Who I am: Relative to the hardcore spvp crowd, Im a noob with ~1600 games under my belt, mostly in what is now known as Practice.
Assumption: It is understood by most that Practice and Unranked are for the casual and ‘medium’ spvp players. That is not completely true, but as a general rule, that is the deal. Ranked is more for premade teams that are genuinely trying to compete with each other to be the best.
Now, If you ask me, the only thing worse than losing is the group of behaviors that can be classified as bad sportsmanship. I believe I have a way to alleviate not all but at least a good chunk of this behavior. Obviously there will always just be those people out there, and the adrenaline certainly doesn’t help.
But there are two things that can be done to help.
Stat Tracking: Some people really care about this. This is also why I excluded Ranked., as the point of Ranked is to be ranked. Practice and Unranked literally describe what they are, and there are people who will always care about their stats to the point that, even when literally playing the game modes called Practice and Unranked, they will exhibit sometimes extreme bad sportsmanship. Because of matchmaking pushing everyone toward a 50% win rate, a lot of people say that win rate means nothing, and this is certainly what people respond with when confronting a player enraged about this. But the fact is that no matter what, people will care about this, as long as the stat is tracked. I propose removing it as a tracked stat for the games (again) literally called Unranked and Practice. Obviously the stat has to be tracked for matchmaking, but it can be removed from the UI and hidden. Another option would be to let players themselves decide whether they want to track it, that would at least help with some of the bad sportsmanship. I see no downside to this, the community would be better off.
Rewards: If you win in Unranked, you get 1500 glory, if you lose, 500. That is a big difference. Certainly a cause for the bad sportsmanship that can be seen every day. But what to do? Im sure the devs have thought about it a lot more than I have, but I think I have a good solution. Using Unranked as the example, step 1 is lowering the rewards for winning down to ~1300. This makes Ranked a little better but not hugely more rewarding. Then step 2 is to increase the reward for losing in Unranked to ~1100. Bringing the rewards closer together will pacify a lot of the anger that players have when losing vis a vis glory. You can either leave Ranked as is or bump it up too. The majority of Ranked players do not play Ranked for the glory, they play for glory of winning (seewhatidid) so I doubt they would even care about this change. Practice can be adjusted too or it can be left as is, it is supposed to be just practice after all.
Do you agree?