Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: BrandyBiscuits.2873


Okay guys heres the deal, i’ve been getting opinions lately from many people ( friends) on the classes that are good solo queue and team queue. I am aware that these questions might have been asked before, but i really need more opinions to decide on this.

With the upcoming september feature patch, i was wondering what would be a good classes to play, not just because its op (ahem mesmers), but something very stable in aiding solo and team queues.

Been losing a lot of solo queues lately so maybe a few tips could be shared, however the main point of this thread is for me to decide which class i should put time into practising.

Here are some characteristics of me to help choose a class,

1) I would like something mobile, enough to travel more than just swiftness.
2) A class that has potential in 70-80% 1v1’s, and is capable of aiding mid but not right smack in the middle tanking.
3) Hopefully can escape fights that are not meant to be.

Other specifications include:
I hate thief playing as and being up against one. ( No thief’s cause i find it hard to learn?)
Guardians are meh to me.
I hate playing turret engis/mm necro

Sigh the bottom line is, if you ignored everything i said, i just want a class that i can feel comfortable with. I know its my own opinion to choose but i would really love your opinions on this because it does help in a certain way so yeah, help!


Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: righteousness.6028


Sounds like you might want to try an ele.

1)High uptime on switness, signet of air, ride the lightning if you are d/d and lightning flash blink for mobility.

2) Can 1v1 any class usually and some classes dont have much of a chance against ele. At the same time the boon spam and aoe spam make staff or d/d ele great for mid fight parties.

3) Ride the lightning and vertical blink(lightning flash for disengage)

If you play ele for like a week or so you will kinda gain a muscle memory of the rotations an it will become fairly easy to be effective with the class. Hope that helped!

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Losing a lot of soloqueues isn’t really indicative of YOU. SoloQ is just to random to base anything on.

No one can suggest to you what you “would feel comfortable with”, as you mention. Only you can. Play everything, decide.

What I like playing, most do not. No, I am not some unique uber player, it’s just what I like playing. Why would I recommend that to you? Not only do many NOT play what I like, I doubt you would either.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


There’s no guarantee for what will be good after the next patch since all you’ll find here is a ton of speculation. I mean, before the last balance patch, many people were sure that S/D thieves would be dead…but we all know how that turned out.

To answer your question for right now, though, I would agree with Righteousness that ele is a good choice to fit what you outlined. However, if you had trouble with thief, this may have a harsh learning curve for you.

Bear in mind that any time you switch class, there will be a period where you will be learning and will most likely tank your rating. This will be especially true of eles since there are so many abilities and attunements to juggle.

Personally, I would suggest trying warrior. Partly because it’s so OP, it’s a class that does well in both team fights as well as solo. It’s also relatively mobile and is a lot easier to pick up than ele.

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


We can’t speculate what you’re comfortable with, really. Good suggestions here though.

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Here is a suggestion I could have made but failed to do so….


What I do is spectate, watch a class I am interested in trying a particular build or I am looking for something “different” than what I have played. I switch players, switch matches, servers, etc., til I find something. I check their playstyle. If it is something I think is interesting/good/whatever, I screenshot their traits, their gear choices, their choice in heal, utilities and elite.

Now I may never play it. But I have it all screenshotted in my library O screenshots if I decide to give it a test.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


High mobility, decent 1v1 capabilities and masters of escaping? Thief. It has a tough and steep learning curve, but once mastered it feels pretty good…

Thief is simply unparalleled when it comes to mobility. We can travel across most PvP maps faster than any other professions. Our 1v1 capabilities are quite good, if played well that is. And our escapability is far ahead of the others. But holding a point? Not so much…

A good thief against a not so coordinated group can pretty much carry the match by decapping, back capping, turning team fights and getting buffs. But this require the thief to have very high awareness and keep good track of his own team and the enemy team. Good knowledge of the map and its mechanics (like buffs on temple) are a must if you want to carry.

All current meta thief builds are pretty strong, and will stay as is after patch. If you are up to the task of learning other professions key skills (what to interrupt, evade and so on) and animations, all maps and their mechanics, how to rotate and how to generally stay alive on a profession that will melt with any focus in fights – then thief is the profession for you.

Hope this helped, and best of luck!

Edit: Didn’t catch the part where you said you didn’t want thief, but my opinion stand. Thief sounds what you are looking for.

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Here is a suggestion I could have made but failed to do so….


What I do is spectate, watch a class I am interested in trying a particular build or I am looking for something “different” than what I have played. I switch players, switch matches, servers, etc., til I find something. I check their playstyle. If it is something I think is interesting/good/whatever, I screenshot their traits, their gear choices, their choice in heal, utilities and elite.

Now I may never play it. But I have it all screenshotted in my library O screenshots if I decide to give it a test.

Careful with this one…you can only spectate in Hot Join and the builds/players you find there are somewhat less than reliable. Just be sure to remember that Hot Join is optimal for people learning a class or testing a new build, so don’t expect to get the best example of how a class plays from observing there.

However, watching popular streams/youtube videos can be much more helpful.

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Here is a suggestion I could have made but failed to do so….


What I do is spectate, watch a class I am interested in trying a particular build or I am looking for something “different” than what I have played. I switch players, switch matches, servers, etc., til I find something. I check their playstyle. If it is something I think is interesting/good/whatever, I screenshot their traits, their gear choices, their choice in heal, utilities and elite.

Now I may never play it. But I have it all screenshotted in my library O screenshots if I decide to give it a test.

Careful with this one…you can only spectate in Hot Join and the builds/players you find there are somewhat less than reliable. Just be sure to remember that Hot Join is optimal for people learning a class or testing a new build, so don’t expect to get the best example of how a class plays from observing there.

However, watching popular streams/youtube videos can be much more helpful.

And this is why you find something you like and give it a test to see if it is a fit. Then you take it live.

I find nothing more boring than watching twitch streams. I also find meta vs anti-meta boring as hell.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


there’s only one answer here, he hates thief, so it’s ele for him. they are the strongest 1v1 classes in tpvp atm

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: chaosmike.8405


ele and engi (not turret) imo. Especially their more standard builds. Both are good at 1v1 and can survive well 1v2. Both have some access to speed and have ways of escaping fights. And both can support mid and can even tank if the the primary tank goes down.

Actually warrior would fit too, they’re just not as supportive.

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Play engineer or warrior. I think these will be the best after September 9.

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Michaeas Magister.1589

Michaeas Magister.1589

Well, considering that the two winning teams in the Tournament of Legends 2 each had Elementalists and Engineers on them (one team had two Elementalists and one Engineer while the other had two Engineers and one Elementalist), I would say that both of those professions would be a good choice for you.

Both of them have the mobility, disengage, support, and the ability to wreck face that you are looking for in a profession. They also have access to more skills than any of the other professions do, so you never really have to worry about being caught with everything being on cooldown the way other professions do.

Either would be a solid choice for you based off of your criteria.


It’s as I have always said,
“You can get more results with a kind word and a big stick,
than you can with merely a kind word.”

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: adozu.6398


warrior should be a great fit, especially IF gs is any good after patch (hard to tell now)

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: BrandyBiscuits.2873


thanks for the feedback guys! i might consider elementalist now.

could i get more opions too? it’ll probably help other people who are viewing this thread as well.

oh and how does s/f , d/d and staff lee fair in tpvp matches and solo q’s????

and I’m also guessing if i hadn’t put thief as a class i didn’t want I’m pretty sure it will be a class that will be recommended, what will be the new meta for thieves? d/p?

and how does a power ranger fair post patch? will it slowly shift into the meta????

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: tanztante.6532


only time will tell. if any of the competitive teams run ranger, then it probably will be. we’re all mindless pugs controlled by lord helseth anyway

Ayaílla ~all is [vain]

ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]

Dilemma, I'm fed up of deciding! Help Me!

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


and how does a power ranger fair post patch? will it slowly shift into the meta????

Is it possible? Maybe…but don’t hold your breath.

Power builds are still typically at a disadvantage to condi builds unless they have a lot of inherent defense (warriors and thieves) and since power rangers rely so much on the strengths of the longbow, they aren’t particularly good at keeping a point contested compared to something like a warrior.

But I hope I’m wrong on this…