to 560.

We will never see healing power, toughness, vitality with more than 560 stats on the same amulet.

Soldier amulet did gave some build awesome damage with too tanky stats. This was removing the Cleric amulet from the support roles.

But… Anet need to normalized HP because guard, thief and ele got shaft by the removal of vit and toughness ammy.

Then giving more scaling to healing power, because it’s lack luster more than before (removing settlers and celestial did cut the condi support build)

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: Rainweaver.7302


@Teutos: That’s a bit subjective, dont you think? I mean how many people actually have fun playing against condition builds? Shall we have Rabid, Carrion etc removed aswell?

Bunker Mesmer used Soldiers too, and since they tried to remove Bunker Amulets soldiers had to die
deal with it

One build abuses of it – Removes the amulet instead.

That’s as logical as removing Marauder because Scrapper is abusive with it, despite marauder being fine on pretty much any other build.

Did soldier amulet really need a change?

in PvP

Posted by: YuukiAsuna.3417


@Teutos: That’s a bit subjective, dont you think? I mean how many people actually have fun playing against condition builds? Shall we have Rabid, Carrion etc removed aswell?

Bunker Mesmer used Soldiers too, and since they tried to remove Bunker Amulets soldiers had to die
deal with it

One build abuses of it – Removes the amulet instead.

That’s as logical as removing Marauder because Scrapper is abusive with it, despite marauder being fine on pretty much any other build.

Welcome to the world of mesmers. Find something that works? Everything but the actual problem is nerfed.
Remember the time interrupt was “OP”? They nerfed power block but not the actual problem which was confounding suggestions. List can go on too.
The problem is Anet cannot balance. I don’t know why but it’s literally impossible for them to balance the game b