Disable full premade for unranked

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Pecar.1236


today in 15 games again and again full premade and lose 1-100/500 diasble this or lower limit for unraked for 3 people

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


I hope they will remove any kind of premades from Ranked/Unranked, if Guilds (premades!) will have their own que…

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: aggelos r.5387

aggelos r.5387

i undrestand i guilds have they own q for rank arena, but why in unranked, unrank arena is to learn the game to test builds lose or win doesnt matters

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: dday.9532


I think they should remove the ability to solo queue into ranked queue… but remove team queue from ranked? I don’t think I agree with think I agree with that.

Conquest is made to be played with a team and plays out much better that way.

Solo q needs a different game mode before a separate queue.

Either like a random 3v3 arena or they could even make stronghold only solo queue, as it reminds me more of a fort aspenwood game type opposed to gvg.

Edit: To add to my reasoning, I believe unranked is a place to play with people that are not in your set team of 5, where you can play with your friends no matter how good they are, and not worry about your rating. that being said leaderboards need to be mmr based. And even though this is the case i win the majority of my soloq/duoq unranked games, so I’m sorry you had a bad day of games but they should not remove team queue form unranked.

(edited by dday.9532)

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I think they should remove the ability to solo queue into ranked queue… but remove team queue from ranked? I don’t think I agree with think I agree with that.

Conquest is made to be played with a team and plays out much better that way.

Solo q needs a different game mode before a separate queue.

Either like a random 3v3 arena or they could even make stronghold only solo queue, as it reminds me more of a fort aspenwood game type opposed to gvg.

Edit: To add to my reasoning, I believe unranked is a place to play with people that are not in your set team of 5, where you can play with your friends no matter how good they are, and not worry about your rating. that being said leaderboards need to be mmr based. And even though this is the case i win the majority of my soloq/duoq unranked games, so I’m sorry you had a bad day of games but they should not remove team queue form unranked.

Conquest is not “made to be played” with anything. I’ve been soloing on conquest for 3 years, and I think it’s great. You can choose to play conquest in a team, or solo no problems.

Teams should not be treated any better than soloers. It’s a playstyle that is neither good, nor bad. And there are far more soloers than teams, so it’s quite obvious where the playerbase lies.

If 2 or more people are teaming up, it represents enough seriousness to go to ranked. If they are coordinating to win, it means they want to win bad enough to make them play ranked.

Even 2-man teams should not be allowed in unranked.

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Javonovich.5280


Agreed. And I’m amazed, given the player feedback on the removal of soloq, that Anet hasn’t done anything about it with the big patch coming our way.

Not to mention the disgusting number of 3-4v5s.

(edited by Javonovich.5280)

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I think they should remove the ability to solo queue into ranked queue… but remove team queue from ranked? I don’t think I agree with think I agree with that.

Conquest is made to be played with a team and plays out much better that way.

Solo q needs a different game mode before a separate queue.

Either like a random 3v3 arena or they could even make stronghold only solo queue, as it reminds me more of a fort aspenwood game type opposed to gvg.

Edit: To add to my reasoning, I believe unranked is a place to play with people that are not in your set team of 5, where you can play with your friends no matter how good they are, and not worry about your rating. that being said leaderboards need to be mmr based. And even though this is the case i win the majority of my soloq/duoq unranked games, so I’m sorry you had a bad day of games but they should not remove team queue form unranked.

I’d like to think the majority of players are solo queue players or duo. It’s much easier to hop on and solo queue than having to align your time table with 4 other players.

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Here is what needs to happen:

  • Bring back solo que, make it have it’s own ranked ladder. This will perfectly accommodate the player basis who does not want to play on voice chats.
  • Have guild que be the new team que, obviously has it’s own ranked ladder. This will perfectly accommodate the player basis that likes to play on voice chats.
  • Let unranked que work exactly how it does now. Let it become the new practice arena. Make the rewards in unranked half of what solo & guild are, to deter premades from farming it.
  • Remove the old hotjoin/practice servers and leave private custom servers for these types of jobs. This would also help draw more players in to the private custom arenas for specifics such as 1v1 practice.

Problems solved

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: abclemons.7093


Even 2-man teams should not be allowed in unranked.

Lol. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played unranked as part of premade… Voice comm teams want to test builds and prof comps too.

“Hey guys. I have this crazy idea about a 3 teef, 2 warrior team.”

“OK, dude. Let’s do that in Unranked.”

Koffix (ele) | Koffix Sprockets (engi ) | Koffix Shadows (teef) | Koffix Clones (mes) |
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Sweetbread.4701


Even 2-man teams should not be allowed in unranked.

Lol. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played unranked as part of premade… Voice comm teams want to test builds and prof comps too.

“Hey guys. I have this crazy idea about a 3 teef, 2 warrior team.”

“OK, dude. Let’s do that in Unranked.”

Oh man this 3 teef, 2 warior team on voice chat just totally stomped these pugs with 0 communication, it must be an AMAZING COMP! Good logic.

Disable full premade for unranked

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Even 2-man teams should not be allowed in unranked.

Lol. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played unranked as part of premade… Voice comm teams want to test builds and prof comps too.

“Hey guys. I have this crazy idea about a 3 teef, 2 warrior team.”

“OK, dude. Let’s do that in Unranked.”

Oh man this 3 teef, 2 warior team on voice chat just totally stomped these pugs with 0 communication, it must be an AMAZING COMP! Good logic.

^^ This. The very presence of a premad on one end and the absence of it on the other skews whatever experiment you want to try out. Skill, and even team comps don’t matter. If you are serious about even testing your stuff, ranked is where you belong.

If you have enough time to form a pre-made in the first place, and if you want to win badly enough that you’re willing to coordinate with others, you are serious enough to be on ranked. Leave unranked alone.