Hello, everyone! Sikari here with another discussion on game improvements. I’ve had this thought almost since I began playing GW2 but more than ever, I feel like it may be the best direction for the game. I’ll highlight the basic idea and then give my list of pros and cons, so people see why exactly I suggest this change. Please feel free to add your comments and criticisms, but keep the thread civil!
Two Type of Conditions:
In guild wars 1 there was a similar system to what I want to suggest, though it was handled differently and generally had a different purpose. In GW1 there were different types of debuffs (conditions and hexes) which were removed through different means. I think this idea of a condition type split could vastly improve many aspects of GW2 by adopting a “Condition” and “Impairment” condition type split. As such, conditions would fall into the following categories:
Poison * (A partucularly unique condition that has an impairment effect.)
Change Purpose:
This change is being suggested for multiple reasons. The first reason is to enable developers to handle incoming condition damage and removal more easily. Condition (damage) removal would become more streamlined and easier to calculate. For players, this means smart use of removals (which would likely be reduced in net) would have more impact and less risk of being blocked by (seemingly) random effects such as a short duration cripple or vulnerability found on many common attacks. This also increases how noticeable a strong anti-condition play was as the impact of ability usage is easier to gauge and watch (for streaming/viewer purposes).
The next reason is to empower (though, this could also mean a possible nerf to Chill and Weakness) “Impairments” that are intended to be the offensive equivalent to boons by reducing how often they are cleared compared to now, which has become noticeable as condition clear hit a power creep to combat the growing condition spam in the game. As it stands, in most cases, condition duration is a pointless stat because condition removal has had to become so powerful in order to ensure offensive conditions are at least removed at some points.
A less obvious, but in my opinion, very important role that this change plays is allowing more diversification in skills. This allows developers to create more unique skills by splitting up how removal is handled. For example, a skill that once removed 3 conditions may remove 2 conditions or 1 condition and an impairment, and so on. This allows traits to be created that create interesting decisions between removing (personally) or supporting allies in removing damage versus allowing them to be more effective fighters by removing impairments.
The overall goal is to put more play and build power into the hands of the player by allowing skills to more accurately do what they are intended to do, whether it is avoiding damage or shrugging off impairments to remain effective fighters. In another sense, this is another step to move away from the “one build does all” to also add an additional consideration to a bunker or support build.
Handling the change:
While condition application has admittedly grown vastly out of hand, condition removal has, too, as a necessary evil. Many skills would need to be reworked to chose either impairment removal or condition removal, ideally with a healthy mix of both to chose from for each class, with some classes having stronger preferences for flavor.
Some examples would be:
Plague Signet – Transfers up to 1 condition and 1 impairment from nearby allies to the Necromancer every 3 seconds. Use: Transfer 2 conditions and 2 impairments to the enemy.
Empathetic bond: Your pet takes 2 conditions from the ranger every 8 seconds.
Brawler’s Recovery: Removes one impairment when swapping weapons.
And so on.
Considerations: What I consider a pro and a con may differ to other people, but these are my thoughts on adopting a two-type condition system.
- Skills more defined and reactive for specific uses.
- Gives more options for building toward specific roles.
- Allows impairments to have more impact, more similar to boons without being constantly washed off due to high removal to combat damage conditions.
- Game play is more understandable to watch, and a strong play is more noticeable.
- Breaks up some condition defense to be less all-encompassing (a major part of the high bunker DPS).
- Weakens the impact of Condition damage by making it less hap-hazard to remove, especially in multi-man fights.
- Lessens the impact of condition-bias, favoring classes that can handle many conditions over classes that focus on only a few.
- In one sense, more complex, needing to know what skills are used for what types of conditions.
-In another sense, dampens the “skill” factor (though, I use this lightly because of the nature of today’s spam) of condition coverage.
- Risk that the condition and impairment removal changes are not handled correctly, leaving removal lopsided and untested by developers.
- Risk some people just simply may prefer the one-size-fits-all model for condition removal.
Let me know what you think on this topic, I’m really interested in hearing what other major PVPers think about the pros and cons of this type of removal model, as opposed to how it is now.
Note: Conditions and Impairments would need to be grouped separately, possibly separated by an empty space on the bar for easier tracking.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)