Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Disable vamp until it works properly
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
just delete that freakin ebola rune once and for all…it carries way to much (Expec those eles that are a joke already) and prevents ANY form of coordinated dps spike no matter how good it is
yeah i kind of like them to just get rid of it or straight up change it like they did twice before with some of the other runes. They could seriously change some of the other runes aswell like the rune that helps you rez people faster. Who will ever use that?
I started a thread about how it doesn’t make sense for d/d eles to run vamp runes because it’s already an insult how much sustain they have (back when vamp was bugged for them) and how I preferred strength/hoelbrak on my d/d
Was kinda taken by surprise when a few of them justified using the bugged rune and said it was needed to survive bursts. I was thinking, but you’re an ele…..
So many d/d baddies got spoonfed to easy wins.
EU Scrub
I’m actually on strike until they are fixed, because the lack of balancing and bug fixing is, quite frankly, embarrassing to me. I’m not quite sold on HoT.